Transitioners support thread

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stilettos said:
urgh, my hair is so hard to detangle. Sometimes, after washing, I let it airdry, and tie it up in a ponytail and I don't brush it until the next wash (I know, I shouldnt) :(

Anyone got any suggestions for a good detangler?

Have you tried Creme of Nature detangling shampoo/conditioner?

That is the only old school one I could think of.
Thanks Blue flower & Imstush for replying :)

I havent tried CON shampoo or conditioner before... but I definately will be purchashing it tomorrow, thanks!
LilMorenita said:
Thanks a bunch for the advice! im definately looking for no manipulation for a few months and also not having to tie it back all the time as i a firm believer that this is whats destroying any length i retain as i transition. im just worried about my hairline. its definately stronger then it used to be however i have a little part thats only about 2 inches long. The extentions that i was gonna put in is more like a short hair style. I figured this would be much less weight on my hair. Am i right?

I just dont wanna take out the braids and have half of my hair come out with it. I got box braids YEARS ago and everything was hair was healthier then. that was10 yrs ago.

Heres a pic:

how much might something like this cost?
That's such a cute hairstyle. I would ask the braider to make the parts bigger around your hairline so the extensions will be attached to more hair. Your hair serves as an anchor for the extension so you have to be sure there's enough hair in the braid to support the weave. If you do decide to get microbraids give yourself a thorough deep condition. I suggest mixing a protein conditioner (Aphogee, GPB, or something like it) with moisturizing butters and oils. This will give your hair strength and elasticity going into the braiding session. Detangle your hair before hand and be sure your hair is well moisturized. Bring a spray bottle of an H20, conditioner, oil mixture to mist your hair if it starts to get tangled. Ask that they NOT comb through your hair with the fine tooth comb, only use the end for parting. That's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck.
I'm transitioning as well! My last touch-up was January 10th. Right now I'm doing it with the help of braids, which I've had since April 1. The only thing I hate is that the braids in the front are growing in faster than everyplace else. And I'd rather take the whole thing out, deep condish, then slap back in, instead of re-doing the front for only another 3 weeks. But then again, I really don't feel like getting my hair braided for 5 1/2 hours.
stilettos said:
urgh, my hair is so hard to detangle. Sometimes, after washing, I let it airdry, and tie it up in a ponytail and I don't brush it until the next wash (I know, I shouldnt) :(

Anyone got any suggestions for a good detangler?
I don't comb or brush my hair between washings either. I've learned its foolhardy to try and comb my hair once its dry. I usually do buns, braidouts, twists, twistouts, only when I maxiglide my hair does it get brushed between wash days.

Other posters already mentioned it, but I use CON detangling conditioner (purple bottle) and let it sit for a few minutes then detangle. On DC days I wait to comb after I've washed and conditioned, letting it sit for 1/2 hour or longer really helps the comb slide through. I always detangle my hair under the shower head, fully wet, and I use the Jilbere shower comb.
I've recently rediscovered my Denman brush and it works wonders but that might be because my hair is now more natural than relaxed.
I've been reading up I'm getting pretty close to making the decision to transition. I won't BC though, I'll have to do it by trimming a little at a time.
I am so tired of transitioning:perplexed I am thinking about having my bff help me put in micro braids in my hair (using my own hair) to give me a break. I could kick myself for relaxing both times (july '03 and may '05) Never again!
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I am seriously thinking about transitioning.... I am almost 3 months post right now. Once I hit 3 months I will be in new territory! That will be the longest I've stretcehed for at least over 20 years:eek: I am not quite sure on the whole hair grading system, but I think I am somewhere in the 3b-c, 4a category. I have very dry hair, and it is always a struggle to find the right products. I can't use Keracare, although I like it (allergic reaction) I've done the Aveda thing... little too pricey right now, and after a while may hair just laughs at it:ohwell: I think I would be better with natural products, but again, they all seem to be very pricey. Any and all advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated:D
tld723 said:

I use Shea Butter as a moisturizer. It lasts a long time. I also have been using Coconut oil to seal. I have started using Castor oil as well, especially when I do my braidouts. I also had very dry hair. And this has helped tremendously.
I'm done (for the most part).

