Today's Woman & Cooking for her Man....Yay or Nay

"The closest they ever come to a recipe is in the bodybuilder section, when they tell guys to mix up a few egg whites with some wheat germ" :lachen::lachen::lachen:
In my mind I am Julia Childs. In reality I probably have the cooking skills of a 12 year old. Luckily for me, I have always been with men that cooked amazingly and loved to cook for me. They never made me feel badly about it. Usually the women in my life have let me know how subpar I am for not being a chef. It doesn't matter anyway because I am not a lesbian and am not interested in turning a woman on with my cooking skills. LMBO!

With all of that said, I do want to learn. And I am sure when I see him cook more often, I will pick things up. I can read, so I should be able to follow a recipe. But his Haitian arse cooks with the recipe in his head. :(

Lucie LOL You always crack me up

My 42 year old friend couldn't cook to save her life. Her new boyfriend is old school and wants her to cook traditional PR meals for him. I told her to go on Youtube and find recipes online (I am a visual person so I prefer videos than to follow a book recipe). So far she's been able to cook all these meals and he's happy. So try Youtube if you really want to learn the basics. Don't call me over for dinner tho :lol:

If you have a boyfriend I say tease him a few times with some awesome meals. Lets him know you'll be able to feed him when you get married. I wouldn't do it every day so he doesn't get comfortable :lol: Once you're married though you better cook. Its cheaper to cook meals at home than to order out every day.