Transitioners support thread

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Protein is my enemy! Co- washes are my best friend and they never were before. I'm frustrated my the lack of moisture but determined to find the solution. 14 weeks!?!? that was sooooooo LONG AGO!

I've stopped counting the weeks. I am 9 months into this. My last relaxer was on April 17 2007. Girls you can do this. It's all about finding the right products. Walk away from protein for a while or only use it on the relaxed parts.

I ONLY DETANGLE laying on my back in the bath tub with my hair submerged in the water In the shower does not work for me, my hair is too serious and just laughs at the attempt. But Under the water. It's like Mermaid hair and the comb is best friends with my hair.

Try it...You'll e happy.

I have to agree with Mook's statement 100%! My hair does not like protein at all anymore. I've been transitioning since 7/06, and I never thought that I could hang in here this long until I found out what works for me. I've found out that a lot more products have protein in them than I thought. Also, the cheapie conditioners really do not work for me either. The Elucence MB conditioner was well worth the money for me. It has made a tremendous difference during my transition.
lil morenita,

i'm using ors hair mayonnaise for protein and sometimes apoghee. I stopped doing only con washes with Humectress, because when I would try to detangle in the shower it would just stretch and snap and feel mushy and gross. :nono:

I will try to have patience, and hope that it will get better...:ohwell:
lil morenita,

i'm using ors hair mayonnaise for protein and sometimes apoghee. I stopped doing only con washes with Humectress, because when I would try to detangle in the shower it would just stretch and snap and feel mushy and gross. :nono:

I will try to have patience, and hope that it will get better...:ohwell:

Hm.. how often do you use protein. i use the ors mayo as well. not often but i do...but i try to at least every other week or so. but i was told (by whip) to use the aphogee just once a month.

When you say mushy. what exactly do you mean?
Protein is my enemy! Co- washes are my best friend and they never were before. I'm frustrated my the lack of moisture but determined to find the solution. 14 weeks!?!? that was sooooooo LONG AGO!

I've stopped counting the weeks. I am 9 months into this. My last relaxer was on April 17 2007. Girls you can do this. It's all about finding the right products. Walk away from protein for a while or only use it on the relaxed parts.

I ONLY DETANGLE laying on my back in the bath tub with my hair submerged in the water In the shower does not work for me, my hair is too serious and just laughs at the attempt. But Under the water. It's like Mermaid hair and the comb is best friends with my hair.

Try it...You'll e happy.

Shoot! I wish I had a bathtub:wallbash: wait... who do I know with a tub?:scratchch:lachen:
Hm.. how often do you use protein. i use the ors mayo as well. not often but i do...but i try to at least every other week or so. but i was told (by whip) to use the aphogee just once a month.

When you say mushy. what exactly do you mean?

mushy and stretchy, as in, I can stretch a strand very far and then it snaps. its made detangling in the shower very difficult, because as i comb (even gently) i can feel the strands stretching with the comb and some of them snapping. i guess i can try just using ors on the relaxed hair and moisturizer on the ng?
mushy and stretchy, as in, I can stretch a strand very far and then it snaps. its made detangling in the shower very difficult, because as i comb (even gently) i can feel the strands stretching with the comb and some of them snapping. i guess i can try just using ors on the relaxed hair and moisturizer on the ng?

Yea...try cutting back on protein alittle and see what happens. But you know something...i just thought back reallllly hard and i do remember having ALOT more breakage early on in transition. The only thing that kept me transitioning was this thread lol. After a few months the breakage did slow down significantly. But now to be honest i HARDLY have any breakage. Maybe it's the shoc of a different texture that make the hair break more early on? I say give it alittle time..maybe a couple more months and see how it goes. But of course whether you decide to transition or go back to relaxing you know you still have our support!

ETA: In the beginning i SHED TEARS over this transitioning......but in the long run my hair has done a complete 360 since then!
lil morenita,

i'm using ors hair mayonnaise for protein and sometimes apoghee. I stopped doing only con washes with Humectress, because when I would try to detangle in the shower it would just stretch and snap and feel mushy and gross. :nono:

I will try to have patience, and hope that it will get better...:ohwell:

If your hair is mushy that probably means that you are using to much moisture. There is such a think. It's hard to find that delicate balance between protein and moisture. I really haven't used protein since I started transitioning, but my hair really doesn't like protein. Has it improved since you stopped cowashing? Because that may be the culprit?

