Things men do to turn women off (spinoff)


New Member
Since we are always hearing how women turn men off & run men off, this thread is to show the flip side...........

What are things men do that turn women off??

*feel free to give real life examples & make this thread interesting, lol! **
I'll start by naming a few:

- laziness, playing on playstations & xboxes and smoking all day rather than finding something productive to do like get a job

-not exhibiting chivalry,not paying on dates

-being a broke ***, it's okay to be trying to get to the next level but there is just a certain type of broke azzness that I can't stand

-not knowing how to talk to me, lines like "Hey shawty", "wassup lil mama" or "hey chocolate drop" are a huge turnoff to me.

My one real life example:
one night while out at a club, dude approaches me and whispers in my ear "wanna buy me a drink?" I was like WTH? Do I wanna what???? I could not believe he had the audacity to ask me to buy him a,no,NO!
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Not calling back when they say they will

Not doing something they said they would do

Complain about stuff you do/won't do/aren't doing enough of, but look at you crazy when you make similar complaints about them.

I could go on...and on, and on...:ohwell:
Constant mentions of their money or stuff they've bought.

He assumes I'm shallow and, in turn, I think he's shallow.
Thinking back to my single days:

Hmmmm, don't want to get the thread shut down, so I'll return when I think of something pg rated. ;)
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-calling 5+ times a day and showing up unannounced will do it for sure
-calling when I have said I am busy
-inviting me out and not being able to pay for the drinks I want
-inviting me out to the club and then not offering to take me home (really and you expect me to want to go out with you again?)
-saying "give me a call"
-not keeping their word
Off hand:

Being a sexist.

Lacking back-bone.

Being a mama's boy...
:rolleyes: (I could write a book on that one, alone).

Judging my life and financial decisions, but Mr. Man still lives at home up under his mom.

Poor communication skills. Going from one extreme or the other--silence and avoidance....or rage. You're an adult, learn how to communicate like one.

Embracing any form of ignorance, as if it's something to aspire to.

Being threatened by my intelligence and ambition, to the extent of attempting to get me to aim lower in life.
ITA with Blyss Curls (and I'd like a copy of that book! :) ) when she says being a Mama's Boy is a turn off.

At first I thought it was so admirable, cute even. Not so much now.
1 Lying and all forms of dishonesty
2 Trivializing things that I think are important without bothering to understand why I deem them so
3 Treating strangers or people serving eg waiters, shop attendants with disrespect
4 Habitual sulkers
Always finding a way to bring up his ex in a convo, then saying in the next breath that he can't stand her...

Really dude, REALLY? :rolleyes:
Off hand:

Being a sexist.

Lacking back-bone.

Being a mama's boy...
:rolleyes: (I could write a book on that one, alone).

Judging my life and financial decisions, but Mr. Man still lives at home up under his mom.

Poor communication skills. Going from one extreme or the other--silence and avoidance....or rage. You're an adult, learn how to communicate like one.

Embracing any form of ignorance, as if it's something to aspire to.

Being threatened by my intelligence and ambition, to the extent of attempting to get me to aim lower in life.

wooo chile, you preaching to the choir on this one!!! ITA. :yep:

1 Lying and all forms of dishonesty
2 Trivializing things that I think are important without bothering to understand why I deem them so
3 Treating strangers or people serving eg waiters, shop attendants with disrespect
4 Habitual sulkers

I can't stand for anyone to do this, let alone men. I think you can tell a lot about a person's character by how they treat strangers & those who they THINK are less than them.
-Calling women b*tches and heauxs :nono:

-Using p0rn as the basis for their guide on how to make love to a woman :nono: (unfortunately, this is ALOT of dudes in my age bracket. many of them started watching p0rn at like 12. )

-mommas boys and whiny dudes
-men who are too clingy, calling/texting/emailing me a zillion times a days
- Being lazy and/or selfish (He has to do what needs to be done, even if he doesn't want to do it.)

- Having double standards (If he is well acquainted with the phrase "that's different", we're not going to make it.)

- Not being able to check is his ego (Wanting a mutual respect for emotions and feelings is cool, expecting your mate to be held hostage by your insecurities is not.)

- Not treating or respecting a woman for the individual she is (I don't care who you dated or what you've read, heard, etc., if you don't know me, don't look at a handful of characteristics and assume you have me "all figured out")

- Sending mixed signals/being inconsistent

- Not managing emotional baggage (Your personal drama is not my problem. I can be patient with you and respect your boundaries, but I REFUSE to be punished for someone else's crimes)

- Not requiring his friends and family to respect the boundaries of our relationship (Our relationship is just that, OURS. The issues we face will be resolved by two-person discussions; not three-, four- or five- + person exchanges.)

- Pouting and sulking (Grown people verbalize their feelings, children sulk.)

ETA: I forgot to include 'not respecting boundaries' - Compromising and/or trying new experiences is cool, but if it's okay for you to have the word "no" in your vocabulary, it's okay for me to have it in mine.
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Constantly checking his cell phone when we're out.

