To Nice and Wavy and Shimmie!

Nice&Wavy and Shimmie are awesome!!!!! Never an unkind word. I would love N&W & Shimmie more if they stayed the heck out of the THREAD KILLAH thread! HINT, HINT!!!!! :)

Thank you, my sister and friend! I love you, girl....:yep:

Now, you and FF...know who is the winner...ME, so get ta gettin:lachen:

I'm still waiting for the book...I can't wait:yep:

:kiss: Hey Pastor Wavy...

This thread came just when I about to act 'the fool', now I gotta 'ac'ca' right. Man! :lachen:

Sweet blessings to you and hubby. You're the blessings in my life that I so treasure. :Rose:

I'll be back tomorrow. I wore makeup today.... :lol: Now I have to wash it off... Too much work when I'm sleepy. :sleep: :lol:
:kiss: Hey Pastor Wavy...

This thread came just when I about to act 'the fool', now I gotta 'ac'ca' right. Man! :lachen:

Sweet blessings to you and hubby. You're the blessings in my life that I so treasure. :Rose:

I'll be back tomorrow. I wore makeup today.... :lol: Now I have to wash it off... Too much work when I'm sleepy. :sleep: :lol: are hysterical:lachen:

Luv ya, sis....sweet sleep!
Hello Beautiful Ladies: I came back as promised to thank each of you in this thread that I didn't have a chance to last night. There's a prayer for you at the very end. :giveheart:

I enjoy their posts, too.. :)
:grouphug: :flowers:

I will have to agree with both of you ladies! Nice&Wavy, Shimmie, DLewis, and ShortDub hugs and kisses to you all!!!!
:grouphug: :flowers:

ShortDub, your posts make me "check myslef". You make me think and reconsider me and I love that. Thank you girl!

:grouphug: :flowers:

I completely agree - these two and many others here have been known to bring balance and truth to many a thread.

Hugs to you both!

:grouphug: :flowers:

I do I do love you post are always true and heartfelt. Thank you for your ministry and wisdom.

:grouphug: :flowers:

I love this thread! There's so much love going around :). I too really appreciate the contribution of Nice&Wavy and Shimme and many other ladies on this forum. Always a timely blessing :).

:grouphug: :flowers:

Thank you OP for this thread.

:grouphug: :flowers:

I agree!!!

I've learned so much from all of you that post regularly on the CF! I even formed a friendship with one of the members IRL that I consider a blessing....:)

:grouphug: :flowers:

It is truly a blessing to have A Christian Forum, even moreso to have people of their character around to share their knowledge and wisdom about the Lord. You Ladie's are truly an inspiration! I too appreciate them as well. Thanks Ladie's & Thank you OP for this most wonderful thread!

:grouphug: :flowers:

Nice&Wavy and Shimmie are awesome!!!!! Never an unkind word. I would love N&W & Shimmie more if they stayed the heck out of the THREAD KILLAH thread! HINT, HINT!!!!! :)

:grouphug: :flowers: are hysterical:lachen:

Luv ya, sis....sweet sleep!

:grouphug: :flowers:

I've prayed for each of you, because out of all of the gifts I have, my heartfelt prayers are the greatest treasure that I can share with each of you.

Don't ever give up your faith, neither the fight for it. Keep standing for your husbands (present and future husbands), your Marriages, your children, your homes, your finances, your Dreams and careers.

Most of all, keep your stand for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He's worth fighting for, afterall, to Him we were all worth dying for, which He did so willingly.

That's how much you mean to Him and it's also how much your cares mean to Him to live this life upon this earth. Who else, who better to go to? To trust? To Love?

I'm standing with you as you stand for your husbands. That's the urgency in prayer that I sense in my heart. Even for those of you, now single, I'm praying for your husbands. Because whatever it is that satan has planned to come against them, it has now been rendered null and void. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Praise God Forever! :love2:
Hello Beautiful Ladies: I came back as promised to thank each of you in this thread that I didn't have a chance to last night. There's a prayer for you at the very end. :giveheart:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

:grouphug: :flowers:

I've prayed for each of you, because out of all of the gifts I have, my heartfelt prayers are the greatest treasure that I can share with each of you.

