This girl needs to bottle her scalp sebum and sell it.

Apparently she told one of her subscribers that she felt bad, and was going to give her one of the reborn dolls since the subscriber had lost her baby. :dighole:

There are youtubers and gurus that aren't mixed/exotic/other but none of them have the kind of following that some of the really popular gurus have:
AndreasChoice - 745,320
DulceCandy - 640,610
Michelle Phan - 1,985,251

Kimmaytube is the only one that comes to mind (someone correct me if I'm wrong) who has broken 100,000 subscribers.

I remember when AndreasChoice first started YouTube she'd always state that she was half white (I think her mom was from Germany or Sweden.. can't remember) half black/African American then all of a sudden she was Half white half Ehtiopian & Puerto Rican. Not saying that she's not, just found it interesting to say the least that she only started mentioning this when she got popular :lol:
^^It's just funny to me that people pretend that skin tone and hair texture have nothing to do with a youtuber's popularity. Whatever I am not a yt fan :shrug:

I won't say it's the sole reason, but it definitely plays a role and I'm not naive enough to disregard the trend. I think another factor is that a lot of the black gurus have themselves in a really specific niche (i.e natural hair) and even if they do other videos (makeup, fashion) from time to time, they are still in the natural niche market, which is significantly smaller than a beauty/lifestyle niche. The latter can encompass hair, makeup, fashion, skincare, health, products, travel, etc. You appeal to more subscribers by casting a broader net. The black gurus who have themselves in a general beauty category, do seem to have more followers on average than those geared specifically to natural hair, but it's still nowhere near the same scale as the ones mentioned.
I think it's her hair - mine looked similar when it was heat damaged/relaxed. Add to it the hair color - lots of damage. It doesn't look good though and she probably adds hair for length. But what do I know.

Her eyes are definitely not hers. She looks better with her brown eyes.
Anyone else find it weird that Asian women dominate the beauty guru section of YT? I'd expect most of the popular American gurus to be White (since they're the majority in the country), but nope...Asian women have it on lock.
I don't know who to feel bad for. Her or the people who believe her hair is real.
Even in the one where her hair is wet, the section where she parts her hair only falls to her neck. Her tracks are in the back guys!!! I used to do my weave like that in high school
Apparently she told one of her subscribers that she felt bad, and was going to give her one of the reborn dolls since the subscriber had lost her baby. :dighole:

There are youtubers and gurus that aren't mixed/exotic/other but none of them have the kind of following that some of the really popular gurus have:
AndreasChoice - 745,320
DulceCandy - 640,610
Michelle Phan - 1,985,251

Kimmaytube is the only one that comes to mind (someone correct me if I'm wrong) who has broken 100,000 subscribers.

Ugh I hate Dulce. The way she says "ants" instead of "and" works my damn nerves
Anyone else find it weird that Asian women dominate the beauty guru section of YT? I'd expect most of the popular American gurus to be White (since they're the majority in the country), but nope...Asian women have it on lock.

I think that's b/c they have the continent/islands of Asia following them as well:lol: One girl, I can't remember, did shows over there I think.
I get that she may be "fake" but I don't get the obsession with her. It's almost not healthy to care so much.
I have a stadium full of seats to share with some in this thread.
Apparently she told one of her subscribers that she felt bad, and was going to give her one of the reborn dolls since the subscriber had lost her baby. :dighole:

There are youtubers and gurus that aren't mixed/exotic/other but none of them have the kind of following that some of the really popular gurus have:
AndreasChoice - 745,320
DulceCandy - 640,610
Michelle Phan - 1,985,251

Kimmaytube is the only one that comes to mind (someone correct me if I'm wrong) who has broken 100,000 subscribers.

^^It's just funny to me that people pretend that skin tone and hair texture have nothing to do with a youtuber's popularity. Whatever I am not a yt fan :shrug:

And have you noticed how their subscribers fawn over them. Its sooo weird. Like "OMG you are so gorgeous" "I wish I looked like you" "I hate my hair, yours is so pretty" "I'm so jealous of everything about you". And then if anyone says one thing negative, they go HAM on that person. Cult-like.
Anyone else find it weird that Asian women dominate the beauty guru section of YT? I'd expect most of the popular American gurus to be White (since they're the majority in the country), but nope...Asian women have it on lock.

