Transitioners Club

Re: Transitioners Club/Big Chop

wow.. there's a lot of transitioners on this board.

I'm still going strong, with my last touch-up in March. so far, my routine has been braidouts more so than ever now, since my newgrowth is thick and curly. I discovered a new secret to extra softness while eliminating dry scalp: twice a week I spray medicated braid spray on my dry hair at night and cornrow the saturated hair. Soft, wavy curls are the results... I love it!
Re: Transitioners Club/Big Chop

Thanks, hairlove.. now it's short, so I'm totally transitioned!
I'm now using a glycerin/water spray and tying down my new 'do w/ a scarf at night.
Re: Transitioners Club/Big Chop

andreamaria is signing in!!

I actually had my last perm around April 2002. Since November of 2002, I have had my hair in individual braids w/human hair. Come mid-December 2003, I will be taking my hair down and deep-conditioning for about 2 weeks. After the second week, I will probably get a relaxer. I'm leaving the braids because I just about reached my hair goal!!!
Re: Transitioners Club/Big Chop

DDHair said:
why not go natural?

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You know, I'm not really sure... Kinda scurred actually... Wouldn't know what to do with it... Just might have to look into some natural styles (I just might like it)!
Hey Peachtree,
Thanks for bumping this up. I'm a member although I never actually signed in before. My problem is that I can't twist, braid, rollerset, or do much with my natural hair besides put my hair into a bun or tie a scarf! Ahh!

So when are the rest of the transitioners planning to chop?
Count me in..
Last relaxer touch-up was Sept. 2003. I've been doing alot of Flat Twist-Outs and just keeping my hair pinned up. I pressed it (new growth) once.
I may try the Henna soon.
I'm transitioning w/ braidouts, buns and a fake afro puff (I can't wait until it's all mine. My last chemical was 7/03. Six mths and counting. I'm trying the henna on Sunday.
Wow, I'm still transitioning. I hadn't realized it has been about 8 months since my last relaxer. Hmmph. I wonder when I'll be ready to do the big chop?
Kedala, I was thinking I would wait about a year. Do you have a time frame in mind yet? I wanted enough natural hair for a cute afro puff.
I guess I'm in this too....For 2004 my resolution was to go natural. My last touch up was October 31. Good luck to all you ladies transtitioning. Not sure when I will do the big chop....I've never had short short hair....chin length has been the shortest.....maybe I'll chop in 2 years.
Hey Toni, I was thinking I would be brave enough to do the chop in April...I really have no idea. It's like everyday I feel a different way about my hair. Sometimes i get so annoyed and fed up that I just want to cut it all off right then and there. Other times I'm like this isn't to bad, I can wait and let it grow some more (which is how I feel right now).
I am officially in...My last relaxer was 10/16/03. I've been air drying and wearing my hair in twist outs for the most part. I'm going to the shop tonight to get a roller set. We'll see how turns out.
Hey guys I am signing in!!! I decided to stop relaxing. My last relaxer was Nov. 2003. I will transition for about one year (If I can hold on that long). I have transitioned and been natural before (but I always relaxed). I am pretty much done with relaxers now that I have educated myself on the many different styling options.

I have about one to two inches of new growth now and I am looking for really good condtiotners! My main problem is that my hair feel really dry when dry (I am still on a product search for the right condtioner and a good curl definer) If you have any advice please send me a line!

Oh yeah are you guys updating your photo albums. I would love to see pictures of those of you who have done the BIG CHOP.

kedala said:
Hey Toni, I was thinking I would be brave enough to do the chop in April...I really have no idea. It's like everyday I feel a different way about my hair. Sometimes i get so annoyed and fed up that I just want to cut it all off right then and there. Other times I'm like this isn't to bad, I can wait and let it grow some more (which is how I feel right now).

[/ QUOTE ]

I know exactly what you mean right now I'm feeling weak like I want a relaxer
But I'm gonna be strong
I don't know if I've joined yet or not (I was too lazy to go through the 11 pages to find my name)

but anyway, HERE I AM!

I'm transitioning with rollersets, various curly do's (twistouts, bantu knot outs, spiral sets) protective stlyles, flat irons, and puffs. Basically anything and everythang. Of course, some of those will be impossible once it grows more.
Hi I'm a member I don't think I signed up earlier. My last relaxer was 11/25/03! I'm thinking about dreding my hair after I go natural. Goapele is my dred inspiration. My only problem with dreds is the inflexibility of styling options, which I guess is just really the inability to never wear my hair straight. I have to think more about it.
Hey guys don't forget to update your pictures and let us know how its going.

I'm almost three months into transitioning and am lovin' it!
All you experienced naturals send lines on good conditioning and styling products!
Once again GLAD TO BE HERE!
oh ! i cannot believe i did not sign up to this already .. or did i ? too many posts to check though . So i'm in . I've been transitioning since november. Only an inch of new growth but these spirals are annoying the hell out of me. I bought some hats , so i will put them to good use

happy growing
ms_kenesha said:
Hi I'm a member I don't think I signed up earlier. My last relaxer was 11/25/03! I'm thinking about dreding my hair after I go natural. Goapele is my dred inspiration. My only problem with dreds is the inflexibility of styling options, which I guess is just really the inability to never wear my hair straight. I have to think more about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope Toy does not mind but I wanted you to see someone's locs that demonstrate style versatility.

Toy's Loc Hair Journal
Oh,thanks so much for this
!! I have been transitioning for a little over two months
!!! I plan on transitioning with out the aid of braids/weaves/etc...and just cut inches as I go
! I am so thrilled about the 'road' ahead that I can't stand it
!! I am seriously thinking about getting the BC sooner than what I had originally planned
due to the fact that I am have such a diffcult time 'managing' the two textures at times
this has just heighten my excitement for the transition
my spirits are high
and I am determined to transition
!!! Natural hair here I come

HHG to all and warmest regards!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am transitiong but do not have a routine yet....generally I was 1 to 3 times a week now....and I SUrge 2x/day.

I plan on getting braids sometime when I get some money!