This little boy...


Well-Known Member
I wrote in my blog about 2 or 3 weeks ago that I was supposed to go out with a guy I met to the movies. He tried to take me out twice, but he asked on the same day! The third time, I figured 'why not' and we made plans. He never called or anything...not even the next day. So I was stood up. I hear from him TODAY and he got mad and told me I could have called him. That I was not his girl, just a friend, he works long hours and doesn't have time for this crap. Really? I hung up on him before he said all of this and he proceeded to call me a few times, then sends text messages. I don't have time for a late night booty-call.
Girl...that sucka is playing games. He invited you out so he is supposed to call to make the arrangements, pick you up, and pay your way.

Glad you hung up on him...He deserved it!
I wrote in my blog about 2 or 3 weeks ago that I was supposed to go out with a guy I met to the movies. He tried to take me out twice, but he asked on the same day! The third time, I figured 'why not' and we made plans. He never called or anything...not even the next day. So I was stood up. I hear from him TODAY and he got mad and told me I could have called him. That I was not his girl, just a friend, he works long hours and doesn't have time for this crap. Really? I hung up on him before he said all of this and he proceeded to call me a few times, then sends text messages. I don't have time for a late night booty-call.

^^Sounds like you've go it under control.

Now, is that a real smiling dog in your siggy?
Ok, so you gotta be his girl for him to show some friggin courtesy? These dudes are so effin' sorry, it's not even funny.

Good for you for putting your foot down.

That is a real dog in my siggy. Google 'Smiley Riley' and you will find other photos of the same dog. He is really smiling.