This girl needs to bottle her scalp sebum and sell it.

I'm not familiar with this woman. Idk if she is wearing her real hair today, but I know that in this video right here she is slapping mayo on tracks. And I was confused like, "Why are we wasting mayo on tracks???" I don't know nuthin bout her accent, bank accout, job, or ethnicity but I do know this... we slapping mayo on tracks in this video right here. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

This thread is wayyyyyyyyyy too long for me to catch up completely so sorry if this was already posted.
This!!!!! I never understood why in the world she was so popular...her makeup is SOOOOO plain and simple.

Same with juicystar......I think she's only popular because she's pretty and perky, and apparently rich. Otherwise....there are way more talented makeup gurus on yt.

I love vintageortacky.

I had to unsubscribe from JuicyStar (and I was never subbed to her sis allthatglitters)...she talks way too much. She'll post a 20 minute video and, for the first 10, she's yapping.
Never heard of her but her accent sound like someone from the country in Jamaica, like my cuz from port antonio. I am Jamaican born and bred.
idk im not an expert but this video right here its looks real and she is rubbing all over.

she bends down in front of the camera twice and the sides are almost the same length as the back plus if its fake she has a perfect match for her wet hair.

i also noticed she didnt have much shed hair in the comb and a weave being combed with a small tooth comb would be coming out every which way so i dont know if its tracks she is good at what she does and it looks nice on her.!

eta and she pulls it into a ponytail i wonder where would the tracks be located in this video
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Serious based on this video people think that her hair is fake???:blush:

idk im not an expert but this video right here its looks real and she is rubbing all over.

she bends down in front of the camera twice and the sides are almost the same length as the back plus if its fake she has a perfect match for her wet hair.

i also noticed she didnt have much shed hair in the comb and a weave being combed with a small tooth comb would be coming out every which way so i dont know if its tracks she is good at what she does and it looks nice on her.!

eta and she pulls it into a ponytail i wonder where would the tracks be located in this video
Wow! Those people are gangsta! They've got pictures of her with brown eyes and now this?!


i'm done. imma hafta light up a newport one hunnit and start from page 1 cuz yall got me dyin ova hea!!!

who found that shotgun house? whose house is'mind


:lachen: :dead:
As far as I'm concerned, she made an entire video about people thinking her hair is fake. All she needed to do was part that sh!t down the middle/across and told everybody to STFU.

Shima put her doubters to shame in a parting video. It's nothing to people that are weave-free.

& no Tanesha wouldn't be going out of her way. She does hair tutorials, so that's the perfect time to turn around and part. She doesn't even comb her hair properly because she knows she can't come those back roots. That comb would get caught in her tracks.
I'm not familiar with this woman. Idk if she is wearing her real hair today, but I know that in this video right here she is slapping mayo on tracks. And I was confused like, "Why are we wasting mayo on tracks???" I don't know nuthin bout her accent, bank accout, job, or ethnicity but I do know this... we slapping mayo on tracks in this video right here. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

This thread is wayyyyyyyyyy too long for me to catch up completely so sorry if this was already posted.

this is the one video where her hair looks real to me. plus it's shorter. you can actually see her scalp being pulled back in the back of her head when she applies it. even fusion doesnt look like that.

eta. there are a couple of videos after this one where her hair is curly and she has tracks in the back. she has fine hair. all of those curls are not hers.
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Shima put her doubters to shame in a parting video. It's nothing to people that are weave-free.

but shima still catches hell over her hair and everything else she does so what was the point people still say oh her hair is real but a-z is wrong with her. she didnt shut anyone up she just made them move on to another topic.

as far as this girl is concerned from the other videos it does look a little suspect but only cause people are pointing out stuff things the average person wouldn't even notice.

i also wonder why people go through all the trouble when its really hard to tell its not like the evidence is sitting right here in your face and you refuse to beleive. people seem to be doing the most and examining every sec. of every video to find the tracks.

they suppose to have pics of the girls house inside and out but no pics of her "real" hair lol.
* DELETED, because I'm going to sleep*

I can't stand when people start stuff and are no where to be found when stuff pops off, so I'll delete my post. :lol:
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so i got distracted by the post about the woman who pretended to give birth and it was discovered they were actually fake babies.

the reborn babies on ebay are big business. i mean i just saw one that's supposed to be a preemie who was born that was born addicted to drug...tubes and everything included. :shocked: the documentaries on youtube of women who collect them...:spinning:. i mean i think collecting dolls is an interesting hobby but they put them in strollers and go outside to the supermarket.:look:

ETA: i just saw a reborn monkey named Kiwi. I'm done. totally through. :yawn:

what, where....:lachen:

lead me to this....:lachen::lachen::lachen:

mercy, Im crying....:lachen:
I don't doubt she's mixed based on looks. I doubt it based on all of her other lying :look:
But those of you that watched her videos has she ever talked about her heritage in detail? Like which parent is what??
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I was going to start a thread the othewr day about asians and youtube but i might as wel ldiscuss it here.