Don't ever give up your faith, neither the fight for it. Keep standing for your husbands (present and future husbands), your Marriages, your children, your homes, your finances, your Dreams and careers.

Most of all, keep your stand for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He's worth fighting for, afterall, to Him we were all worth dying for, which He did so willingly.

That's how much you mean to Him and it's also how much your cares mean to Him to live this life upon this earth. Who else, who better to go to? To trust? To Love?

I'm standing with you as you stand for your husbands. That's the urgency in prayer that I sense in my heart. Even for those of you, now single, I'm praying for your husbands. Because whatever it is that satan has planned to come against them, it has now been rendered null and void. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Praise God Forever! :love2:

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!

For you....:flowers:
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!

For you....:flowers:

You and I share the same Ministry gifts..... "Marriage". :yep: God placed in us here for a reason, to give Him glory and to use us to His glory as Ministers of Reconciliation.

To Marriages...between a Man and a Woman. To God be all Glory and Honor and Power, Forever and Ever... Amen.

"Forever, O' God, thy word is settled in Heaven." and Marriage is settled here on Jesus' Name. Amen.
I've really been blessed by you ladies also! Thanks for what you bring to the forum.
:grouphug: Hairlove, I thank God for what you've brought and continue to bring into my heart. I may not respond to every post and every thread, but I've always been blessed by your compassion and sincere search for Truth and for being a model Believer of Jesus Christ.

You have a pure heart for God and your search for Him is not in vain. He's heard each and every cry and inquisition of your heart in every area of your life and He has more than prepared the answers, but He has also made manifest the Dreams of your heart to be realized and lived to the fullest here on this earth. Watch your Dreams come true, along with the prayers of your heart. God has listened and He has heard and when God Hears, He has Answered with all of His heart.

Blessings to you and don't you ever give up on your faith and your search for truth. Sometimes it 'seems' void of answers, but Hairlove, that is only because God has widened the path for you to travel upon as He makes room to enlarge your territory. :yep:

His hand is upon you, Hairlove and upon your Dreams and your 'Husband', soon to come. For 'he' that will come, Shall come and will not tarry. :love2:

Add Prayer Warriors to the list....

Some people just have the gift of intercession, and I believe they do...

Awww this is an awesome thread!!!! And I agree with everyone else. Shimmie is a sweet and caring person, who goes out of her way to council and minister God's word to people, and it takes a very special kind of person to be able to do that, especially to strangers. While I haven't interacted with Nice and Wavy I am very familiar with her posts and she also has a lot of wisdom and a kind heart. Both these women embody the traits of a person of Christ in how non-judgmental they are and how willing and generous they are with their time and their prayers.

Many blessings and love to you both and your families :rosebud:
Add Prayer Warriors to the list....

Some people just have the gift of intercession, and I believe they do...

Laela, your name (which is Arabic) means "Night Beauty". There's a beautiful love song in Arabic which speaks of love for Laela. It's pure and it's wholesome.

This is what you will be known as to your husband, his 'Night Beauty'. The peace of Night which he can come home to and rest his mind and body and soul and spirit, from the outside world. You are as his 'music in the night', which calms his soul. You are as his tranquil relief in an evening garden, with just the soft, gentle sounds of water that flow in a garden pond filled with fragrance lilies.

You are 'his' Laela, his Night Beauty, your husband, whom no other woman has the heart of, but you.

For whom God has joined together... the two of you eternally, his Night Beauty.

These blessings bear no expiration.... in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :pray:
Thank you, both of you.
:kiss: :kiss:

I must agree that Nice & Wavy and Shimmie are bright lights that shine on this forum. Love you both dearly-
:kiss: :kiss: Thank you, sis.

Add Prayer Warriors to the list....

Some people just have the gift of intercession, and I believe they do...

:kiss: :kiss: Praise Him!

