Transitioners support thread

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ok yall got me wantin to revisit twistouts. last time i played with the "out" was after wearing twists for a few days, then i'd free them. lawd knows trying to detangle a twist and the "out" after leaving them in for days isn't exactly easy LOL.

so i threw about 14 of those jokers in after a wash this morning and used a tip i saw somewhere - using magnetic rollerclips to hold it close to the scalp.

we'll see how this turns out tomorrow sometime, shall it be: :grin: or :confused: or :eek: or :(.
Okay, I took my twists out today. And it looks NOTHING like it did in my avatar!!!:lachen: Then I had maybe 3 weeks of new growth. Now I have 24!!! The funny thing is, I have a section that I cut the relaxed ends off of, and it look GREAT. I love the way it looks on my new growth. I am soooo ready to BC.
Ms_Twana said:
Okay, I took my twists out today. And it looks NOTHING like it did in my avatar!!!:lachen: Then I had maybe 3 weeks of new growth. Now I have 24!!! The funny thing is, I have a section that I cut the relaxed ends off of, and it look GREAT. I love the way it looks on my new growth. I am soooo ready to BC.

Wow, sounds like you're really getting the itch to BC! :lol:
amr501 said:
Wow, sounds like you're really getting the itch to BC! :lol:

An ITCH???!!! Girl I feel like I have POISEN IVY!!!!!

The bad thing is that I really don't want it to be too short. And my hair has MAD shrinkage. What is a girl to do?? I really need to hurry up and put it in cornrows, or get a sew-in so that I can just leave it alone and not see it or mess with it!!! :perplexed

ETA: But then I think that I can just BC and still do half wigs/wigs until I'm comfortable wearing it out. Bmoreflyygirl (sp??) makes it look easy. And that way I'm learning how to care for my hair ALL NATURAL at the same time. I don't know!! I'm so indecisive!!!
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Ms_Twana said:
An ITCH???!!! Girl I feel like I have POISEN IVY!!!!!

The bad thing is that I really don't want it to be too short. And my hair has MAD shrinkage. What is a girl to do?? I really need to hurry up and put it in cornrows, or get a sew-in so that I can just leave it alone and not see it or mess with it!!! :perplexed

I'm the same way! I want to be natural NOW, but I don't like short hair:(
So I'm going to get box braids and try the C&G method until next summer.
Or until I get to a length that I'm comfortable with.
Ms_Twana said:
An ITCH???!!! Girl I feel like I have POISEN IVY!!!!!

The bad thing is that I really don't want it to be too short. And my hair has MAD shrinkage. What is a girl to do?? I really need to hurry up and put it in cornrows, or get a sew-in so that I can just leave it alone and not see it or mess with it!!! :perplexed

ETA: But then I think that I can just BC and still do half wigs/wigs until I'm comfortable wearing it out. Bmoreflyygirl (sp??) makes it look easy. And that way I'm learning how to care for my hair ALL NATURAL at the same time. I don't know!! I'm so indecisive!!!

Great point! I definitely need to get to know my natural hair (what it likes & dislikes)! I'm just not a wig person though....just something about them.:look: I feel ya on the indecisive part though!:)
GoingNatural said:
31 months transitioning?!?!?!

That is amazing! I barely held out 11 and I hated the thought of having short hair, but i have NO patience!

how much longer do you plan on transitioning?
I thought I had no patience, months 6-10 I ran into some major rough patches. After that I got a regimen down that was easy and worked well for me. Now I'm too lazy to change. :) Right now its easier for me to keep doing what I'm doing. I did get the urge to chop over the summer though.
I'm going to try and make it to 3 years and see how things look and if I want to cut then. Hopefully I'll make it to/near waistlength by then, until I transitioned I'd never had long/er hair.

Ms_Twana said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG, MissMarie :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Your hair is GORGEOUS!!!! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

So, do you basically wear protective styles???
Thank you!
I wear buns and ponytails quite often, I workout a lot and its easier to manage that way. I've been trying out different styles lately so I can wear my hair out more though.
MissMarie, OMG !!! You are such an inspiration for me.
I've never posted before on the transitionners thread, but your album made me almost want to cry (so much emotion): your hair is wonderful :)

I'm determined to transition during no less than 2 years now!!! No one's gonna force me to cut my hair, no matter what.:lol:

Yesterday evening I got a sudden urge to cut off all my relaxed ends: it was 2 am, and I do not even know how to trim my ends myself. It would have been such a disaster !!!:perplexed I'm happy I was too sleepy to go to the bathroom.:lol:

Thank GOD I found your album today. It helped me keep my composure and I want to keep on transitionning until I'm comfortable with the lengh.

How long do you plan to keep transitionning ?
You have all my support girl !!!
Checking...I have no clue what month I'm in, but I'm nearing a year!

I got my hair straightened for the first time during Thanksgiving and also got a much needed trim. She took off about 2 inches.

Other than that, all is well. I'm totally in love with my hair, but I have no plans to BC anytime soon. I also plan to go for at least two years!
Go, missmarie! Wow! Well, I'm happy, today marked my 20th month without a relaxer. :creatures Soooo relieved! :) I am still planning to trim the relaxed ends off in April. Not sure if I can make it past 2 years, plus my hair was short to begin with so I think I'm about 80-85% natural right now.

I can't wait to try out products on my natural hair and styles. The first one I want to try (without the relaxed ends) is a twistout and a braidout. Then wash-n-gos. :grin:
New transitioner checking in :wave:

I'm only a month into it so I don't have much to report, but I wanted to check in to join you lovely ladies.


