Tomorrow is my Wedding Day….


Well-Known Member
Today is June 19, 2012 and tomorrow is my wedding day. Tomorrow I will marry my best friend, the man I love, the sexiest most handsome man I know. A man who simply adores me, without contingencies, compensation or any considerations needed.

For those of you who followed my story, no this is not SC and rightly so. He and I parted ways some time ago and I wish him all the best and all the happiest in the world. This man is the man I should have been with from day one.

And in a lot of ways I feel like we have been together from the very beginning. Perhaps we have been…because as fate would have it…we were born on the same birthday. It scares me sometimes how he finishes my thoughts or speaks my words before they’ve even left my tongue. He smiles (dimples for days) when I do the same to him.

At any rate, this union to be is very new, but like a child very much wanted and loved. When you meet your child the day you give birth…you fall in love right then and there. There is no waiting period, no dating period you just know flaws and all, that child is yours and you will love him/her forever.

You commit to cherish and honor that child you’ve created for the rest of your life no matter what. The choice is no longer yours…your heart is on auto pilot. The love of a spouse can be…should be a lot like that. You know it won’t be perfect, you know every day won’t be sunshine…but you also know you’ve committed to stay the course.

To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.

And so it is…
Lol...I actually penned this the night before but oh well...I guess you could say I got a bit side tracked and forgot to post it...hehehe.

Yes I am a married woman ya'll...we is done did it!!!!:grin:
I saw the change on FB, congratulations!!!

I am so incredibly happy for you. I hope your life together is as beautiful as your post. :)
Awww...congrats. I was wondering what had happened with you and SC and how you guys were but now I know. Good luck with your marriage and much happiness to you and your family.
Congrats! I am happy for you!

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Oh my goodness Eliza!!! Im SO happy for you! I didn't even realize things had progressed this far. This is great news. I wish you and your new husband eternal happiness and blessings.