Asians, imo, dominate youtube. Not just asian women in the beauty genre, but also in comedy/icon status in general.

I think that asians dominate youtube and get such strong followings because 1 - there was a plethora of talent that ws not being picked up by the mainstream, and an audience was looking to be fulfilled (just like with most other minorities... the audience is waiting, the talent is not being used),

2 - asians are 'model minorities' - so they are more accessible and acceptable

3 - it seems that the production values are higher than say the videos made by black youtubers (generalization) possibly because of higher median household incomes or something.

That said, asians go hard on youtube in GENERAL and i think it is fascinating.

I love fromheadtotoe. She's a real classy act!!
Thank you ladies! I have been thoroughly entertained by this thread! I wish I could see the videos about the lady who tried to pass those dolls off as babies.
* DELETED, because I'm going to sleep*

I can't stand when people start stuff and are no where to be found when stuff pops off, so I'll delete my post. :lol:

sorry iw as trying to get a jump start on my weekend and was getting my chores out the way.

anyway i saw your response

and inregards the the groupies vs the doubters this thread aside the doubters to me seem to be going above and beyond.

on that other site they have her boyfriends pics so called ex friends of hers saying that she is not a rn but a cnn or something,

they have pics of the inside of the chicks house, her address, pics of her so called house they have video screen shots and other stuff all to prove her hair is fake.


the girl aint telling no one to drink her kool-aid.

now me personally i am not a groupie at all but from watching that one video ( the other videos were suspect) i would seriously like to know where would the tracks be hidden. shoot i even looked at hidden ponytail videos to try to get an idea but i cant see it. its funny no one mentioned that video up here and said anything about texture change, color difference, weave sound ,shed hairs not even layering difference.

im not totally convinced she is being honest in all her videos however i do think that texture is her's and at one point her hair was mbl or whaterver is past bsl. I am also convinced people are doing saying the most about her and there problem with her is not her hair.
I don't know what to believe but if she is wearing weave than its some darn good weave that matches her texture very well and color. Yeah it's true she doesn't have to prove herself to nobody but if she is going to have to at least do what shima did if she chooses to continue to give advice about hair and part and show its hers so she won't get harassed anymore. Because if it is weave, what's the big deal? Why wear something your ashamed of? Just don't wear it! But I admit with the asking how much growth she achieves in a certain time limit and she answers you and blocks you does seem suspicious unless her harassment always starts off like that and thought you would mess with her....
@JFemme go to ebay and search "reborn babies". Prepare to be dazzled and amazed :lachen:

Mini-doc on the reborn movement. *again nothing wrong w/ collecting them but these women act like they are real babies :nono: *

Examples reborn dolls:




A lady scared the bejesus out of my ds with one of those dolls a few weeks ago. We saw her walking along with one like it was a real baby. Those things do not look real :nono:
I love in Japan and these chicks are super serious about skin care. The biggest thing over is bleaching. That is in everything, lotion, hand cream, body mists etc... I have to be extra careful when I buy stuff because it will turn you ashy bright if you're a black. Other than that the skin care products over here are AMAZING!!! It's crazy how well some of them work. The hair care is good too. I need to post About it soon.

No. That video cinched the deal for me. She has tracks in the back in the middle of her head. She is very good at acting like they aren't there. I'm not invested in this but started reading out of curiosity, saw the first video posted, then clicked on a few others, and the fishtail one. I see the same top layer of chin length hair, then longer hair of varying lengths and textures in the other videos.

From what I've seen, she never combs/brushes through the back. She will detangle the length in the back, but avidly avoids the back/middle/crown of her head.

I know everyone is different, but the people I know with long hair, including me, detangle our whole head. When her hair was wet she said she detangled the front/top, but didn't really. All that flipping around didn't do a dang thing for me; she was just disguising tracks (and applying gel).

From someone with hair longer than hers in that wet video, that's not how you detangle for a ponytail or curly look, unless you want a rat's nest in the back of your head.