Ticked At Spouse - Asked To Continue Working


Well-Known Member
Right now I'm so mad at my spouse that I have more steam than a combustible engine.

Here's the deal. We are both scheduled to permanently retire from external work within the next 12 months. This NEGRO had the nerve to propose that I work another 6 to 12 months. WHY? TO FULLFILL HIS FANTASY OF BEING A HOUSE HUSBAND.

Get this. He has developed a schedule which consist of a gym workout from 6am - 9am. Then back home to clean house and cook dinner. Sounds like the perfect house husband role EXCEPT currently he only cooks COFFEE and Spaghetti using bottled sauce. That's it...the total of his culinary talents.

Pissed, hurt, disappointed doesn't describe how I feel right now. I have let him know that he can make plans for his life while I make plans for mine.

So who thinks I should engage in his FANTASY?
Right now I'm so mad at my spouse that I have more steam than a combustible engine.

Here's the deal. We are both scheduled to permanently retire from external work within the next 12 months. This NEGRO had the nerve to propose that I work another 6 to 12 months. WHY? TO FULLFILL HIS FANTASY OF BEING A HOUSE HUSBAND.

Get this. He has developed a schedule which consist of a gym workout from 6am - 9am. Then back home to clean house and cook dinner. Sounds like the perfect house husband role EXCEPT currently he only cooks COFFEE and Spaghetti using bottled sauce. That's it...the total of his culinary talents.

Pissed, hurt, disappointed doesn't describe how I feel right now. I have let him know that he can make plans for his life while I make plans for mine.

So who thinks I should engage in his FANTASY?

Sounds like he's having a mid life crisis? (Ask me how I know :drunk: )

Do you work from home or in an office?
I have reminded him that the bed sheets are only changed when I change them and that I don't eat packaged Spaghetti with bottled sauce. He claims that he will get a cookbook.

By the way, he only shops for groceries if he is accompanying me. He will do laundry, clean bathroom and kitchen, and is really good at dusting light fixtures and ceiling fans. Takes out the garbage and oversees all yard maintenance.

But he doesn't cook or shop for ANYTHING.
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He said, “Imma quit, you keep working”?

I can’t...

This has been part of our retirement plans for years.....we hit all our goals. This is just his FANTASY..... its like he wants to demonstrate skills he doesn't have.

I'm not telling him to continue working.....I've told him he can stop any day of the week, but he says he going to go with the plan........except he wants to change MY date.
Good luck.

What she said. Cuz I'm over here like
I’m really dumbfounded.

Can you just pretend to go to work every day for 6 months and let him greet you like horny cabana boy every evening? I mean let him know you’re not really going to work, don’t lie. But take classes, go window shopping, take day trips, etc.? He’d probably get tired of it before you would.

Oops. You beat me to it.

I don't see what difference it makes to him that you are going to work (vs if you left to go shopping or meet up with friends)? Is it that he wants the house to himself during the day?
This has been part of our retirement plans for years.....we hit all our goals. This is just his FANTASY..... its like he wants to demonstrate skills he doesn't have.

I'm not telling him to continue working.....I've told him he can stop any day of the week, but he says he going to go with the plan........except he wants to change MY date.
I'm married to a Jew so he expects me to negotiate so I immediately read 6-12 months and said tell dude he will get 3 months of house husbandry or nothing at all. However, if you don't want to change your plans then don't dude shouldn't have sprung this on you at the last minute.

I don't want to be "that kinda poster" but him wanting a whole year to have you out of the house for at least 8 hours a day sounds like he's planning something. Ya'll have had the retirement dates set for a while, how all of a sudden when it's go time, here he come with some brand new fantasies that he ain't mentioned before? IONO, you know your man better than I do but this don't "smell" right to me.
I don’t see the big deal personally. Yall are all the tail end of retirement and very well off if your posts are any indication. Idk how long y’all have been together but I don’t see the problem in indulging what is likely to be a one off request. I would play along, but make it very clear you expect sheets to be washed and changed, clothes to be washed, dried, ironed and folded, breakfast, lunch, and dinner prepared along with every other household item that needs to be completed, in addition to being ready to feed and sex me by the time I got home. See how long his fantasy will persist then. I don’t see the issue with role reversal/roleplay but alas I am young and unmarried and therefore my opinion counts for naught in this space. :drunk:
I'm married to a Jew so he expects me to negotiate so I immediately read 6-12 months and said tell dude he will get 3 months of house husbandry or nothing at all. However, if you don't want to change your plans then don't dude shouldn't have sprung this on you at the last minute.

I don't want to be "that kinda poster" but him wanting a whole year to have you out of the house for at least 8 hours a day sounds like he's planning something. Ya'll have had the retirement dates set for a while, how all of a sudden when it's go time, here he come with some brand new fantasies that he ain't mentioned before? IONO, you know your man better than I do but this don't "smell" right to me.....
