Today's Woman & Cooking for her Man....Yay or Nay


Well-Known Member
Ok, I thought I'd share this comical (yet somewhat understandable) video and get a conversation going about today's girl cooking for her man, and the role cooking plays in the modern relationship. Are some of us still following more traditional roles? Is the newer generation of ladies more averse to cooking? Why are men claiming that less and less young women can cook? Just throwing out a few questions to get the ball rolling...

The video brought to mind an old saying: Don't give a boyfriend husband privileges. :grin: So where do YOU draw the line?

Here's the vid:
:lol: in the heels and coat. she's so crazy. i think some women are the way she says but not most women. for now i'm a housewife and i cook and clean mostly but my dh knows not to demand anything from me :grin: when we were dating i NEVER cooked or cleaned his house. i rarely even did that for the first five years of marriage :lol: most women i know do not cook for their bf's.
This is pretty interesting.i didn't get a chance to watch the video. But I cook for my boyfriend pretty often. I cook cuz it's the only way I'm going to eat. I not a huge fan of delivery.

Also of cleaned for him a few times but its not my MO. I'm a messy person myself. I clean tho if I get bored

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Well my s.o and I live together so if I cook he eats (sometimes). I wouldn't say I cook for him per-say but I can't cook for one that's just selfish imo. When he cooks I eat as well.
I'm cooking for no one but my husband. But I don't mind if men cook for me. I mean, I'd cook a guy the odd meal on a special date or something, but that thing bw tend to do where they act like a housewife even if the guy is not even their bf? No.
Cooking something on the one-off celebratory occasion? Cool. Cooking regularly because he's gotten used to not feeding himself because he knows you will? Not ok.

I'll heat up leftovers and order take out. And if he cooks for me, I don't mind helping with the dishes (with a glass of wine and some music on). But I haven't cooked yet...
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I don't cook for BF's.

I agree. I believe that should be reserved for husbands (or finacees). BF's don't do anything to deserve it.

But I have a laundry list of things I don't do for BF's.

Run errands for them
Let them "borrow" my car
What's the big deal? I cook.. and fix his plate too. And he does the same for me. Now, it's not 50/50... I'd say I cook about 75% of the time... But he's not much of a cook. He's limited to steak, spaghetti & meat sauce, and breakfast dishes. I def don't do it bc I have to, but bc I enjoy cooking, and prefer a homecooked meal over takeout.

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I agree. I believe that should be reserved for husbands (or finacees). BF's don't do anything to deserve it.

But I have a laundry list of things I don't do for BF's.

Run errands for them
Let them "borrow" my car

chicks is out there letting dudes drive their cars? NO MA'AM.
I cook and fix my SO's plate and he does the same for me. If we stay at his house, he cooks and vice versa. Now cleaning up after him, absolutely not. I won't do that even if we got married. I don't believe in cleaning up after a grown man.
I don't cook for him often (and he and I currently aren't in the same city), but when we are around each other, most times we cook together as a couple. There have also been many times where I've cooked the meals. I also make his plate. It's just something I've always done. I grew up seeing my mother do it to my father (they're married). My SO doesn't expect me to do those things even after we're married, but he is appreciative of it.
I don't understand the big deal with this cooking thing. I've cooked for men I've dated and they've cooked for me as well.
I don't understand the big deal with this cooking thing. I've cooked for men I've dated and they've cooked for me as well.

I think it comes from some women who try to prove themselves to a man too soon.

I don't see the problem with the simple act of cooking for a man either, but I can see how that (coupled with other things) could be too much for a man who isn't making you his wife, and possibly taking all of these things for granted. Some women may do all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc for a man too soon, trying to prove that she's of "wifey" status. Some men may not really appreciate it or expect it from her without even trying to marry her.
I have not yet cooked for the person I'm seeing but he has cooked for me a couple of times. I don't think it's a big deal if you are in a significant relationship.
I think it comes from some women who try to prove themselves to a man too soon.

I don't see the problem with the simple act of cooking for a man either, but I can see how that (coupled with other things) could be too much for a man who isn't making you his wife, and possibly taking all of these things for granted. Some women may do all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc for a man too soon, trying to prove that she's of "wifey" status. Some men may not really appreciate it or expect it from her without even trying to marry her.

I see what you're getting at. It's just weird to me that people focus so much on cooking a meal but will sex a dude without much thought or consideration.
I see what you're getting at. It's just weird to me that people focus so much on cooking a meal but will sex a dude without much thought or consideration.

I don't do the bold either.

But everyone has their standards.....
I see what you're getting at. It's just weird to me that people focus so much on cooking a meal but will sex a dude without much thought or consideration.

:lachen: I thought this was so funny and true.

When I was single I cooked regularly because eating out makes you fat. It was a reciprocal relationship though. I took care of him and he'd take care of me. And I let it be known that they were on a proposal time limit. If at any point I felt he was just along for the ride it was over. They knew I wasn't dating just to date and neither were they.

Cooking was all I did. I didn't do laundry and things of that nature.

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I cook all the time. I mean, we cook all the time. If no one cooks, how are we supposed to eat? Can't have mcdonalds all the time...and I'm a good cook. My SO is pretty decent too. I wouldn't marry a man who can't cook, and I wouldn't blame one for not marrying a woman who couldnt

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I don't see the big deal about cooking for your SO. It all depends on your relationship. I get the issue with cooking, laundry, basically doing too much and you're being strung along. But if you're happy in your relationship, already coloring, here and there is Ok. I see it more of an issue if you have a useless SO, one who doesn't help you out, but just has his hands out for you to do everything for him and offers nothing in return. That's a problem.

Also, if you cook and do way too much very early on in the relationship and you're goal is to get married, doing all of these wifely duties prematurely may not work in your favor. Then again, if a man wants to marry you, he'll do so. I think the intent of some of these rules are helpful, but sometimes you have to do what you feel comfy with.
If I were in a relationship I was happy in, I'd def cook for my SO :yep:... am I going to cook for someone I just met and I'm not fully sure where things are headed... mostly likely not :nono:
I cook for EVERYBODY....boyfriends, family, friends, pets...okay, not pets.:look:

But I only cook when I want to. Even when I was married (for many years) he did most of the cooking. I was a stay at home mom, so I cooked for my daughters a lot during the day. I cooked dinner sometimes, but he cooked dinner more than I did. He loved to cook anyway, so....

Nowadays, I cook for everybody! I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you like/want to. We have too many "rules" these days. :yep:

The problem is, I cook so good that when folks eat my food, they don't like the food they USED to eat anymore.:lol:
I'll cook for a guy I'm interested in but that doesn't mean I'm pressed - I'm cooking out of love (or the potential for love) rather than desperation and I don't see anything wrong with that.

So I guess I'm saying "yay"
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I have been wondering about the "husband privileges" that some always mention on here.

I guess I give him some "husband privileges" and he gives me some "wife privileges". :ohwell: Different strokes...