Today I was speechless in a Good way *Blush*


New Member
This morning I was really really busy. So in the middle of making phone calls this morning and running around I decided to make some phone calls from my car. In the middle of dialing my friends number. I had an incoming call when I clicked over here's the conversation between me and my man:

Him: Hello Mrs. Green (not my last name) how are you doing?:blush:

Me: Ha, Ha I'm good (I'm thinking ummm I think you have the wrong number)

Him: What have you been up today? (Okay I now recognize his voice)

We: Talked about me volunteering and me getting the hair care class together. Talked about his work, God and kids and my kids and God...

Me: What time you have to be at work?

Him: In 30 minutes

Me: I'm sorry I kept you so long

Him: You know I had to talk to Mrs. Green before I headed out.

Me: Ummm okay well I'll talk to you later :grin: (said with a big smile)

** Okay, maybe I am really special... but I was kind of thrown off.. I didn't know what to say. I am usually not short of words but I was really caught guard.

What should I have said in response?
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I hope it was either her husband or fiance - but I know I'd instantly recognize my future or current husbands voice.

I don't know about being called by the last name of a fellow who hasn't made steps to make that a reality - don't find it particularly cute, but that's just me.

If a boyfriend, etc, had called me Mrs. XX I'd laugh and ask him if he meant to call his momma, cuz my last name is AA. :look:
I agree. Really sweet. You probably felt all fluttery afterward. (is that a word . . . fluttery. . . yes that's how you felt. . . fluttery).
Yeah... I did even when I came in to write the message my mind was still buzzing. Some things just makes you smile
Well....that's, do you want to marry him? If so....don't let this kind of thing get you all flustered. Keep your wits about you. He's upped the ante. It was very sweet. Keep your game tight though. Perhaps he's been ring shopping? Have you two discussed marriage? I hope this is what you want!
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH I get it now! :lol: You were flustered because he called you by HIS last name! I was SO lost for a second!!! And yeah, the avatar definitely threw me off, because I assumed that was you in your wedding dress. But no ring or anything?? I would have said something smart like, "you can't call me that until I at least get an engagement ring!" :look: :lachen:

But I'm not the type to really think it's cool for a guy to call you by his last name until he makes some type of commitment. I probably wouldn't have gotten flustered by it...
Well....that's, do you want to marry him? If so....don't let this kind of thing get you all flustered. Keep your wits about you. He's upped the ante. It was very sweet. Keep your game tight though. Perhaps he's been ring shopping? Have you two discussed marriage? I hope this is what you want!

Yes, I'd marry him but I am working on my dissertation now so it will be a minute before we could be in the same city. I'm about an hour away from him. But you're right I have to keep my game tight because we have discussed some things and am praying that God will give me a clear answer about it.

OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH I get it now! :lol: You were flustered because he called you by HIS last name! I was SO lost for a second!!! And yeah, the avatar definitely threw me off, because I assumed that was you in your wedding dress. But no ring or anything?? I would have said something smart like, "you can't call me that until I at least get an engagement ring!" :look: :lachen:

But I'm not the type to really think it's cool for a guy to call you by his last name until he makes some type of commitment. I probably wouldn't have gotten flustered by it...

That is me in a wedding dress but it was about 3 years ago when I cut my hair for the first tim and did my BC. I was engaged to be married but broke it off because he didn't want me going back to school to finish my PhD. This is a new beau.

I like your come back for me to say about until I get the ring. Although I was wondering what he was up to when I called because he wasn't at work. I will keep ya'll updated on the happenings.. but I do think he is up to something.
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Let's hope something really neat happens this weekend. You know you don't have to live in the same state to be engaged (maybe he's gonna pop the question....ooohhh I'm so excited!!) Keep us posted!