Questions about Holiness?

1) What does holiness means to you?

For me holiness=sanctification. To be holy is to be a saint. A saint is someone who let themselves be transformed by the word of God. Holiness is a process, it doesn't happen overnight. We can't achieve holiness on our awn. God is the source of all holiness and It's God Him makes us holy.

2) Are you encouraged by your church or Christian community to live a holy life?
Yes. My Church encourage me to desire to be holy and God put me in a community where we encourage each other to strive for holiness.

3) Do you know anyone in your personal life that exemplifies holiness? If yes, is it a blessing to you and others?
I can't say if someone is holy because God is the only judge of anyone's holiness. But I know a woman and I want to be like her when I grow up.

4) Do you feel as though modern day Christianity has gotten away from teaching and preaching holiness?
Yes and no.
There are too many false prophets who are teaching a watered down Christianity. That feel good gospel is not the true Gospel.
And nowadays people are lazy. They don't want to put any effort into achieving what they want. When someone preach about holiness they just ignore them.

5) Do you cringe or turn away when someone speaks out on holiness? If yes, why?

It depends on the messenger and whether or not the message is from God.
Loving this thread!!

Thank you for this. Holiness will cause religious, outwardly righteous folks to turn on you. I have lived it. It was the deepest hurt but through it all God was perfecting holiness in me. I thank Him for the adversity now. My soul rests in Him alone. He alone is my Source. When others turned on me and left me to die spiritually in my pain, the Lord was there to take me up. I am in tears. I just love the Lord so much. He was using it to set me up for His glory to be revealed in me. He truly knows what is best for His people.

Also, it is such a blessing to be in communication with you ladies, it is good to find like minded believers.

Yes, I appreciate you all :grouphug:.

It's a blessing to know the Lord and be encouraged.

I just found out that a sister in Christ from my old church passed away. She was only 32 years old and died in her sleep. I'm in shock and sad that she is gone, but I know she is with the Lord.

We never know when God is going to call us home but when he does He will know us by name :Rose:. It just goes to show that things in this earthly realm are only temporary...and the unseen is eternal.
I thank God that Holiness isnt something to be "figured" out but the word of God shows us how to fulfill this thing.. People try to make it some complex mysterious thing, but if we are being obedient to the word of God, we are holy!
I thank God that Holiness isnt something to be "figured" out but the word of God shows us how to fulfill this thing.. People try to make it some complex mysterious thing, but if we are being obedient to the word of God, we are holy!

Indeed, the word of God shows us all things....and we should be freely to discuss ALL things for correction, clarity, and or perhaps fellowship. Amen.
My comment wasnt toward this thread, I was just simply stating that holiness isnt hard...I think the thread is very informative..
I hesitated to participte..but here goes:

1) What does holiness means to you?

Well, to me it doesn't mean comparing religious sects or cultures against another (primitive/modern etc.) and so that there is a general morality we all can comprehend but that we should be careful about determining holiness for others. Holiness to me means being set apart for Him. My answer is per my church for our congregants:

2) Are you encouraged by your church or Christian community to live a holy life?

Absolutely. We're centered around the Eucharist and you cannot partake of communion if you aren't in a state of grace. If you don't receive the eucharist, He is not filling you through your body and soul. If you don't attend mass, He is not filling you emotionally and intellectually. We need to avail ourselves of the way He spelled out just how He wishes to commune with us.

3) Do you know anyone in your personal life that exemplifies holiness? If yes, is it a blessing to you and others?

JPII, Mother Teresa...they have passed over and I can commune with them through prayer such that they pray for me in this life. I hope to do the same for others when I pass into eternity. The Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, who always leads men to her Son through prayer for all men. My earthy mother, father, grandparents, many friends and acquaintances...g-dly people, loving and kind. They were/are set apart..esp. my kids' g-dparents.

4) Do you feel as though modern day Christianity has gotten away from teaching and preaching holiness?

Nope. If you attend mass, you hear about it constantly. We go through the whole scriptures in our calendar daily, for the year...then again the next year. Some might find it dry and mundane. The word of G-d has life. Man has no ears. If you avail yourself of His blessings, then you are being filled.

5) Do you cringe or turn away when someone speaks out on holiness? If yes, why?

Sometimes, because I've come across people who attempt to determine what aspects of modern culture are appropriate for me and others rather than allowing the H-ly Spirit to determine that for us. It's usually people who are part of the fringe group of ultra-orthodox, older or just judgmental. For example, there are folks from other denominations who attempt to try and convert me out of my faith where G-d has definitely led me. I pray for them because they don't know what they're doing. There are others who try and say that television, or dating, or club attendance, drinking, wearing pants, xyz etc. are all wrong. Well, anything in excess can be wrong. Again, each person can decide for himself where it is they are supposed to be and if not, living longer will accomplish that. No one can be another's h-ly spirit.
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My comment wasnt toward this thread, I was just simply stating that holiness isnt hard...I think the thread is very informative..


@ the bolded it shouldn't be. However, we have a generation that is influenced and being brain washed daily by secular standards on their morals, beliefs, values, and faith. Sadly, these secular standards are seeping into some churches and Christian homes. When the foundation is crack and no longer influenced or mentioned it's not that simple for all.
Loving this thread!!

Thank you for this. Holiness will cause religious, outwardly righteous folks to turn on you. I have lived it. It was the deepest hurt but through it all God was perfecting holiness in me. I thank Him for the adversity now. My soul rests in Him alone. He alone is my Source. When others turned on me and left me to die spiritually in my pain, the Lord was there to take me up. I am in tears. I just love the Lord so much. He was using it to set me up for His glory to be revealed in me. He truly knows what is best for His people.

Also, it is such a blessing to be in communication with you ladies, it is good to find like minded believers.

!!!!!!:yep::yep: And I'm not talking about this outward attempt to look "holy" and whatnot, but just simply to follow a known directive from G-d (none of you either...I'm just explaining....hold on). When I did, all hell broke loose. And it was the best thing I could have done. At first, I didn't comprehend but later on, I began to see part of the why's. He was there all along and I'm glad I heeded His call in that. Boy, am I glad!!! It saved my life. Now, that is not to say that other christians think I made a bad or sinful choice - some do but they are not hearing from G-d, they are hearing from their own likes and understanding. I couldn't comprehend why G-d was telling me to leave my husband...but I surely do know now. It led me to the full state of grace.

To those lurkers...whatever it is that He is leading you to do and you definitely know it is the directive of Christ, follow it!!! If you are unsure, pray, then pray some more and continuously ask Him. Believe He will give you the answer and if it doesn't line up with friends, family, others...but it lines up with His word, you'd better do it!!! Somebody is going to say, "hey, wait a min...what is she talking about...divorce? Isn't that sinful?" I've explained it a few times. I'll pm it for those asking how this could be G-d's will for my life.
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1) What does holiness means to you?

Walking in right standing with God, being obedient to his will totally commited to Christ

2) Are you encouraged by your church or Christian community to live a holy life?

Yes, I am blessed to be in a ministry that teaches encourages and propels us to live a Holy life

3) Do you know anyone in your personal life that exemplifies holiness? If yes, is it a blessing to you and others?

Yes I do and yes they both are

4) Do you feel as though modern day Christianity has gotten away from teaching and preaching holiness?

Some have, and are too busy talking about posperity and motivationally encouraging people who are not being fully equipped for this walk

5) Do you cringe or turn away when someone speaks out on holiness? If yes, why?

No, I want to be encouraged too life a life that is pleasing to God even when it hurts my flesh