Transitioners Club

Re: Joining in

Thanks for the warm welcome

@sassygirl - is your hair completely natural? How long is your hair now?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have about 1" of relaxed hair left. I figured it was time to lose the term "transitioning"
My natural hair is nape length when pressed. The broken section is shorter, though. My "shake and go" is what I've heard others refer to as a "mistake and no-go".
It's very uneven and my hair looks like it's about 2" long.
Re: Joining in

Hi ChocolateCutee!

Thanks for the encouragement. But the funny thing is everytime I think about getting a perm, I remember the fact that my hair doesn't even take to them anymore, so it would seriously be a waste of time.
And you are right. It IS the relaxed hair that's tangling and glueing together something awfully. So, the best thing for me to do is to put my hair away in a weave for now, to give my hair a rest, because it's been coming out something awful.

Hairlove, do they sell that at regular beauty supply stores? I am willing to try anything at this point.

Also, are there any ladies in the club that can get nice looking rollersets without heat, and still have their roots come out close to straight? I really hate using heat on my hair, but I'm just curious if there are other options once I come out the weave.
Re: Joining in

Thanks for the thread link.. good advice in there. I'm still yet holding on and have yet to get the nerve to chop. I've got 8-10 ins. of relaxed ends I'm still working with!
Re: Joining in

Transitioning since April...loving every minute of it. I seemed to develope a good routine right away and I have had not problem working with the two textures.

I think the key is sticking with what works.
Re: Joining in

Once I found the Biolage, it helped my detangling tremendously! Karonica, you can get the Biolage Leave-In Tonic at Trade Secrets or a salon store. They also sell it at Target and know, in the pricey hair product section.
Re: Joining in

I chopped!
I still can't belive it. Last night I got a surge of courage and got truly mad at the tangled mess that was on my head. My wiry 4b hair was not happy with the 2 textures.

So I got up grabbed a pair of scissors and stomped off to the bathroom. I told my hubby what I was about to do, and he said, "I'll miss it". It made me stop for a minute then I told myself, well I'm doing this for me...and started hacking away. It left me with a supershort pixie look (which was way cute but really uneven) and then my husband used his clippers to buzz it down to 1/2". It felt good and looks great.

This morning I got up, went out and held my head high. My relaxed hair always gave me some doubt, but my TWA is up there doing what God intended. I keep cheesing my head off
so I know I did the right thing.

My goal is a BAA and afropuffs (which I have wanted and envied since I was 13).

Wish me luck, and thanks for the great tips
Re: Joining in

Way to Trinette!!
I bet your new natural do looks sharp and you're wearing it well.
Congrats on your Big Chop!!!
i've been trasitioning for a year now so the perm is half way out my hair. i stopped perming because it was shedding and breaking off in one particular area and i couldn't figure out of it was the perm or something i was doing wrong (like wrong shampoo, lack of nutrition etc.) so far so good and i don't think i am going back to a perm because my hair has grown nicely with the changes i made. it also dawned on me that maybe i didn't need a perm if i didn't relax my hair until i was 13 and i used to go for a touch up only 3-4 times a year.

currently i wash/condition and then deep condition w/ cholesterol every week and i have been using natural hair products for a few weeks now. i still used petrolum based grease but i will be giving them up soon as well (hopefully)i wear my hair up on a pony tail so i don't really have to worry alot.
Re: Joining in

I chopped!
I still can't belive it. Last night I got a surge of courage and got truly mad at the tangled mess that was on my head. My wiry 4b hair was not happy with the 2 textures.

So I got up grabbed a pair of scissors and stomped off to the bathroom. I told my hubby what I was about to do, and he said, "I'll miss it". It made me stop for a minute then I told myself, well I'm doing this for me...and started hacking away. It left me with a supershort pixie look (which was way cute but really uneven) and then my husband used his clippers to buzz it down to 1/2". It felt good and looks great.

This morning I got up, went out and held my head high. My relaxed hair always gave me some doubt, but my TWA is up there doing what God intended. I keep cheesing my head off
so I know I did the right thing.

My goal is a BAA and afropuffs (which I have wanted and envied since I was 13).

Wish me luck, and thanks for the great tips

[/ QUOTE ]

Connapputlations on your big chop.
Re: Joining in

Congrats Trinette!!! Wasn't so bad huh??

Hey ChocolateCutee, I have that book, Happy to be Nappy by bell hooks.

Re: Joining in

Oh wow...i love my relaxed hair but I also love the texture of my natural hair...when it isn't dry! Anyway, this thread is making me want to go natural. I'm just scared that I won't be able to take care of it and keep it manageable.

There was one time that I had gone around 6 months without a relaxer, needless to say my last relaxer was this month.