Awww this is an awesome thread!!!! And I agree with everyone else. Shimmie is a sweet and caring person, who goes out of her way to council and minister God's word to people, and it takes a very special kind of person to be able to do that, especially to strangers. While I haven't interacted with Nice and Wavy I am very familiar with her posts and she also has a lot of wisdom and a kind heart. Both these women embody the traits of a person of Christ in how non-judgmental they are and how willing and generous they are with their time and their prayers.

Many blessings and love to you both and your families :rosebud:
:kiss: :kiss: Thank you sis for your kind words.:yep:
Awww this is an awesome thread!!!! And I agree with everyone else. Shimmie is a sweet and caring person, who goes out of her way to council and minister God's word to people, and it takes a very special kind of person to be able to do that, especially to strangers. While I haven't interacted with Nice and Wavy I am very familiar with her posts and she also has a lot of wisdom and a kind heart. Both these women embody the traits of a person of Christ in how non-judgmental they are and how willing and generous they are with their time and their prayers.

Many blessings and love to you both and your families :rosebud:
tlinton, thank you so much. This is for you...

Your name means 'Twin'. And from prayer this is what I receive in my spirit for you.

Twin means, 'twice', 'double', duplicate, perfect match, encore...

Angel, you are 'twice' blessed'

You have a double portion of the blessings of the Lord upon you.

You are one who duplicates the good you do for others. You always give of yourself and of your heart, more than asked or required. You go the extra mile and then you duplicate it without hesitation or regret.

You are a perfect match for those whom you love and in marriage, you are truly perfectly matched, for the man he is. You are fitly joined and unseparable.

Does your name not say, 'Twin'. :yep: That's what you are to him, a perfect twin.

For every blessing that comes upon you, there will be an 'Encore'. The rich blessings of the Lord are always upon you.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
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Thank you, both of you.

Thank you, Angelicus...

You are more than an Angel...

You are a Messenger of Hope, Life and Love to all of whom your beautiful spirit embraces.

You are a 'hug' and embrace that is not imagined or hoped for, but truly felt and gives life and healing to those you hold dear.

You are a gift of shining life, which transcends the cares of this life and in the heart of the man who loves you, no one else can touch soul as you. For as human and angel, and love, you are the gift that brings Heaven to earth everywhere you go, and to everyone you encounter.

God bless you, Angel of Life and Love ... :grouphug2:
I must agree that Nice & Wavy and Shimmie are bright lights that shine on this forum. Love you both dearly-

It is the duty of a Queen to 'annoint' a new vessel before it sets out to Sea. It's she who prepares it for it's journey, it's voyage upon waters to it, unknown.

You Precious Queen have this annointing. The vessels of the Lord which come from under your wing, are newly set forth for their Voyage upon the path of our Faith. It's long journey and a hard one. And it takes the loving preparation and encouragement of the Queen to send these vessels of the Lord, out to Sea.

It's your heart of love and wisdom, which strengthens your husband; for the waters he must tread daily are rough at sea. As he sets sail, he knows he will prevail and most of all return home, most confidently.

There's a worship song by Oleta Adams called "The Captain of My Ship", which declares Jesus as her confidence and the Captain who controls the sail of the rough seas. And of all of the Queens, that God could trust to prepare His vessels to set sea, He has chosen you.

Precious Queen, you are a Precious Gift to the Body of Christ and to those most dear to your life. You are endowed with the gift to teach them and encourage them strongly in the Lord. Continue to annoint and send them out to sea (the path of life and faith). They will return most victoriously... :Rose:

Genesis 28:15

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.
It is the duty of a Queen to 'annoint' a new vessel before it sets out to Sea. It's she who prepares it for it's journey, it's voyage upon waters to it, unknown.

You Precious Queen have this annointing. The vessels of the Lord which come from under your wing, are newly set forth for their Voyage upon the path of our Faith. It's long journey and a hard one. And it takes the loving preparation and encouragement of the Queen to send these vessels of the Lord, out to Sea.

It's your heart of love and wisdom, which strengthens your husband; for the waters he must tread daily are rough at sea. As he sets sail, he knows he will prevail and most of all return home, most confidently.

