Top Ten Must Haves/ Dealbreakers


Well-Known Member
I know you ladies all have high standards and I just wanted to know what are your top five or ten must haves in a man or things that you will not accept.

For example, I know for me he must not smoke, have a job, and an education. I'm newly single and not looking necessarily I just kinda wanted ideas of what to remember are deal breakers for me. Those three were the first that popped in my head.

i think in deal makers, what i need for him to bring in order for me to think seriously about him.

i am soo picky but i've met a few men that meet most or all (or will very soon) of the following:

intelligence/intellectual curiosity
respects me as a womanist/respects women
has the things i have (degree, professional job, car, etc)
is socially and politically aware
critical thinker
likes to read
active/tries to live a reasonably healthy lifestyle
as i always say, "most importantly, we have to have a mutual interest in me" :look:
Good sense of humor/makes me laugh

i found a blog post i made and the list was sooooo long. i'm impressed by my ability to bring it down to 10 :look: & let's be honest, some of those are multiple things :lol:
Must have:
1. God fearing/ equally yoked
2. Intelligent and educated
3. Respectful of me
4. Financially stable
5. Charming
6. Attractive

Deal breakers
1. Criminal
2. Cheater

There are probably more deal breakers
He must........
Be established - ie already be in a good job/career.
Have a car.
Living on his own.
Great sense of humour.
Knows how to treat/respects a woman.
Financially stable.
NOT Personality Disordered (but I'll have to find that out as I get to know him but it never takes long!!!)

And I'm not asking for anything that I don't have.
All I want is a Guy with a car, their own place, no kids, in school or has a good job, my height or taller and they don't even have to be all that good looking just as long as I can take them out during the daytime lol. I'm not that picky but believe it or not finding someone who has all this where I live is like finding the holy Grail. Lol
From the beginning:

-Be a Christian with a church home and involved in some ministry. I don't have much time to convert you or change you. :look:

-Must love music, have an appreciate music, or be a GOOD singer/vocalist.

-Be physically attractive to me. Pleasing to the eye... for instance: Must be taller than me. Now I am 5'0" so this should not be hard.

-Must have a car (I don't live in NY).

-Must pay bills on time (financially responsible) and be a good example of a roommate (eventually we're living together so I need you to have this together first).

-Must like to go out and not be afraid to take some risks.
Have a sense of humor and be smart enough to get my seriously/intellectual jokes.

This is just a random list. I am sure I have other standards! :lol:
Very funny thread but interesting that everyone list he must have a car

Wow....shows me that I'm not alone, what is up with the mo car having no place of his own having men, this seems to be the new noorm, cant figure out why....ugh
When I was looking these were my must haves or he can't haves:

Must have left the state before--because I travel and Ima need you to be able to come with me sometimes.

The umbilical cord must be detached from his mother---can't do the mammas boy type

Must be in control of his temper

Must have a job

Must be able to read and write

Must have a car

Must not have any warrents out..... I'm not trying to bail you out

Must have some goals for the future

Must be taller than me
In no particular order:

Must have a gottdamn car
Must live on his own (excepting a child)
No more than 1 child
White collar job (and make at least 60k)
Spiritual/metaphysical leanings
No obnoxious humor
No mental disorders
No long-term medical problems or STDs
No addictions to alcohol or drugs
Above average intelligence and humor to go with
Current on world activities/current events/politics, etc
Bachelor's Deg, but Post Grads preferred
In no particular order:

Must have a gottdamn car
Must live on his own (excepting a child)
No more than 1 child
White collar job (and make at least 60k)
Spiritual/metaphysical leanings
No obnoxious humor
No mental disorders
No long-term medical problems or STDs
No addictions to alcohol or drugs
Above average intelligence and humor to go with
Current on world activities/current events/politics, etc
Bachelor's Deg, but Post Grads preferred

When I was looking these were my must haves or he can't haves:

Must have left the state before--because I travel and Ima need you to be able to come with me sometimes.

The umbilical cord must be detached from his mother---can't do the mammas boy type

Must be in control of his temper

Must have a job

Must be able to read and write

Must have a car

Must not have any warrents out..... I'm not trying to bail you out

Must have some goals for the future

Must be taller than me

:lol::lol::lol: these are SOOO true!!
When I was looking these were my must haves or he can't haves:

Must have left the state before--because I travel and Ima need you to be able to come with me sometimes.

Must be taller than me

this... I've lived abroad and you don't have to have more passport stamps than me, but like Jmartjrmd said, you must have had left your state...

I can't deal with a dude that thinks Frankfort, KY is the real Frankfurt...:spinning::spinning::spinning:
--Must be ambitious and following his passion/have a career, be in graduate school (I have my MA and I'm in law school, I don't think expecting 1 graduate degree is unreasonable)
--Must believe in God (doesn't have to be Christian)/be family oriented but ready to be in a relationship leading to marriage/children (no Momma's Boys or men otherwise not ready to cut the cord)
--Must love to travel outside the US (I love traveling and will most likely have to do it for work)
--Must be taller than me (I'm 5'3 1/2, I don't think it's unreasonable)
--No addictions, STDs, or shady pasts
--Must be able to have intelligent conversations about complex topics
--No kids (not even 1)
--Must be an NBA fan or at least be open to going to games with me:yep:
--Must have manners/knows rules of common decency/no crudeness
--Must be able to make me laugh/makes me feel loved, special, wanted, protected:grin:, not alone
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