When I did go that length of time without one, my hair looked so dry, I didn't like it. Plus my hairdresser was saying that my hair was breaking because of not being relaxed or something to that effect. Probably wasn't moisturizing correctly.

Anyway, I'm wearing a sew-in currently so atleast be 2 months would have passed before I get another relaxer, if I do.

I just don't know what to do after these 2 months pass. Maybe I'll just keep it braided, I think this is similar to what Zoe does. I don't know what products to use or anything, cause as I said before my hair was so dry.

I don't want to just cut off all my relaxed hair either. I would rather do it little by little as my natural hair grows. Would there be any problems with holding on to the relaxed hair?

I remember my hair was in it's best state before I started getting relaxers. I would get my hair pressed and I had length, thickness...:( I want it back!!!

Someone help me!!!!
Re: Joining in

Hey ya'll!

I just wanted to say that I haven't had a perm in 12 whole weeks! That's like a decade to me! I'm definitely not turning back now!

Re: \"T\" Club

Karonica, I'm sooo proud of u
. Keep the transition going kiddo

Just wanted to report that my transition is going rather smoothly. I did so much reading on "scab hair", well, I'm past that point, so I guess it's fair to say that I never encountered it.

Anywho, This thread is so encouraging. It's definitely my fav

Like many of u, I have to battle the tangles too. Yep, it's the relaxed hair that's tangling, just below the demarcation line
. I started doing intense conditioning treatments (with either Pantene Hydrating curls, Motions Moture Plus or LustraSilk aloe), by applying it to damp hair & leaving it on overnight. The next morning, my hair is silky smooth with mega slip. Tangles don't even have a chance to form
. I don't know how long this method will work, but I'm surely gonna max it as long as I can.

I'm forming a rather unhealthy habit though.... I'm brushing my hair like a bit too much. This is a no-no for me & I know better, but I haven't stopped
. I have to find another way to smooth down my edges... maybe I'll try Hairlove's scarf trick

Question for the air dryers...

Are u still planning to air dry during the winter months?

This will be my first winter transitioning... I'm guessing that I will still air dry... but I'll have to poo/co rinse at night so that it can dry by morning.
.... I'll see.
Re: \"T\" Club

Hey there Peachtree,

I experience no tangles anymore since I started detangling with conditioner in and combing through my hair as the water rinses the conditioner out. Once I'm out of the shower to use my leave-in, no tangles which is good b/c now I used less leave-in!

I will still airdry in the "winter" b/c where I live it it never really becomes winter!

How fast does your hair grow? I am also 4a/b natural since April 2003. But I have only received about 3.5 inches of hair by only taking Biotin .

Thanks for the info Hairlove

I used to detangle with the conditioner when I first started my healthy regime (all relaxed)... In fact, It worked wonderfully. I'm not sure why I stopped... but for some reason I began detangling after applying my leave in. Well, I'm gonna go back to "conditioner detangling".... hopefully I should have even better results than I'm having now.
Re: \"T\" Club

hairlove said:
I will still airdry in the "winter" b/c where I live it it never really becomes winter!

[/ QUOTE ]
Gosh, I wish I could say the same about winters here.
Re: \"T\" Club

Great Thread!! I hope we can keep it going. It would be great if we could get all the tips for transitioners in one spot.

My last relaxer was on July 12th.
Re: \"T\" Club

Any Transitioning Updates?

For me, I'm planning to add Motions Oil Moisturizer Moisture Silk Protein Conditioner so I can get a little strengthening protein and eliminate any more breakage.
Re: \"T\" Club


I finally broke down & shelled out sum cash yesterday for Biolage Leave In Tonic
I'll use it soon. I'm waiting for my HHB to arrive anyday
. That's $35 on 2 products... not much for sum, but frugal me, shoot, I'm still crying
that's a ton of money on just 2 hair products
. But when I see my results, I'm sure that I'll be

Transitioning life is beautiful
No problems
Re: \"T\" Club

Peachtree, what size jar of the Healthy Hair Butter did you try? Sounds like you got the large one so I sure do hope you like it!! I know I won't be letting it go anytime soon. I'm SO glad I found that product.

The Biolage just seems to add this moisture to my hair like nothing else I've tried. I've decided to stick with it even with the cost. I've been diluting it with distilled water to stretch it out. I hope you like it as much as I do!
Re: \"T\" Club

Hey Hairlove

Yep, I bought the large (pricey
) tub! I'm just that confident that it'll yield beautiful results

One of my girlfriends love it. I've used it several times on her hair while giving her a wash & set. Although I've never tried it personally, professionally (yep, I'm a kitchen-tician
) it's a wonderful product
....& if I'm not thrilled with the results, my friend will buy it from me
Re: \"T\" Club

Just wanted to tell you guys that I'm 4 months into my transition. It's been ok so far, however, I have a long way to go. Wish me luck.