To BC or Not to BC...I'm scared (pic heavy)


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Transitioners and Naturals, GET IN HERE. I need a little support, pls :drunk:

To BC or not to BC, that is the question.
I got the itch but not the courage. I’ve been (my stylist) snipping slowly since my last relaxer almost 6 months ago. I haven’t been to see him in since June b/c I’m afraid I’ll be implusive and tell him to do the dang thing and BC. L

I really don’t like my hair much shorter than neck length. With shrinkage I’m not there yet. But I’m loving my NG and texture.:lick: I can’t wait to be rid of the two textures I have going on.

So, for those of you that have taken the plunge, should I BC or wait another 6 months?

FYI my regimen is super simple, DC overnight w/ AO HSR, cowash mid week with Nature’s Gate aloe moisturizing condish or V05 moisture milks. Leave in most of the condish on final rinse and bun for one day. Braidout 2nd day with YTC leave in, V05, EVCO, and Shea butter mixed together. Braidout goes up into a loose bun by day 4. I don’t typically moisturize throughout the week.

Now for the pics….

Current lenght and NG


Texture shot


2 textures are like night and day


typical braidout


Back of braidout
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I'm not too sure what to say on that. I think it'd be great if you BC'd. You have a lovely texture, but if you're not comfortable with hair shorter than NL it would probably be in your own best interest to continue transitioning. I'd hate for you to BC and then regret it.
Not sure what to tell you because I want to big chop so bad but lack courage as well because I am at my shortest length ever and didn't like it. My course of action right now is to stockpile a bunch of wigs that I really love. That way if I do get up the courage and just go for it and regret it I am ready.
Not sure what to tell you because I want to big chop so bad but lack courage as well because I am at my shortest length ever and didn't like it. My course of action right now is to stockpile a bunch of wigs that I really love. That way if I do get up the courage and just go for it and regret it I am ready.

That pic in your sig never fails on getting me to bust out laughing!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I'm not too sure what to say on that. I think it'd be great if you BC'd. You have a lovely texture, but if you're not comfortable with hair shorter than NL it would probably be in your own best interest to continue transitioning. I'd hate for you to BC and then regret it.

Your words are wisdom, grasshopper:lachen:! seriously, I agree. I'm afraid I will hate it if it's too short for me to BnC(braid and curl). Thanks for your advice.
I think that if you don't want your hair to be shorter than you're comfortable with and your regimen is working, don't bc yet.
Not sure what to tell you because I want to big chop so bad but lack courage as well because I am at my shortest length ever and didn't like it. My course of action right now is to stockpile a bunch of wigs that I really love. That way if I do get up the courage and just go for it and regret it I am ready.

This is a great plan. I'll add this to my list of options. I've never worn a wig but one could be my safety net. Thanks for this!
Stay can always BC later, but it might be too much for you right now since you want a specific length before doing it.
unless your hair is shedding, brittle, dry, etc I wouldn't cut yet.

Thanks. Cross my fingers, knock on wood, no dryness or breakage, and just normal shedding. My regi is working for now. I'll have to get more judicious about moisturizing as the dry winter air sets in. :yep:
I think that if you don't want your hair to be shorter than you're comfortable with and your regimen is working, don't bc yet.

Thanks for chiming in, msa. Think I'll go the distance, so I may have to dig in for 6 more months
I know my bc was a shock to me and I regretted it at the time...I knew I should have waited longer. If you feel you won't like short hair on you, don't cut it yet....WAIT!!!
I think I am equipped to answer this question very well *toots horn*

The first time I went natural, I was just like you- scared to big chop. I really enjoyed transitioning to the point I transitioned for 16 months!!! I admired other people who took the plunge and just started over for real. It was such a pleasure to see their hair go to nearly shaven to their ears in a matter of months. After this long transition, I stayed natural for 6 years and even had waist length natural hair. Got a relaxer last October, hated it, and decided to transition again. I told myself I wasn't going to transition long, but I didn't plan on big chopping so soon and the way I did it! In March I was not even thinking about my hair and went into the bathroom and cut off my relaxed ends! It was jacked up to say the least, so thankfully, beauty shops were still open. I went to a natural stylist and she trimmed away the remaining straight ends and even shaped my hair. When she turned me around to see my hair in the mirror, I was :love: I was so excited, I almost cried. Girl, I tell you it was so wonderful and now I get to see every step my hair takes while it grows out and it surprises me everyday!

Your newgrowth is beautiful and I am partial to big chopping, so I think you should big chop; however, you are apparently hesistant because if you weren't, you wouldn't need to ask. I would not like for you to chop, hate it, and try to cover your hair with wigs, weaves or hats.

I am rambling, but one thing you have to remember about transitioning for a while. When you finally get it cut, it will be shorter than what it appears now and on top of that, you will still have a few straight ends. If you are like me when I first transitioned, I wanted the straight ends GONE and this resulted in me chopping more hair off in the end anyway.
Sorry to take the SHINE off of the thread start, but maybe some of you gals can help me too. I started my hair care journey with Relaxed hair! I cut my hair to half an inch and it has already grown to the tip of my earlobe. I want to go natural now after participating in discussion about the View talking about good hair and Barbara Walters chiming in with her shoulder pad brains and saying that people like me relaxed cause we wanted to look my white.