Or even worse, putting his celly on the table while we're at dinner. Unless you're expecting a delivery in the next hour or have a friend/family member in labor - I shouldn't see your cell phone! You are NOT that important. I am :lol:
How come we aren't writing a book? All these damn books for black women about black men...seems to me, the fellas could use a favor.
How come we aren't writing a book? All these damn books for black women about black men...seems to me, the fellas could use a favor.

I have a bad feeling that women might be the one's purchasing this book, trying to figure out how to make things better... as we always do.

I don't think I've ever in my life heard a man say what men need to do to be better men,husbands, or boyfriends.
Constantly checking his cell phone when we're out.

Or even worse, putting his celly on the table while we're at dinner. Unless you're expecting a delivery in the next hour or have a friend/family member in labor - I shouldn't see your cell phone! You are NOT that important. I am :lol:
THANK YOU!!! If you wouldn't cut your date off mid-sentence to turn around and talk to the person at the table behind you, why would it be okay to stay glued to your cell phone? AND, if reading a book, newspaper, or magazine at the dinner table is considered rude, WHY would it cool to spend most of the evening glued to your BlackBerry checking e-mails, surfing the internet, etc...? :fistshake:
Oh wait, thought of others from single days:

Opting to serve time, instead of paying for the ticket. Negro puh-lease. It's jail, dude...not a country resort. And no, you don't get macho points because you've been "on the inside".....for a weekend. Pay your damn fines...!

Calling me after 10:00p.m.....and we just met.
Have some damned respect. Um, I have a you did not "wake me up"...I'm awake, but I'm NOT your booty call, and no--you can NOT "roll through." :rolleyes:

**Seriously, major pet peeve for me. My gf's knew if they asked me, "'s so and so" and I gave them "the look"....old boy had called after 10:00 p.m. and I kicked his sorry butt to the curb.
-Calling women b*tches and heauxs :nono:

-Using p0rn as the basis for their guide on how to make love to a woman :nono: (unfortunately, this is ALOT of dudes in my age bracket. many of them started watching p0rn at like 12. )

-mommas boys and whiny dudes
-men who are too clingy, calling/texting/emailing me a zillion times a days

I feel so sorry for women today.
Because of stuff like "Girls Gone Wild," Howard Stern, the internet and other phenomena that contributed to making porn more "mainstream"....too many women are subjected to pornified dudes.

At least in days gone by, it was more of a "hush-hush", behind closed door activity. Maybe guys watched it, but it didn't seem as common-place. You could actually....occasionally find a guy that didn't know who Terra Patrick is, who was February's Penthouse Pet of the Month or who was on page 16 of Black Tail last month. :blush:
Giving me the definition of "From-unda cheeze" while eating when I ADAMANTLY ask you not to...:wallbash:

(Was gonna slap the spit out of him..)
*Referring to women as betches and heaux's etc
*Calling me "shawty" "lil mama" "ma"
*Describing me using sexual words #goodbye
*Describing what you'd like to do to me #boybye
*Talking to numerous girls while with me. #no
*double standards
*lack of personality, I dont like men who are sheep
*Being stupid as *****. Dumb kneegroes are so annoying
*Being disrespectful
*Giving me reasons not to trust you
*Giving me booty calls and thinking its flattering. Kneegroe dont call me at 3 AM trying to "just talk", that whats 8PM is for. Damn, have some manners
*Trying to get the goodies early
*Basically when I first meet you I shouldn't feel that you're mentally/visually sexing me up.
*If I see a number of girls flirtatiously writing to you on your fb/twitter/etc after we're together, dont even bother anymore. Dont call, dont come around. Goodbye. Im not dealing with bull at the beginning of a relationship

**** U *****!~@%#^ :lachen:
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Being a cheapskate.

Cheapness is one of the biggest turn offs and there is no recovering from it. And this has nothing to do with whether or not he buys me expensive jewelry.
Being a cheapskate.

Cheapness is one of the biggest turn offs and there is no recovering from it. And this has nothing to do with whether or not he buys me expensive jewelry.

Thank YOU!

I believe it's a mental disorder for some. Especially when they get obsessive about money and every little penny.

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Not knowing how to date properly ... you asked me, you make a suggestion for once! Just take a few minutes to think of something creative and in relatively non-expensive. I know we're in our 20's, but taking me to McDonalds or the movies is not a proper date.

Online dating, sending me a first message, that says, "hi" or "how are you?". I just say Hi or how are you right back. Can you at least hint that you read my profile?
Lovely excerpts from my ex:
-Don't drag me to Best Buy to spend $200 on video games then tell me you gotta save cash so we're eating at Burger King.

-Sure, candy was great for Valentine's day, but the same 4 bags of fuzzy peaches for christmas, our anniversary, and my birthday? Handed to me in a freaking wal-mart bag? Come on, son, the least you could do is buy a gift bag from the dollar store!