I did my best to cut the rest of this junk out of my head this morning. I know for a fact there'll be some straggling ends here and there and i'll search and destroy until they're gone.

right now, i just threw some fast 2-strands in to air dry.

i'm not sure how bad the trim job i did really is until i start trying to style it.....(oh lawdy, my husband said he wanted to go out to dinner tonight :eek::eek::eek: - not much time for damage control).

i won't take any pics until i straighten out what's left LOL.
LynnieB said:
I'm done (for the most part).
I did my best to cut the rest of this junk out of my head this morning. I know for a fact there'll be some straggling ends here and there and i'll search and destroy until they're gone.

right now, i just threw some fast 2-strands in to air dry.

i'm not sure how bad the trim job i did really is until i start trying to style it.....(oh lawdy, my husband said he wanted to go out to dinner tonight :eek::eek::eek: - not much time for damage control).

i won't take any pics until i straighten out what's left LOL.

Please hurry and post pics I cant wait to see it.
okie-dokie. i'm still noticing scraggly bits and pieces of relaxed hair on some of the ends - most of it's gone though and most of it seems to be on the crown :).

gonna have to make sometime to play with my hair without being rushed ........right now i don't :( - later this weekend.

i did some comb coils last night, slept in that ugly blue hair net i have in my fotki somewhere along with a satin scarf ontop of that to set the coils well.

regular poo and condish. used a tiny amount aubrey organics jojoba and aloe condish on 4 hair sections as a leave-in (doesn't leave a film), combed out the hair and started twisting. i also used a bit of gel to set them.

i'm glad it's over and now i can start regrowing a fresh head of natural hair!!!

after taking off the scarves this is what i have:


  • overnightcoil.JPG
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LynnieB said:
okie-dokie. i'm still noticing scraggly bits and pieces of relaxed hair on some of the ends - most of it's gone though and most of it seems to be on the crown :).

gonna have to make sometime to play with my hair without being rushed ........right now i don't :( - later this weekend.

i did some comb coils last night, slept in that ugly blue hair net i have in my fotki somewhere along with a satin scarf ontop of that to set the coils well.

regular poo and condish. used a tiny amount aubrey organics jojoba and aloe condish on 4 hair sections as a leave-in (doesn't leave a film), combed out the hair and started twisting. i also used a bit of gel to set them.

i'm glad it's over and now i can start regrowing a fresh head of natural hair!!!

after taking off the scarves this is what i have:

Wow! i love it, it looks so nice!! I would love to try this when transition is over

Congratulations on finishing your transition!
I'm still going...close to 4 months. Can't wait till I can say 4 years!

Washed my hair about an hour ago and i was like "Wait, are those my natural curls?!?" Wow! They looked so cute. I've always had long hair but if I get to a year and my hair looks like that...i just might *gasp* CHOP!!!
Thanks for offering advice - I'm brand new to LHCF - I am 9 wks. post relaxer - I think I'm 3C/4A (as my stylist says I'm a good candidate to tranisition w/out doing the BC) - this is the thing - I am loving the growth and feel of my hair since not relaxing, I'm a little past shoulder length (w/ the relaxed hair), but I so don't want to cut my hair - I'm trying to grow my length out while transitionin - is this possible? - right now - I go to the salon 1X per week where he uses the blow dryer/flat iron (ceramic) to straighten - in between I rarely comb and do the baggie method/bun w/ moisturizer and seal w/ Keracare (essential oils) - now he wants to trim 1/8th of an inch next week? - do you think this is necessary? Can I grow to my desired length until my natural gets to (APL - BSL) - or is it best to trim out the relaxer :-(

I am about 2.5 months into transitioning and I guess this would be a little past the time I would be getting a relaxer. The relaxed hair is breaking off something serious:eek: I am doing the Transitioning without BC'ing and I am also baggying the whole head at least 4-6 nights per week (with 7-8 block braids).

Every morning I dred putting on my fall because I know I am going to see at least 75-100 hairs on my counter and night it is about the same. I don't use a comb or brush so that is not the culprit. I moisturize every night, deep condition 1x per week. I just don't know what to do to stop the breakage of my hair??:confused: :cry3:Stop baggying? Trim more of the relaxer off? Change moisturizers?? Has this ever happened to anyone

On the upside I am loving my new texture!
autumnbeauty29 said:

I am about 2.5 months into transitioning and I guess this would be a little past the time I would be getting a relaxer. The relaxed hair is breaking off something serious:eek: I am doing the Transitioning without BC'ing and I am also baggying the whole head at least 4-6 nights per week (with 7-8 block braids).

Every morning I dred putting on my fall because I know I am going to see at least 75-100 hairs on my counter and night it is about the same. I don't use a comb or brush so that is not the culprit. I moisturize every night, deep condition 1x per week. I just don't know what to do to stop the breakage of my hair??:confused: :cry3:Stop baggying? Trim more of the relaxer off? Change moisturizers?? Has this ever happened to anyone

On the upside I am loving my new texture!

