Things men do to turn women off (spinoff)

Men who smoke

Men who are bug-a-boos- calling me and when I dont pick up, you text and send me an email. As soon as I sign on my computer you send me an IM. Thats just annoying.

Men trying to get the goodies too soon. Had a man ask me straight up if I was on birth control cause his baby mom said she was on the shot but got preggers. We hadn't even kissed yet and he's asking me about BC pills?

Men who just start rapping or free-styling out of the blue. Thats annoying.

Men who feel the need to tell me what kinda woman they usually "You're the first dark-skinned woman I've ever dated." Ok and...

Men who can't take no for an answer. -I told dude that I was not interested he says but i really like you and you just need help making a decision.. WTF!
A level of selfishness that boggles the mind.

Needing to have their egos stroked 24/7, especially when that means he expects the woman to dim her light because he finds her threatening and intimidating.

No grey matter going on between the ears.

Hypercritical and/or hypocritical

Emotional maturity of a teenager when they are grown arse men.
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passing gas in front of a woman :nono:
scratching crotch
digging in ears
played out jokes, esp about sex
being on some bullpoop, but telling her she's full of drama when she won't stand for it
*sigh* I had an ex who LIVED in the porn world, and everything he did intimately was something from porn. He'd get upset if he couldnt do something the same as the pornstar and started getting annoyed with me cuz i didnt look or want to act like the women on the screen. Yh his *** got dumped

Then he appears 4 yrs later hearing i've started working out and says how he wants to have "in shape sex" with me. Brother's beggin cuz his last gf dumped his butt too and he's counting the days its been since he last got some WTH?????
So horndogs turn me off
Men who just start rapping or free-styling out of the blue. Thats annoying.

I tend to think those guys are crazy:spinning:. Like where's the nearest nuthouse crazy.

Men who feel the need to tell me what kinda woman they usually "You're the first dark-skinned woman I've ever dated." Ok and...

That is so annoying. Really dude? You don't like dark/light/fat/skinny/girls? Well then, let me give you the option of finding what you ACTUALLY like.
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Not reciprocating kindness and being a taker instead of a giver. The ex:yep: had the nerve to roll his eyes and suck his teeth when I asked him to get me a cup of ice from Sonic.

I wouldn't have needed the ice if he would have kept his strep throat to himself.
*sigh* I had an ex who LIVED in the porn world, and everything he did intimately was something from porn. He'd get upset if he couldnt do something the same as the pornstar and started getting annoyed with me cuz i didnt look or want to act like the women on the screen. Yh his *** got dumped

Then he appears 4 yrs later hearing i've started working out and says how he wants to have "in shape sex" with me. Brother's beggin cuz his last gf dumped his butt too and he's counting the days its been since he last got some WTH?????
So horndogs turn me off

I'm sorry, but that's crazy as a catlady in the middle of halloween. I've never heard of such foolishness!!!! :perplexed Lawd have mercy.:nono:

Not reciprocating kindness and being a taker instead of a giver. The ex:yep: had the nerve to roll his eyes and suck his teeth when I asked him to get me a cup of ice from Sonic.

I wouldn't have needed the ice if he would have kept his strep throat to himself.

Code for:SELFISH!!!! He sounds like the type of guy who wants everything to revolve around him. I hate those type of men.:wallbash:
passing gas in front of a woman :nono:
scratching crotch
digging in ears
played out jokes, esp about sex
being on some bullpoop, but telling her she's full of drama when she won't stand for it

straight nasty.:ohwell:

A level of selfishness that boggles the mind.

Needing to have their egos stroked 24/7, especially when that means he expects the woman to dim her light because he finds her threatening and intimidating.

No grey matter going on between the ears.

Hypercritical and/or hypocritical

Emotional maturity of a teenager when they are grown arse men.

PREACH! I'm ITA:rolleyes:
Men who smoke

Men who are bug-a-boos- calling me and when I dont pick up, you text and send me an email. As soon as I sign on my computer you send me an IM. Thats just annoying.

Men trying to get the goodies too soon. Had a man ask me straight up if I was on birth control cause his baby mom said she was on the shot but got preggers. We hadn't even kissed yet and he's asking me about BC pills?

Men who just start rapping or free-styling out of the blue. Thats annoying.

Men who feel the need to tell me what kinda woman they usually "You're the first dark-skinned woman I've ever dated." Ok and...

Men who can't take no for an answer. -I told dude that I was not interested he says but i really like you and you just need help making a decision.. WTF!

:lachen:rotfl... it ain't funny though.:nono:
The things that annoy and turn me off are:

- Sexual innuendoes
- Middle aged men in teeny bopper attire, i.e., sports jerseys, braids, sneakers, timbz, tattoos
- Arrogance, Conceit, Vanity and Pretentiousness (Negro, please!)
- Loud, brightly colored, Steve Harvey-esque suits
- Lacking a healthy sense of humor
- Categorizers - men who start sentences with “You’re the type of woman that…”
- Pseudo-Philosophers and Intellectuals – the kind that try to impress by using polysyllabic words and grandiose theories they learned from a pamphlet
- Being lazy and/or selfish (He has to do what needs to be done, even if he doesn't want to do it.)

- Having double standards (If he is well acquainted with the phrase "that's different", we're not going to make it.)

- Not being able to check is his ego (Wanting a mutual respect for emotions and feelings is cool, expecting your mate to be held hostage by your insecurities is not.)

- Not treating or respecting a woman for the individual she is (I don't care who you dated or what you've read, heard, etc., if you don't know me, don't look at a handful of characteristics and assume you have me "all figured out")

- Sending mixed signals/being inconsistent

- Not managing emotional baggage (Your personal drama is not my problem. I can be patient with you and respect your boundaries, but I REFUSE to be punished for someone else's crimes)

- Not requiring his friends and family to respect the boundaries of our relationship (Our relationship is just that, OURS. The issues we face will be resolved by two-person discussions; not three-, four- or five- + person exchanges.)

- Pouting and sulking (Grown people verbalize their feelings, children sulk.)

ETA: I forgot to include 'not respecting boundaries' - Compromising and/or trying new experiences is cool, but if it's okay for you to have the word "no" in your vocabulary, it's okay for me to have it in mine.

WOW, say it again gurl!