Top 3 Most Damaging Things?????


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,
Since finding this site last year, I've gone thru some major changes, additions and eliminations with my hair care regimine. So my question is what are the top 3 most damaging things you used to do to your hair that you don't do anymore since finding this site you can also add the top 3 most healthy things that you do now if you like. Here are mine:

Most Damaging
Sleeping on a cotton pillow case with nothing on my head.
Leaving relaxers on for too long, sometimes even using SUPER!
Going too long between washings and treatments b/c of laziness.

Most Healthy
Weekly Deep Conditioning
Switching to MILD relaxer
Most Damaging:

Relaxing wayyyyy too early and too often.
Having highlights and permanent color on relaxed hair.
Not washing and DC'ing frequently enough.

Most Healthy:

Stretching my relaxer and changing my relaxer.
Protective styling.
Most Damaging
Sleeping on a cotton pillow case with nothing on my head.
Excessive Combing
Excessive Heat (flat iron and blow drying w/ comb attachment)

Most Healthy
Protective Styling
Deep Conditioning every few days
Moisturizing and Sealing
Most Damaging
Going farrr too long without a relaxer
Pulling/Combing wet hair without finger combing first :wallbash:
Wearing head scarf too tight at night

Most Healthy
Moisturizing and Sealing
Taking vitamins on a regular basis (body feels better as well)
Not using Heat (the hardest one for me)
Most Damaging
Not moisturizing my ends every day
Not wearing a silk scarf or bonnet to bed
No deep conditioning

Most Healthy
Moisturizing ends daily
Stop using frequent direct heat
Sleep in silk scarf or bonnet
3 damaging things

leaving in relaxer too long

not protecting previously relaxed hair

using heat appliances way too much


do a strand test and for goodness sake woman protect your relaxed hair before putting relaxer :perplexed

rollerset instead
Most damaging:

Relaxing every 4 weeks with a super relaxer, putting it all the way to the ends, and leaving it on for a long time, even though I didn't have any newgrowth :ohwell:

Using really hot heat every day with no heat protectant

Wearing glue in weaves, and not taking the glue out of my hair for years. The only time some glue came out was when I relaxed, whatever glue that remained on my head got covered up with the next weave. The weave looked cute, but underneath it, I had a matted, black, gooey glue afro :perplexed
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Most damaging:

Relaxing every 4 weeks with a super relaxer, putting it all the way to the ends, and leaving it on for a long time, even though I didn't have any newgrowth :ohwell:

Using really hot heat every day with no heat protectant

Wearing glue in weaves, and not taking the glue out of my hair for years. The only time some glue came out was when I relaxed, whatever glue that remained on my head got covered up with the next weave. The weave looked cute, but underneath it, I had a matted, black, gooey glue afro :perplexed

Wow! Seriously? How did you wash your hair or get a comb thru it?
Most Damaging
Not putting hair up in a scarf at night
Using flat iron
Relaxing too much (every 6 wks)

Most Healthy
DCing and moisturizing ends
Stretching relaxers
Reducing/eliminating flat iron
combing dry & wet hair with smallest toothed comb i could find
flat ironing entire hair with grease
only moisturizing the hair that was seen (neglecting the back and middle)

rollersetting and flat ironing roots only
moisturizing in sections
listening to hair needs
Wow! Seriously? How did you wash your hair or get a comb thru it?

The only time I washed was when I relaxed, and I didn't comb it. I figured ''What's the point? I'm gonna cover it up anyway'' :ohwell: Every blue moon when I DID comb it, I just raked a comb through it without using any oil or conditioner. I lost a lot of hair, but I didn't care cause it was just going to get covered up with another weave **hanging head in shame**
Most Damaging:
Relaxing every 6 weeks and leaving the relaxer on too long
Letting stylists have their way with my hair
Not moisturizng at all

Going chemical free
Protective styling
Moisturizing and sealing daily
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The only time I washed was when I relaxed, and I didn't comb it. I figured ''What's the point? I'm gonna cover it up anyway'' :ohwell: Every blue moon when I DID comb it, I just raked a comb through it without using any oil or conditioner. I lost a lot of hair, but I didn't care cause it was just going to get covered up with another weave **hanging head in shame**

No need to hang your head girl, from the looks of your avatar you have bounced back and then some, beautiful!
Most Damaging:
elastic bands
combing with small tooth comb
not protecting previously relaxed hair

no heat
low maintenance

Most damaging:

Relaxing every 4 weeks with a super relaxer, putting it all the way to the ends, and leaving it on for a long time, even though I didn't have any newgrowth :ohwell:

Using really hot heat every day with no heat protectant

Wearing glue in weaves, and not taking the glue out of my hair for years. The only time some glue came out was when I relaxed, whatever glue that remained on my head got covered up with the next weave. The weave looked cute, but underneath it, I had a matted, black, gooey glue afro :perplexed
Most Damaging
1. Not washing my hair unless going to the salon (every 6 weeks)
2. Using blow dryer with comb :nono:
3. Dying/coloring my hair

Best Help!!!