There's a worship song by Oleta Adams called "The Captain of My Ship", which declares Jesus as her confidence and the Captain who controls the sail of the rough seas. And of all of the Queens, that God could trust to prepare His vessels to set sea, He has chosen you.

Precious Queen, you are a Precious Gift to the Body of Christ and to those most dear to your life. You are endowed with the gift to teach them and encourage them strongly in the Lord. Continue to annoint and send them out to sea (the path of life and faith). They will return most victoriously... :Rose:

Genesis 28:15

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.
You are blowing me away......
You are blowing me away......

You started it, first thing this morning with that powerful word from Jeremiah. I just shared with my babygirl. Now it's blessing her.

Praise God... !

He is doing something mighty in all of us. There is a strong bond and unity coming to the Believers on this Forum. Many who left are returning; many are leaving and returning with a oneness in and with Jesus and not man.

Many will be joining for God is making His way perfect in His Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There will be no more , IMO's nor even IMHO's, but what thus saith the Lord. And the annointing will flow and OVER flow into and surround this forum bringing those to their knees who never believed in prayer nor Jesus, for Jesus is Lord of All and unto Him every knee will fall and bow in reverence unto Him.

Unto Him... and Only Unto Him.

Praise the name of Jesus...

Flow in our hearts Father God. Have your way, Holy One of God. Peace be in us, Holy Spirit of God, Lord God All Mighty.

Father, Heal Marriages.... Heal broken hearts and broken dreams, no matter how impossible or far fetched it seems.

For your arms are not too short, nor ears too far that you cannot bring forth what you hear, in the cries of your dear and precious children here on earth, who worship you and honor you and adore you and need you.

Lord Jesus Christ the Holy One of God...

Father, Heal every and all manner of sickness and diseases. Father you promised "None of these diseases, shall I put upon you that were put upon Egypt....

None of these diseases, In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father, Heal homes and jobs and finances...

Bring in the Harvest of abundance. Release and eliminate all debts and woes and fears of financial despair. Let them know that your provision is always there.

Father, bring peace of mind and safety...

Protect everyone as they come and go. The children as they play; keep them safe throughout each day. Let there be no loss of life nor limb. Father protect each and everyone of them. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father bring in the lost souls...even those who were/are out of control.

Change the hearts of stone to flesh. Give them new hearts that will endure the tests, of the Faith of the Lord Jesus' Christ. Make them stronger to endure, challenges of the enemy to make them unsure that you are the one true God above. For those whom are yours will not be taken from your Mighty Hand nor your Purpose and Plan.

Father, make us one... Keep us one. A three fold cord is not easily broken and with such, keep each heart one with you and never depart.

With full heart and love I pray... In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen... :Rose:

:pray: :love3: :circle: :grouphug2: :circle: :love3: :pray:
You started it, first thing this morning with that powerful word from Jeremiah. I just shared with my babygirl. Now it's blessing her.

Praise God... !

He is doing something mighty in all of us. There is a strong bond and unity coming to the Believers on this Forum. Many who left are returning; many are leaving and returning with a oneness in and with Jesus and not man.

Many will be joining for God is making His way perfect in His Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There will be no more , IMO's nor even IMHO's, but what thus saith the Lord. And the annointing will flow and OVER flow into and surround this forum bringing those to their knees who never believed in prayer nor Jesus, for Jesus is Lord of All and unto Him every knee will fall and bow in reverence unto Him.

Unto Him... and Only Unto Him.

Praise the name of Jesus...

Flow in our hearts Father God. Have your way, Holy One of God. Peace be in us, Holy Spirit of God, Lord God All Mighty.

Father, Heal Marriages.... Heal broken hearts and broken dreams, no matter how impossible or far fetched it seems.

For your arms are not too short, nor ears too far that you cannot bring forth what you hear, in the cries of your dear and precious children here on earth, who worship you and honor you and adore you and need you.

Lord Jesus Christ the Holy One of God...

Father, Heal every and all manner of sickness and diseases. Father you promised "None of these diseases, shall I put upon you that were put upon Egypt....