Hey Ladies,

Has anyone transitioned with bangs? I am tranitioning and they are annoying me. My bangs are about 70% natural so they don't lie flat wearing down styles with no heat. For anyone that had or has bangs, what did you do with them while tansitioning? I don't have any other layers in hair. Everything else hits my shoulders and I have no issues with that part.


Just did a mini chop on the back of my head, so the back is completely natural. I was really close to doing the whole thing, but I said no. The front is still long enough to cover it up, so I'll probably get some box braids shaped into a bob.
B_Phlyy said:
Just did a mini chop on the back of my head, so the back is completely natural. I was really close to doing the whole thing, but I said no. The front is still long enough to cover it up, so I'll probably get some box braids shaped into a bob.

Do you have any pictures of your new cut?
SouthernGirl said:
Hey Ladies,

Has anyone transitioned with bangs? I am tranitioning and they are annoying me. My bangs are about 70% natural so they don't lie flat wearing down styles with no heat. For anyone that had or has bangs, what did you do with them while tansitioning? I don't have any other layers in hair. Everything else hits my shoulders and I have no issues with that part.



sorry SG not me. my "bangs" are now officially chin length :S

how bout trying out some flat twists on those bangs or even two-strand "rows"?

wouldn't hurt to experiment - it may be just the ticket.
LynnieB said:
sorry SG not me. my "bangs" are now officially chin length :S

how bout trying out some flat twists on those bangs or even two-strand "rows"?

wouldn't hurt to experiment - it may be just the ticket.

I was going to suggest the same thing! corn rows/flat twists :)
LynnieB said:
sorry SG not me. my "bangs" are now officially chin length :S

how bout trying out some flat twists on those bangs or even two-strand "rows"?

wouldn't hurt to experiment - it may be just the ticket.

Lucky you!!! I cant wait until mine are that long again :(


Ms_Twana said:
Okay, has anyone else found that twistout/braidouts is too much manipulation on their hair??? I did two strand twists last night for a twistout, and OMG, there was hair EVERYWHERE. Then I had a lot of slip with my handy dandy Giovonni Direct. But once that started to saturate into the strands, boy was there (in my best Bernie Mac voice)...TROUBLE TROUBLE!!! :lachen: Oh my goodness, I had to literally rip my relaxed ends apart from eachother. I couldn't get my Denman brush through my hair. It was horrible. I am even more determined to BC soon now. This is ridiculous.

This was my first time doing a braidout or twistout in a long time. I have been wearing a bun, phony pony, or a fall with my hair pulled back in a ponytail. And I put the ponytail in very loosely while wet, tie my edges down, and I was good to go in the morning. I would tie my hair down again at night, and be good the next day. So actually, that was my first time combing my hair outside of the washing process. And I DO NOT like what happened.

Okay, I just needed to vent. Thanks for letting do it here!!!
Dont comb it or it will break and before you wash or cowash saturate it with some cheapie condish.hth
leleepop said:
Dont comb it or it will break and before you wash or cowash saturate it with some cheapie condish.hth

That's consider like a pre-poo right?? I haven't tried that yet. But hopefully, if my stylist can get me in this week, I will be doing the BC!!! :eek: Yay!!!!! :D
boring night at work tonight and i've nothing better to do than to surf the net and caress my naps. i'm thinking gee whiz, my hair's feeling extra soft and moisturized tonight especially since i'm in some dry daggone heat!

started thinking about what i did different this week.

it was the shea butter.

when i usually use it, its on dry or damp hair.

this last sunday after washing and condishing i used a generous amount (dug out a dime size bit, rubbed it in my hands til it melted really good first) on sopping wet hair sections then proceeded to braid it up.

it is now thursday and my hair has never been this soft and held moisture this well! usually i like to spritz everyday since the weather's changed to avoid that drying feeling.

today it felt just a teensy bit dry so i spritzed some of elasta's h2 on it, rebraided and hair feels soooo soft and moisturized, even the ends!

.....not sure how this will work in the warmer months but i've found my solution for dry winter hair.
I'm about 5 1/2 months post and co-washes & bunning have been working well so far to manage this massive NG I got going on :lol:! I'm going to do a variation of the crown & glory method beginning around the first of the year. Hope every one have a happy holiday!:)
10 1/2 months here checkin in!

rain in the old tarheel today so my nice flatiron hair 'do went doo-doo on me.

oh well, had to wash anyway a couple days won't make a difference....

honestly though, i really missed my naps for the past few days LOL!

i'm right in the middle of doing some flat twists in the front and decided to take a short snack break.

how's flat 2-strands in the front and braid-out or twist out in the back sound to you?

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyous Season's Greetings to everyone!

HA! only managed to get half a head done before cashing it in for the night.

lesson learned: start earlier!

gonna keep this til after Christmas - finished or not ;)
8 months post checking in! I can't wait until I get to 1 year post so I can start clipping those relaxed ends. I already cut about 5 inches off and starting in April plan to cut 1 inch every 3 months until I am fully natural (or if my natural hair reaches SL b4 then I will cut the relaxed off at that time)
SouthernGirl said:
Hey Ladies,

Has anyone transitioned with bangs? I am tranitioning and they are annoying me. My bangs are about 70% natural so they don't lie flat wearing down styles with no heat. For anyone that had or has bangs, what did you do with them while tansitioning? I don't have any other layers in hair. Everything else hits my shoulders and I have no issues with that part.



I have bangs and usually after 3 months of not-relaxing I just slick them down to the side with some gel. Also rollersetting them has helped me when I want to wear them straight to the front.
4 months post checking in!

I have switched to no heat since I have figured out how to make my natural hair look straighter aganist my sew-in...

I'm loving my transitioning experience!

HHG Ladies!!!!