1. Deep Conditioning every time I wash (once a week)
2. Stretching my perm till when I feel its ready (8-9 weeks)
3. Doobies!!!! (rollersets)
Hello Ladies,
Since finding this site last year, I've gone thru some major changes, additions and eliminations with my hair care regimine. So my question is what are the top 3 most damaging things you used to do to your hair that you don't do anymore since finding this site you can also add the top 3 most healthy things that you do now if you like. Here are mine:

Most Damaging
Sleeping on a cotton pillow case with nothing on my head.
Leaving relaxers on for too long, sometimes even using SUPER!
Going too long between washings and treatments b/c of laziness.

Most Healthy
Weekly Deep Conditioning
Switching to MILD relaxer

Most Damaging:
Sleeping on cotton pillowcase without silk or satin scarf
Too much heat on the hair
Overprocessing relaxer

Most Healthy:
letting hair air-dry
Deep Conditioning
1-tight ponytails on wet hair
2-dyeing hair jet black
3-not combing correctly

1-regular heat use with CERAMIC iron (1/week)
2-deep condion w/every wash (1-2x/week)
3-wrapping hair
Most Damaging

Using heat, especially direct heat (blowdryers, hot combs, curling irons)
Not keeping my hair moisturized
Combing my hair often

Most Healthy

Eating a good, healthy diet with a little more protein, sulfur, betacarotene, essential fatty acids (flax oil, flax oil seeds)
Airdrying my hair in rollersets
Stretching relaxers (texlaxing)
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Most Damaging:

Self-Relaxing- I had very bad technique, so I always ended up with extremely under processed dry hair.

Using the wrong products for my hair- My hair responds better to more natural products. Before I found the hair boards I was using products filled with junk.

Over Manipulating- I would brush my hair hard and comb right thru knots and tangles. needless to say all of my combs and brusher were filled with broken hairs.

Most Healthy:

Co Washing- My hair does not respond well to shampoo. Cutting poo out of my regimen has greatly improved the condition of my hair.

Rollersetting- My hair strands do not like air drying. Rollersetting allows my hair to dry smooth and straight with minimal heat.

Using the right products- I have found products that my hair loves, I beleive that this has made all of the difference in my hairs growth and health.
3 most damaging for my hair:

too much heat
stretching for too long
sleeping on cotton

3 healthy things for my hair
daily moisturizing
weekly wash and deep conditioning
baggying ends
Tiffers, my sisters friend was on the same regimen as you lol :blush: except when she did the perm, she would add a color ontop of it

she started balding...I dont know what shes doing now, but I would hope its something healthier.

the funny thing is when she did my hair and would tell me not to put any product in it so it would flow with the wind....I would listen! Why do some of us let people with unhealthy hair take care of our hair? She permed my hair 2 times and then fell off the face of the earth. With no guidance and no one to slap on the hot stuff, my hair ended up on the washroom floor in 1-2 inch pieces.
Most Damaging
flatironing hair everyday
not tying hair up at night

Most Healthy
Deep conditioning
wrapping hair up at night
sealing ends after moisturizing
Combing hair with rat tail comb 3-5x a day
Blond highlights
Not properly detangling hair after washing and just yanking the comb through my hair losing large clumps of hair:wallbash:

Pre-pooing with light protein (Aphogee 2min Keratin Reconstructor) before each wash
Stretching relaxers to 10-12 weeks
Minimal heat (blow dryers and flat irons)
Most Damaging
not wraping or rollign my hair up and sleeping without a satin scarf
Using flat iron without heat prtectant
Combing roughly through my hair
Washing hair every 3 weeks
Getting relaxed every 4 weeks
Not using Leave in Conditioner

Most Healthy
DCing every wash
Moisturizing hair every night and sealing with oil
Cowashing everyday day
Low Manipulation
Stretching relaxers
Eliminating flat iron
Reducing Salon Visits
Me knowing what the freak I'm doing when touching my hair :drunk:
Most Damaging
Excessive manipulation
Excessive heat (flat iron and blow drying w/ comb attachment)
No deep conditioning

Most Healthy
Oil rinses
Deep conditioning 2-3X/week
Most damaging:

1. "Playing" in my hair--causes split ends and thin, see-through ends.
2. Sleeping on loose hair---matting and breakage.
3. Not enough deep conditioning ---dry hair that leads to breakage.

Most Healthy:

1. Setting and forgetting---style the hair and let it be until next wash. I only touch my hair to oil the ends. Voila, growth retention and no more split ends.
2. Twisting hair and covering with a satin bonnet before bed.
3. Deep conditioning with every wash.
most damaging:

dominican blow outs
sleeping without a scarf

most healthy:

deep conditioning
conditioner washes
nightly moisturizer/oil mix on ends