Not yet, I just washed my hair and so much relaxed hair was in the bottom of the shower :nono: I think that it is the fault of the conditioning washes. I am going to go back to washing my hair just once a week instead of every 2 days like I have been, my hair was doing better then.

Man, I was this close to calling my stylist to just get it relaxed since I have interviews in two weeks, and I found out that like...all of my natural long haired hair idols have "4b" hair but not really (it still manages to lie in 3c-like curls haha, I know mine won't do that) but then today I was pulling at my ng, and looking at aijou's fotki :drunk: And i got reinspired. After all, my relaxed hair is breaking off, but its just going to get cut off anyway amirite? :grin:
I fell in love with Silicon Mix last night. I don't like the smell as much as some ladies. ( To me it smells like Cold Cream) but the results are undeniable. For the first time in Months, I could comb through my hair without it being submerged underwater. I'm not trying to say that the comb slipped through like butter (NOTE: my hair is very thick) but the hair & the comb were cooperating and playing nice like Hilary & Barack were last night.

Rei, I also think you may be using too many heavy proteins.
You may want to get away from Annimal and food proteins and try products with Silk Protein and Silk Amino Acids. Those may be more positive for your hair.
I fell in love with Silicon Mix last night. I don't like the smell as much as some ladies. ( To me it smells like Cold Cream) but the results are undeniable. For the first time in Months, I could comb through my hair without it being submerged underwater. I'm not trying to say that the comb slipped through like butter (NOTE: my hair is very thick) but the hair & the comb were cooperating and playing nice like Hilary & Barack were last night.

I like Silicon Mix for detangling. At first I ordered an 8 oz container just to try it out. I liked it so much that I ordered another jar, but this time I ordered the 36 oz size.
Some of you early transitioners should realize the key to transitioning is treating your hair as if you were already natural. I think those first few weeks are the most frustrating because we're still in the "relaxed" mind set. So when our relaxed products and techniques stop working, we begin to panic. Lately, whenever I'm here, I only hang out in the natural threads, and sometimes I hang out at the other natural board-that-shall-be-nameless. I listen to their advice and try to do what they do. Like a lot of naturals, I wash my hair in loose braids, use more products for natural or curly hair, and try to wear more natural styles.

In fact, I'm starting to get the itch to BC, but I want to wait a little while longer. I'm doing a mini chop today to just above shoulder length. These scraggly relaxed ends are driving me insane.
Some of you early transitioners should realize the key to transitioning is treating your hair as if you were already natural. I think those first few weeks are the most frustrating because we're still in the "relaxed" mind set. So when our relaxed products and techniques stop working, we begin to panic. Lately, whenever I'm here, I only hang out in the natural threads, and sometimes I hang out at the other natural board-that-shall-be-nameless. I listen to their advice and try to do what they do. Like a lot of naturals, I wash my hair in loose braids, use more products for natural or curly hair, and try to wear more natural styles.

In fact, I'm starting to get the itch to BC, but I want to wait a little while longer. I'm doing a mini chop today to just above shoulder length. These scraggly relaxed ends are driving me insane.

Panic is right. Lawd hab mercy bring down percy. Last week was not a good NG week for me...Ghee + S-curl NG was like "no no no, you need to off that Sh*t!!!'' after 2 DC my hair was still actin a I panicked threw my hands up and bought a relaxer....Vitale :blush: I stood up in the BSS aisle for like 15 min just staring @ the box :lachen:

When I got home I looked at the box and was like: 'I can't punk out now, dig deep and get it together girl!!!'

I tried my good ol staples one more time and its all good.

Hang in there ladies :)
Hi ladies I'm going natural and I'm very exited. I'm 12 weeks post relaxer and I've decided to be curious and just take the plunge to become natural!
Some of you early transitioners should realize the key to transitioning is treating your hair as if you were already natural. I think those first few weeks are the most frustrating because we're still in the "relaxed" mind set. So when our relaxed products and techniques stop working, we begin to panic. Lately, whenever I'm here, I only hang out in the natural threads, and sometimes I hang out at the other natural board-that-shall-be-nameless. I listen to their advice and try to do what they do. Like a lot of naturals, I wash my hair in loose braids, use more products for natural or curly hair, and try to wear more natural styles.

In fact, I'm starting to get the itch to BC, but I want to wait a little while longer. I'm doing a mini chop today to just above shoulder length. These scraggly relaxed ends are driving me insane.

