To love or Not to Love? (In the mood to talk)


New Member
How do love a man who has so many inner demons? A year ago I found out that my boyfriend uses drugs and not just reefer. My views on things like that is if grows out the ground its fine with me but the "other" stuff I cant get with. At first I distanced myself from him until he told me he stopped doing it I came back around. Then I found he was lying about doing it the whole time and that should have been it. But no, I'm stubborn, so I went back and forgave.

Fast forward to now, lately I been noticing that he has become aggressive often times than none he is high and his anger gets explosive. He has never hit me but from the way he explodes it seems he might not hesitate in the future. I know he cares for me and care for him but I am not about to hang around negative energy. I've let him know I cant deal with no crackhead a$$ n**** up in my face. I used to think he loved me but he crazy!! I did him wrong when we were younger and I felt bad and he would bring it up always, even though he said he forgave me (Yeah right:rolleyes:) I asked him if I hurt you so bad and if you feel so deeply hurt by it why continue to chase me? What I did to him was tell him the honest truth about everything and he knew the cost of friends with benefits. He agreed and fell in love how can he put that ALL on me when its his body too? HE got caught up and I was seeing someone else, I was under the impression that he was seeing other ppl too. So now all the past is resurfacing and I know that all that affects the current stat of the union. Cuz we can never be right for each other. I need a break, to start over with someone new and not carry this stress and bad vibes with me.
You can love someone with all your heart and leave. Walk away or run like hell honey. From what you shared he isn't worth your precious time. Find someone else with lesser issues and mean streak. :yep: I hope you feel better.