Things U Wish Others Understood About Ur Divorced Status


New Member
I'm tired of people assuming things about me just because I'm divorced:

1) I'm dead and devastated.

No, I'm not. If others wallow in their misery, well, that's them. I'm very much alive and well and am moving on. Sure, I get mad but the divorced behaviors began long before the paperwork. If anything, I'm angry about that awful behavior. That's when the real separation began. Sure, I have struggles but life is what you make of it. It's how you perceive it.

2) They feel sorry for me I was dumped.

Well, I wasn't dumped. I took action and moved on. Thanks for feeling sympathetic but if you've never been there, even if you have, your situation is different from mine because we're two different individuals. Respect is key. In a word, don't feel sorry for me...that's patronizing!

3) She must have committed adultery.

Usually, people try and guess if adultery was the reason for a breakup. Don't try and guess, people can read it in your actions, in your face. It's like telepathy but you don't realize you're sending off the signal we can read. See me as an individual and get over your curiosity. Unless I tell you the reasons for the divorce - get this - IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!! Have some respect, for Pete's sake. And stop asking my kids personal questions when they go over to play with your kids!

4) She moved because she's marrying somebody else.

Um, refer to #3 because again, IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!! How do people allow their minds to wander in this negative way? Then they wonder why you don't want to have much else to do with them. It's as though you don't truly exist as a whole person to them anymore. They are always trying to size you up to either find a reason to be angry with you or to feel sorry. Don't. Next!

5) Is she dating now?

Sigh, until you get a wedding invitation, don't worry about it. Honestly, people try and give you all kinds of advice like, "don't bring any man around your kids" or "so many are looking to molest your kids or use you for money." The worst? "Honey, how do you bring your man overnight when the kids are there?" I'm a devout CATHOLIC. You go figure it out, stoopid! :look: Gee, thanks for the advice. I'm no fool, I'm just divorced.

6) If you look tired or less-than-stellar, you must be depressed.

:rolleyes: No, I'm either tired, have been doing yard work and popped out to run an errand without changing into Chanel & Laboutins! I hate it when somebody goes on and on about how you must be depressed and should try though dating is a therapy for depression. If anything, all you divorced people...STOP DATING UNTIL U GET OVER YOUR DEPRESSIONS. IT'S CATCHING! You know, some of us have balance???

7) And this is the kicker....SHE'S SUCH A SINNER CUZ SHE DIVORCED!

Sighhhhhhhh. Please stop it. My divorce is between me and G-d, not you, your interpretation of scripture and me and my ex. My church has got me covered! :rolleyes: And no, when I remarry, I will NOT be committing adultery. Again, you don't know all this ain't in it, never were and never will be. Worry about your own soul, PLEASE!

You can add to my's, where's my sweet tea? Ahhhhhh.
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Hey! ITA with what you said and here's my two cents:

1. People assume that he cheated on me. I've even had folks go as far to tell me that one day he will regret stepping out on our marriage. ummm...newsflash, that ain't why we got divorced. Despite how much I dislike my ex, he wasn't an adulterer - at least not to my knowledge.

2.The kids are devasted. I'm not saying my kids are happy we got divorced, but they aren't devasted either. Being removed from all the drama has actually benefited them and for several other reasons my kids are better off not living in the same household with their father.

3.I did something to run my ex-dh off. I wasn't perfect, but I was the best thing that ever happened to my husband and he was too stupid to realize it. And, I was a good wife. I upgraded him, it wasn't the other way around.
1) I am also sick of number #3 as well as its different variations it is not as if I had the man hogtied in my basement and he escaped one day or that the spell that I cast on him suddenly broke and he returned to the land of perfect men.

2) Please did not inquire when I am getting married again it is not like I am manufacturing good husbands in my kitchen and the next one will be out in an approximately and hour or less.