There was a thread on baggying a while ago. I think one of them said something about how doing it to much to damaged hair may have an adverse effect? I dunno...just my 2 cents. Ill leave that one to the experts. But what i do know is that although my hair thrives from constant tends to break and shed VERY much when it stays wet for a long time and im manipulating it. So i know for me contant baggying & wet manipulation (besides in/right after shower) equals me having hair all over the place.
O! i almost forgot i had a question lol. I heard ( maybe from here..) that its good to use more potein treatments on transitioning hair to keep it from breaking where the 2 different textures meet. But how often is more often? Protein once a week? every other week?
LilMorenita said:
O! i almost forgot i had a question lol. I heard ( maybe from here..) that its good to use more potein treatments on transitioning hair to keep it from breaking where the 2 different textures meet. But how often is more often? Protein once a week? every other week?

Thanks for your response from earlier. So maybe I should cut the baggying altogether and just block braid at night. I guess I am off to find a protein treatment at the BSS.
Okay ladies

I went and got my hair done yesterday and when i set in the chair the woman convined me to do the big chop. It had only been 12 weeks since last relaxer and she said although my hair had good length it was chemically damaged and badly broken and i already knew that. My hair was growing and steady breaking. I am a bit sad but a bit happy! I have very mixed emotions. She told me it will grow back very fast sine it is all natural and healthy and beautiful. She told me my natural hair was beautiful and had a nice soft sheen. I like it but it definately has to grow on me day by day. I will be posting pictures soon. Thanks Ladies
queendiva79 said:
Okay ladies

I went and got my hair done yesterday and when i set in the chair the woman convined me to do the big chop. It had only been 12 weeks since last relaxer and she said although my hair had good length it was chemically damaged and badly broken and i already knew that. My hair was growing and steady breaking. I am a bit sad but a bit happy! I have very mixed emotions. She told me it will grow back very fast sine it is all natural and healthy and beautiful. She told me my natural hair was beautiful and had a nice soft sheen. I like it but it definately has to grow on me day by day. I will be posting pictures soon. Thanks Ladies

Good for you! Cant wait to see!
queendiva79 said:
Okay ladies

I went and got my hair done yesterday and when i set in the chair the woman convined me to do the big chop. It had only been 12 weeks since last relaxer and she said although my hair had good length it was chemically damaged and badly broken and i already knew that. My hair was growing and steady breaking. I am a bit sad but a bit happy! I have very mixed emotions. She told me it will grow back very fast sine it is all natural and healthy and beautiful. She told me my natural hair was beautiful and had a nice soft sheen. I like it but it definately has to grow on me day by day. I will be posting pictures soon. Thanks Ladies

I would love to see your hair! I'm about at that point right now and its breaking everyday and just not growing like I would like to see. I am trying to cowash more and looking for a good protein treatment (any suggestions???) but I have no idea what else to do with it? I am thinking about kinky twists in the next few weeks
queendiva79 said:
Okay ladies

I went and got my hair done yesterday and when i set in the chair the woman convined me to do the big chop. It had only been 12 weeks since last relaxer and she said although my hair had good length it was chemically damaged and badly broken and i already knew that. My hair was growing and steady breaking. I am a bit sad but a bit happy! I have very mixed emotions. She told me it will grow back very fast sine it is all natural and healthy and beautiful. She told me my natural hair was beautiful and had a nice soft sheen. I like it but it definately has to grow on me day by day. I will be posting pictures soon. Thanks Ladies

Congrats!!! I'm sure you hair will grow out beautifully. I understand how you feel...going back and forth myself because of the breakage from having 2 different textures. But look at the natural ladies here for your inspiration!
autumnbeauty29 said:
I would love to see your hair! I'm about at that point right now and its breaking everyday and just not growing like I would like to see. I am trying to cowash more and looking for a good protein treatment (any suggestions???) but I have no idea what else to do with it? I am thinking about kinky twists in the next few weeks

I really like the Generic Joico K-Pak from Sally's. Works great for me, and it's 1/2 the price of the regular K-Pak.:)
My hair has finally stopped shedding during my was all about my regime!

My mother told me I was putting too many products in my hair and it was too greasy/oily. I came home for a weekend and she did just what she always did when I was young. After washing, she just sprayed some CareFree Curl Moisturizer and put a little DAX grease and braided it My hair hardly broke and the next morning my hair was SO SOFT. So I have continued to use those two products all week, and a little gel for my sides. In one week, my breakage has gone from plenty to normal/hardly any.

So easy! Sometimes less is best!