I was going to start a thread the othewr day about asians and youtube but i might as wel ldiscuss it here.

Asians, imo, dominate youtube. Not just asian women in the beauty genre, but also in comedy/icon status in general.

I think that asians dominate youtube and get such strong followings because 1 - there was a plethora of talent that ws not being picked up by the mainstream, and an audience was looking to be fulfilled (just like with most other minorities... the audience is waiting, the talent is not being used),

2 - asians are 'model minorities' - so they are more accessible and acceptable

3 - it seems that the production values are higher than say the videos made by black youtubers (generalization) possibly because of higher median household incomes or something.

That said, asians go hard on youtube in GENERAL and i think it is fascinating.
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michelle phan is one of the least skilled makeup gurus ever :look:

(at makeup. Shes popular because shes a beast with editing)

Before YouTube she had a pretty popular blog (her name was Rice Bunny and the blog was hosted on Xanga or something like that) about skin care and makeup (and maybe fashion, I don't really remember because it was so long ago). I loved the skincare tips, but none of her makeup looks were ever that great.

Then YouTube came along and she blew up. My Asian friends love her because of the whole hooded eye thing they say that they relate to.

I stopped following her when she moved to YT and then I get a Sephora email about the Michele Phan makeup line. WTH? :lol::perplexed
I'm sick of YT "gurus" in general. How many OOTD's, Hauls, and makeup looks, weave reviews, Jewel mint vids can you do before it gets stale?

The only one I see tying to change it up is Michelle phan with her travel network, but she's getting a lot of flack from her followers from that too for some reason.*shrug*
so i got distracted by the post about the woman who pretended to give birth and it was discovered they were actually fake babies.

the reborn babies on ebay are big business. i mean i just saw one that's supposed to be a preemie who was born that was born addicted to drug...tubes and everything included. :shocked: the documentaries on youtube of women who collect them...:spinning:. i mean i think collecting dolls is an interesting hobby but they put them in strollers and go outside to the supermarket.:look:

ETA: i just saw a reborn monkey named Kiwi. I'm done. totally through. :yawn:
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so i got distracted by the post about the woman who pretended to give birth and it was discovered they were actually fake babies.

the reborn babies on ebay are big business. i mean i just saw one that's supposed to be a preemie who was born that was born addicted to drug...tubes and everything included. :shocked: the documentaries on youtube of women who collect them...:spinning:. i mean i think collecting dolls is an interesting hobby but they put them in strollers and go outside to the supermarket.:look:

ETA: i just saw a reborn monkey named Kiwi. I'm done. totally through. :yawn:

I almost called Jesus on the hotline for this foolery. Why lord? why?:lachen:
michelle phan is one of the least skilled makeup gurus ever :look:

(at makeup. Shes popular because shes a beast with editing)

Her work can be so sloppy (yet, I am still subscribed to her:look:). But don't dare say that on YT. You'll get eaten alive

Before YouTube she had a pretty popular blog (her name was Rice Bunny and the blog was hosted on Xanga or something like that) about skin care and makeup (and maybe fashion, I don't really remember because it was so long ago). I loved the skincare tips, but none of her makeup looks were ever that great.

Then YouTube came along and she blew up. My Asian friends love her because of the whole hooded eye thing they say that they relate to.

I stopped following her when she moved to YT and then I get a Sephora email about the Michele Phan makeup line. WTH? :lol::perplexed

She's done so well for herself. I mean a makeup line. That's freaking awesome.
I remember her. But that's it? :look:

michelle phan is one of the least skilled makeup gurus ever :look:

(at makeup. Shes popular because shes a beast with editing)

This!!!!! I never understood why in the world she was so popular...her makeup is SOOOOO plain and simple.

Same with juicystar......I think she's only popular because she's pretty and perky, and apparently rich. Otherwise....there are way more talented makeup gurus on yt.

I love vintageortacky.