3) I am suddenly not defective because I do not have a husband I wish you'll would stop looking me like I have a very contagious or fatal disease that will suddenly be miraculously cured by having a new husband, I truly wish it were that simple and then I would live happily ever after as we rode into the sunset.
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People assume he left me and moved out. (I told him to roll)

If I would have given him a child he would have stayed. (We would have had the same problems plus more with a kid involved)

He is seeing such and such and I am mad. (I don't want him back, such and such can have him and his problems)

I hate him. (We actually have a cordial nonrelationship\relationship and I am friendly with his kids mom from before our relationship)
1) I am also sick of number #3 as well as its different variations it is not as if I had the man hogtied in my basement and he escaped one day or that the spell that I cast on him suddenly broke and he returned to the land of perfect men.

2) Please did not inquire when I am getting married again it is not like I am manufacturing good husbands in my kitchen and the next one will be out in an approximately and hour or less.

3) I am suddenly not defective because I do not have a husband I wish you'll would stop looking me like I have a very contagious or fatal disease that will suddenly be miraculously cured by having a new husband, I truly wish it were that simple and then I would live happily ever after as we rode into the sunset.

Amen to all of this!! ITA!! I just got out of a marriage, so why people assume I'm itching to get back into another one is beyond me. A sugar daddy maybe,but not a!!! J/k...seriously, I'm cool being single.

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LOL, I feel I have to console people when I tell them. They're like, "I'm soooooooooooo sorry....." And, I have to say, "really, I'm ok, I'm really ok that this is happening...stop being so down..."
^^ Yep, that happens to. Especially people who don't know I'm divorced yet.


person: "I love your new hair cut, it looks really good on you."
me: "Thanks." :)
person: So, what does your husband think about you cutting your hair?
me: We're divorced
person: oh.:sad::perplexed I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! OMG, are you okay?
me: :yep: yes, I'm fine. It's okay, really.:lol:

By the time I actually started telling people I was divorced, the worst was really over.
I also am perturbed at times by people who assume that I never had a husband while having children. I guess that what is worse are the people who pry for information on if I have ever had one and why I'm divorced. Why are folks so darned curious? They can't solve my situation and are just looking for reasons to gossip. :rolleyes:
^^ Yep, that happens to. Especially people who don't know I'm divorced yet.


person: "I love your new hair cut, it looks really good on you."
me: "Thanks." :)
person: So, what does your husband think about you cutting your hair?
me: We're divorced
person: oh.:sad::perplexed I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! OMG, are you okay?
me: :yep: yes, I'm fine. It's okay, really.:lol:

By the time I actually started telling people I was divorced, the worst was really over.

Totally agree the worst was over when I started telling people. I have to make a conscious effort to watch my tone when I tell them.

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And WHY, oh why, do people who do know what's going on feel the need to provide updates on the ex to try and get a reaction from you? "I saw that he has such and such going on (from the newspaper, facebook, the street, or some other source) and he's doing this and that..." Oh. Okay. Shrugs. Come on, people, we are not together. And I got plenty of practice becoming numb to foolishness while I was with dude. So thank you for that information that I did not ask for. I have just started giving them the shrug and look that indicates to them that 1) it's not my issue, hence I 2) don't give a damn, and 3) stop coming to me with that nonsense.
I am shocked there is a Divorce Forum. But I will get comfy as that is where I'm headed. Actually, I was fighting it for a long time but if I knew my life would be so slamming, I'd have done it sooner.
^^^Didn't you think your eyes were deceiving you? LOLOL! But on a serious note, I'm sorry. Still, I hope that things can be resolved but if this road takes you there, please know you are not alone and that you will make and come out stronger.
^^^Didn't you think your eyes were deceiving you? LOLOL! But on a serious note, I'm sorry. Still, I hope that things can be resolved but if this road takes you there, please know you are not alone and that you will make and come out stronger.


@ Guitarhero thanks so much for your kind words. I wish things did not turn out like this but I have learned so much about myself, my strengths, my weaknesses, what I deserve and my overall confidence level.

I truly never believed I could enjoy life the same way again. A part of me died and I thought, I would never heal, never smile genuinely, never meet a man that could compare to my soon-to-be ex :)rolleyes:) or that I even deserved a good future without him.

Well, I know exactly what I deserve and how to get it and I am truly enjoying my life. It is interesting just being Lucie instead of Mrs. So-and-so. It is great being alone at home without someone always in my space.

I do wish others did not try to count up the minutes on my biological clock.

I wish others did not forecast when I could be remarried.