I also want to go natural because I do remember my texture and enjoyed what I had before. I also don't want the relaxers to gradually wear out my scalp and I end up looking like I stress a lot..if you know what I mean. Can someone please tell me how they would style their hair after growing so many inches like the lady in the thread. I plan to keep what I have as a relaxer and stretch without using braids for now. My relaxer was 3 weeks ago. :-\. Because of LHCF I stretched 11 weeks.
That pic in your sig never fails on getting me to bust out laughing!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I didn't realize that it was joke till I read your post lol

anywho I want to BC to bald but I am not sure if employers would approve esp if one of em interviewed me with long hair lol
I think you should grow it a bit more since it's fall/winter and you can't do a wash and go (unless you're somewhere warm). But if you're not formally ready to commit do mini-big chops instead of trims. I did it and it was much easier for me to let go this way instead of something so drastic. It allowed me to gradually deal with shorter hair.
I say wait, since you aren't completely at ease with the thought of doing it just yet.
You don't want to BC and end up hating it. You'll grow out to a comfy length for you soon enough.
ooooooh!!!!!!! Your ng looks like mine when I was transitioning. I'm excited for you!!!!

I'd take it day by day but ultimately have an aim, thats basically what I did. I was aiming for 18 months and made 14 and a day lol.. If you're not experiencing any problems then keep going!!!

If you choose to bc dont worry, your hair will grow in no time - seriously! Have a look at styles shorter haired naturals are doing and see if you can see yourself with those styles..

Stay away from bc videos on youtube for the timebeing ;)
I would say cut it, but you have to do what is best. If your hair is not breaking off then leave it alone until next year and you may be much happier with the way it looks. Also take into consideration how much shrinkage you will get once those relaxed ends aren't weighing your hair down.
i don not believe u should bc right now simply b/c u r not comfortable. when ur ready the feeling is right. ur hype to do it and not afraid. nervous, but nonetheless elated. give yourself a little more time and when u r ready, trust me u'll just do it! good luck. i love ur texture. i just bc'd on 9-27 and i am so glad i did. transitioned almost 8 mos and it is the best thing ever! already growing back and i want to rock the shorter look a while, but my growth is going to b banging- i can tell. take ur time.
I'd say - wait. Don't BC because you stated you want more length, which you don't have yet.
I am 9.5 months post and I don't have as much length as I'd like so I've set my transition goal to 18 months. Because that's still so far away, I'm not thinking about BC'ing anytime soon. I wonder, "What would I do if I BC too early?" I know wearing wigs or weaves or extensions are not an option for me because that's a personal choice so I have to have enough hair that I won't want to hide.

Good luck whatever decision you make :yep:
I'd say - wait. Don't BC because you stated you want more length, which you don't have yet.
I am 9.5 months post and I don't have as much length as I'd like so I've set my transition goal to 18 months. Because that's still so far away, I'm not thinking about BC'ing anytime soon. I wonder, "What would I do if I BC too early?" I know wearing wigs or weaves or extensions are not an option for me because that's a personal choice so I have to have enough hair that I won't want to hide.

Good luck whatever decision you make :yep:

I've been meaning to ask that your hair in your icon? If so, how did you do look like crownrow twists? The style is great.
Don't bc if you are not comfortable. I've bc 3 time in my lifetime and had regrets because I had no one to help or give me advice on styling. I'm 1 year into my transition today and because of the ladies here LHCF I have support, and advice. Read the fotki, albums of natural and transitioner, I have and still will(thank you ladies). Take in all the great advice you can there are ladies here that have longer hair and transition for 2+ years. These are some that come to mind but there is more; (Allandra, Whimpsy, Blackbarbie). You'll be fine!
Congratulations on your transition so far, you’re doing a great job and your hair looks beautiful. In items of doing a BC, I think you should definitely wait until you’re happy with the length of your natural hair before BCing. It’s a big step which marks the end of your transition and it will be fantastic to have no regrets once done.
Wishing you lots of luck with your decision.
Not sure what everyone else said. But, I say DON'T BC. Just me. I transitioned without ever doing a BC. There is absolutely NO WAY I could have cut my hair. I didn't have any problems whatsoever (shedding/breakage/nothing). Hell, I had never heard of "transitioning" until I found hair forums a year ago. If you are not experiencing any problems then why not just wait. Plus your hair is looking super fly honey!! :grin: :yep:
Don't do it. It looks like you hair is healthy and you know how to style it with 2 textures. IIn my experience it is difficult to work with really short hair unless you are good at doing hair already. Oh. and I BC but my hair wasn't like yours it was a hot mess.
I say hold out for as long as you can. I'm coming up on my 1 year transitioning anniversary and I so want to BC - but I don't know how comfortable I'll be with my length. Right now I'm at BSL and I still have a lot of relaxed ends. But I would love to get rid of dealing with the two textures. I'm torn. I see a lot of great transitioners that have gone the two 18 month to 2 year mark and I trully applaud them. I'll take it day by day once I hit my 1 year mark.