Tired of Looking at Peep's Hair in Church vs. Listening to the Preacher!

Alpha Female

New Member
Since lurking & joining LHCF, I find myself in church paying more attention to people's hair than to the preacher! People tend to dress up, let their hair down, etc. at Sunday church service so it's a good opportunity to check people out. And Lord knows that's what I do! :grin: Don't let the person have long, thick, healthy hair, and be sitting on the pew right in front of me! My eyes are all over them like white on rice! They should feel my eyeballs burning a stare into the back of their head as I check out their ends, the overall health of their hair, the length and thickness, is it natural or relaxed, etc., etc. Boy, I tell ya - LHCF has ruined me for all eternity! Life will never be the same! lol
just scandalous:lachen::drunk::drunk:!

however, I do it too:lachen:! and then I can feel myself get a little jealous:look: and wondering why my hair don't look like theirs! My mind is like... are they getting more special treatment from God or what:blush::lachen:....:nono:
Oh my God I do the same thing. :lachen: At my church it seems as if everyone gets their hair done on Saturday, and they let me have it with their shine and bounce.
You're just honing your haircare diagnostic skills. It'll come in handy later. :wink2:
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Oh my God I do the same thing. :lachen: At my church it seems as if everyone gets their hair done on Saturday, and they let me have it with their shine and bounce.

yes their hair bling blinging is taunting me!!! but hey I have hope.. I am still discovering my regimen so my hair will be like theirs one day!
hmmm... this is interesting because I do alot of hair watching too. There's only a couple of women that do their thing... when they come on sunday.

But there's a larger number of young ladies... that aren't taking care of their hair. I see tracks ...literally, severe breakage and dryness.. thinning edges.. etc and I find myself thinking... hmmm... maybe I should recommend this site to her... but since I don't know these young girls (17-20) I don't bother.
But there's a larger number of young ladies... that aren't taking care of their hair. I see tracks ...literally, severe breakage and dryness.. thinning edges.. etc

Same here, and I think to myself, "there should be a ministry or outreach program for this." :rolleyes: But seriously, if you're ever in a situation where you can share information about healthy hair care or LHCF I think it's a great thing to do. Maybe one day one of those young women will come up and compliment you about your hair and you can share some of your secrets.
Since lurking & joining LHCF, I find myself in church paying more attention to people's hair than to the preacher! People tend to dress up, let their hair down, etc. at Sunday church service so it's a good opportunity to check people out. And Lord knows that's what I do! :grin: Don't let the person have long, thick, healthy hair, and be sitting on the pew right in front of me! My eyes are all over them like white on rice! They should feel my eyeballs burning a stare into the back of their head as I check out their ends, the overall health of their hair, the length and thickness, is it natural or relaxed, etc., etc. Boy, I tell ya - LHCF has ruined me for all eternity! Life will never be the same! lol

Thank you!!! I thought I was the only one who did that!
Great - I thought I was the only one who did this! lol. Nice to know other people are doing the same thing. I guess it's just second nature for us now - once you start working on getting healthier, thicker, longer hair, you're bound look at other people's hair for comparison. It's not bad when their hair is jacked up, you feel righteous! lol. But when they're hair is everything you want your hair to be...but it's not!...you can't help but wonder about their regimen. Since LHCF, I find I'm more willing to ask someone about their routine now if I really like their hair. I'll say something like 'Girl, your hair is gorgeous, what's your secret?' The compliment (always a true statement) helps them open up. But hell, now that I think about it, nobody's given me any big 'secrets' that the ladies on this site aren't already aware of! :perplexed
Wow, I do it too! Except I am eyeing all the bad weaves and ridiculously long hair on little girls. The little girl is 3 feet tall and the weave braids are 2 feet long! Mercy. :/
:grin: Don't worry about it. I do it all the time...especially when I'm on the train. I'm all up in the back of thier head. Sad, but true. lol
I catch myself doing that too, esp when the Preacher start telling his corny jokes. :nono: I know better...

I notice the older Mothers and Missionaries have the longer and thicker hair. Their hair is always so simple but yet stunning.