I've tried this mindset, but i dont wanna BC for another year, if at all, so i still have relaxed ends as a constant reminder that im NOT fully natural. I use 'Curls' or "mixed chicks' products, or other products for curly kinky natural hair, but i still get frustrated b/c almost EVERYTHING gives my relaxed ends great soft frizz free curls, while no matter what i do to my natural hair, it remains dry looking, frizzy as heck, and not attractive to touch. i feel like i did as a child - like a 'messy looking little girl'. I'm a big PJ so i think i've tried everything 'kinky curly, carols daughter, miss jessies, jane carter, etc'. any other suggestions or should i accept that this is just me and the way my hair is?
btw - my regimine is the usual - oils, deep condish, etc. I feel like my hair is healthy but i'm just not feeling the look.
Y/day was in the BSS and in the aisle filled with styling products, and one whole side devoted to curly heads. So I think my brain was trying to put me in that natural mindset subconsciously, because I still haven't made the commitment 100% to go natural. I think I'll know when I am more weeks post. Only 13 now...
Hi Ladies!
I've finally decided to take the plunge and transition. I've debated it for a LONG time, and now I feel ready. Like some of you, I do not plan to BC, just take it off a little at a time. My initial plan is to try to transition for 2 years. Right now, I'm about 8-9 weeks post relaxer and the new growth is not too unmanageable, though I'm sure that will change as I get further aong. Anyhow, I look forward to going through this journey with you all. We can do it!!

As transitioners we are dealing with 2 textures and need protein.
Personally, my hair does not like heavy animal & food proteins. But my hair thrives when using Silk Amino Acids

Natural silk is the strongest, natural fiber known to mankind. Discovered in Japan and has been used for centuries in all kinds of products that require durability. Silk has a tiny molecule that can penetrate the entire hair shaft deeper than all other proteins without adding any weight leaving the hair feeling clean and non-greasy. Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein. The combination is great.

I did a search and came up with these Silk protein products that have been recommended by other ladies in this forum. Here's the list
Salerm 21
Tresemme Silk Protein Healthy Volume
Motions Silk Protein
Curly Hair Solutions Silk Protein
Finesse Silk & Soy Moisturizing Conditioner
Perfect Results TripleSilk Conditioner
Dove Intense Moisture
Rusk Curlsilk

I am currently using Silicon Mix & love it. I have not tried the ones mentioned above but eventually I will try them.

I also notice that my hair responds poorly to the cheapie Vo5 conditioners.
I've heard a lot of good things about Suave Humecto but haven't tried that one either (yet)

I came in here to say that yesterday...


I've been thinkin of just chopping it early. I've been going back and forth about it alot lately. Im just so tired of doing the same hairstyle and struggling to tie my hair back when it just wants to be left alone. I don't think ill make it to my 18 month goal. Im trying to convince myself to at least wait until a couple more months because i still can't tie it back once its BCed.

I may chop at 15 months since i was plannin on getting my hair in micros over the summer anyway...

How's everyone doing with their transitions?!!
OK, just have to vent here for a second. I am 15 months post today. Like a lot of you I really don't want to chop until I can at least pull the natural hair into a ponytail. My original intent was to not big chop at all, but I now realize I will have to eventually as I am now BSL, and growing my natural hair that long will take a while, and I never thought seeing the contracst btwn my curly/wavy hair and my bone straight hair would annoy me so much.

Ok, I feel much better now . :grin:
I'm going to TRY to go natural (again). I made it 5 months and gave up, but I think I can do it this time. I'm 9 weeks post...going for 52!
Msbrown, we're about the same amount of time post (I'm just over 8 weeks). I'm trying to do a two-year transition with only small trims in between, but I'm taking it a month at a time. Do you have a lot of NG already? I have a fair amount, but it's still manageable right now. Best wishes and HHG to you! And to all the ladies!
im on my 5 1/2 month mark and im tryin to find hairstyles that are not stressful to my hair.

i did the sewns and im wearing micros now....

i guess i'll take a break to give my edges and condition for awhile since i cant think of my next hairdo thats not going to be stressful on my hair.
Msbrown, we're about the same amount of time post (I'm just over 8 weeks). I'm trying to do a two-year transition with only small trims in between, but I'm taking it a month at a time. Do you have a lot of NG already? I have a fair amount, but it's still manageable right now. Best wishes and HHG to you! And to all the ladies!

:grin: Good to know I'm not alone! Natural seems so far away at this point. I have a lot more NG in the back than in the front, but it's still manageable. The back of my hair is much more kinky than the front, so I'm sure it will get more challenging as time goes on. Good luck to you too Tiffchelle! I'm going to need it!