None of these diseases, In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father, Heal homes and jobs and finances...

Bring in the Harvest of abundance. Release and eliminate all debts and woes and fears of financial despair. Let them know that your provision is always there.

Father, bring peace of mind and safety...

Protect everyone as they come and go. The children as they play; keep them safe throughout each day. Let there be no loss of life nor limb. Father protect each and everyone of them. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Father bring in the lost souls...even those who were/are out of control.

Change the hearts of stone to flesh. Give them new hearts that will endure the tests, of the Faith of the Lord Jesus' Christ. Make them stronger to endure, challenges of the enemy to make them unsure that you are the one true God above. For those whom are yours will not be taken from your Mighty Hand nor your Purpose and Plan.

Father, make us one... Keep us one. A three fold cord is not easily broken and with such, keep each heart one with you and never depart.

With full heart and love I pray... In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen... :Rose:

:pray: :love3: :circle: :grouphug2: :circle: :love3: :pray:

This is where I long to be, in His presence and with the people of the Most High God who desires to worship Him and praise Him with their whole hearts.

In Your presence
That's where I am strong
In Your presence
O Lord my God
In Your presence
That's where I belong
Seeking Your face
Touching Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In Your presence O God

I want to go
Where the rivers
Cannot overflow me
Where my feet are
On the rock
I want to hide
Where the blazing
Fire cannot burn me
In Your presence O God

I want to hide
Where the flood of
Evil cannot reach me
Where I'm covered by the blood
I want to be where
The schemes of darkness
Cannot touch me
In Your presence O God

You are my firm foundation
I trust in You all day long
I am Your child
And Your servant
And You are my
Strength and my song
You're my song

Seeking Your face
Touching Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In Your presence O God
In Your presence
This is where I long to be, in His presence and with the people of the Most High God who desires to worship Him and praise Him with their whole hearts.

In Your presence
That's where I am strong
In Your presence
O Lord my God
In Your presence
That's where I belong
Seeking Your face
Touching Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In Your presence O God

I want to go
Where the rivers
Cannot overflow me
Where my feet are
On the rock
I want to hide
Where the blazing
Fire cannot burn me
In Your presence O God

I want to hide
Where the flood of
Evil cannot reach me
Where I'm covered by the blood
I want to be where
The schemes of darkness
Cannot touch me
In Your presence O God

You are my firm foundation
I trust in You all day long
I am Your child
And Your servant
And You are my
Strength and my song
You're my song

Seeking Your face
Touching Your grace
In the cleft of the Rock
In Your presence O God
In Your presence

Bless His Holy Name,,, Jesus ... :cry:

In the cleft of the Rock... Covered by His outstretched Hand... Protected under His Glory...

Exodus 33:22 -

And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the Rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:

Whose Holy Name shall we call upon? Upon whom do we put our trust? Under whose hand, are we covered and graced by His loving presence?

His name is Jesus...
Bless His Holy Name,,, Jesus ... :cry:

In the cleft of the Rock... Covered by His outstretched Hand... Protected under His Glory...

Exodus 33:22 -

And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the Rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:

Whose Holy Name shall we call upon? Upon whom do we put our trust? Under whose hand, are we covered and graced by His loving presence?

His name is Jesus...

Jesus.....the sweetest name I know.

I will reflect on Him...I will rest in His love...I will be in His presence, one day soon!

I really appreciate you guys threads. They are Biblical not hypothetical like many of the post in the Christian thread. Nothing defeats the enemy like the WORD of God. Thanks!!!!
I really appreciate you guys threads. They are Biblical not hypothetical like many of the post in the Christian thread. Nothing defeats the enemy like the WORD of God. Thanks!!!!
:kiss: Thank you Precious Hurricane.... You are a soft wind which blows peace and softness into the hearts of those you encounter and into the hearts of those who love you...most dear. You are a welcome embrace which shelters them from the storm. :love2:

I thank God for the ladies featured in this thread, as well as Manushka, momi and many others who frequent the Christian forum - you all are a true blessing to me!