Thin Haired ladies, Where you at?


Well-Known Member
I have always had very thin hair. Not in a thinning way, but my strands are fine, but I don't have type 3 anything hair. . . Are there any of you who have made it past or at least to APL?
I'd like to know this too. My strands are thin due to years of wearing braids and weaves without properly taking care of them. BUMP!!!!
thin hair here! :wave:

my strands are right above APL (less than an inch).

i always struggle keeping my protein balance in check... when i slack, my hair gets mushy, and my ends begin to snap off.
:grouphug3: to all my fine-haired ladies!!!! I have fine hair too, but this is the first time I've started retaining length, and the back of my hair has reached past APL :grin: It's definitely been henna and keeping my moisture/protein balance in check! I didn't think my hair would ever stop breaking...but it has :yay: I still have a lot of work to do so that I can reach FULL APL by December, so I'm just keeping my hair pinned up as much as possible :wallbash:
thin hair here! :wave:

my strands are right above APL (less than an inch).

i always struggle keeping my protein balance in check... when i slack, my hair gets mushy, and my ends begin to snap off.

oooo, don't you hate when it gets mushy. thin mushy hair is just damage waiting to happen. I've done henna before and it thickened my hair up, but it was drying so i am not sure if i want to risk dry hair for thickness.
oooo, don't you hate when it gets mushy. thin mushy hair is just damage waiting to happen. I've done henna before and it thickened my hair up, but it was drying so i am not sure if i want to risk dry hair for thickness.

I know what you mean. To combat that, I make sure that I do a prepoo before I henna, mix mine with honey, and always rinse with conditioner. I do a DC and then an ACV/cold water rinse, and my hair feels great after that. I'm about to try Karishma--it's not supposed to be as drying, which would be great. But @ least for me, the dryness always goes away.

But dry hair does suck, so do what's best for you!
Lavendar2 has fine hair that's waist length. She also has a henna glaze technique that's nice. I'm a fine hair as well. SL, going for APL.

If you do a search for "fine hair," you'll find a lot of info.
I have fine hair, but it's dense. It doesn't look as fine as it is.

I've reached waist length, but I'm currently MBL. Direct heat (particularly the flat iron) is my enemy. I've found that my ends are irreparably damaged with even one flat iron session. :ohwell: It's wash and braid up these days until I get back to waist.
I have fine strands and I'm APL.
It looks as though I'm creeping up
on BSL, though the shrinkage has me looking
NL. :lachen::lachen:

APL snuck up on me over the winter. I was collar
bone length for the longest. Then I joined
LHCF and decided to pretty much hide my hair
in African wraps over the winter.
This, combined with other healthy hair practices like
deep conditiong and moisturizing has helped
me reach APL.

I'm trying to reach BSL or, better yet, MBL over the winter.
Since I can't wear headwraps this winter,
I'm hoping that the steamer that I've purchased
will help me retain the moisture that I need to retain the
length the I have and encourages my hair to grow. :grin:
I'm fine haired, just checking in. It's tough now because my hair is growing out and not down :nono: So I hope to make APL by Dec.
I have to stalk some fine haired natural ladies...
fine haired natural here...the back always growslonger-apl-bsl but the fronts stays short! still trying though.
fine haired lady here! baggying has been my savior! i'm literally less than two inches to's so maybe 1.5 inches. (see my sig!) I baggy EVERY night unless i'm wearing a rollerset. I also stay away from direct heat. if i do use it, i use a heat protectant and flat iron after. i NEVER use a blow dryer...100% airdrier here!
I have fine hair as well. I've never been past APL at any time in my life. I was touching it last month, but I had a setback recently so I'm back to shoulder length.

I find that rollersetting and deep conditioning every week help me retain length. My hair can't take too much manipulation. I had to learn that the hard way. I don't blowdry or flat iron and I don't even know how to use any other styling tools.
THIN HAIR:wave:HERE I AM USEING henna and air drying a lot its helping. my hair dont like heavy stuff so i have to watch what i use on it:yep:
I'm a fine haired lady checking in. I reached APL but now due to breakage I feel like I'm losing my length. :perplexed

My fine hair is really giving me a rough time. It's so light & wispy and now it likes to tangle a lot and play huggie games.
I have fine strands but a LOT of them.

I reached APL last year (Aug 2008)before a setback which was my fault 100%

My hair needs protein in constant but light doses and also needs moisture. Took me a while to get that balance right. I need to clean my hair and scalp a lot because I workout 5 days a week and sweat a lot on my scalp. Not cleaning and also manipulating my sweaty, damp hair was BAD for my hair! I also now know for a fact that my fine strands cannot withstand overprocessing even when already relaxed ends have relaxer rinsed through them. Protecting relaxed ends with con or oil is a VERY good idea :-)

I think I am close to APL again, I haven't checked... most probably won't for a long while...
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Very few fine's so mom, my grandmother all have fine hair and not much of it. I went natural in attempts to gain some thickness. I did 2 henna treatments and it did thicken my hair, but also screwed up my curl pattern. I am not willing to forsake my texture for thick hair. I'm on the hide my hair, chlorella, daily co-wash, OCT/MT challenges. I'm giving myself until December to see results and will make a real assesment then, I would like to be neck length unstretched.
fine checking in...

i keep the hair coated with a conditioner and jojba oil... i think it make my strands thicker, and stronger.

bra strap going for middle back
I have thin hair. I reached apl last year, not sure if I'm still there. I have had some breakage. I can't seem to stop it no matter what I try. My hair loves henna and light protein. Currently, I am almost 10 weeks post trying to make it to at least 12 weeks. I hope my next relaxer I will be between apl and bsl.
Y'all are bringing a tear to my eye. I am so glad not to be alone.

fine haired natural here...the back always growslonger-apl-bsl but the fronts stays short! still trying though.

Yeah, I noticed that. my front seems to be stuck at collar bone, but my back is about 2 inches from APL and I can tell it's growing.

fine haired lady here! baggying has been my savior! i'm literally less than two inches to's so maybe 1.5 inches. (see my sig!) I baggy EVERY night unless i'm wearing a rollerset. I also stay away from direct heat. if i do use it, i use a heat protectant and flat iron after. i NEVER use a blow dryer...100% airdrier here!

I may need to go back to baggying more, but I'm afraid of making my hair mushy. I had a bad experience with it before.

Woohoo! Fine haired gal joining in...looking for tips on retaining moisture... :sekret: :grin::grin::grin:

hopefully you will find it here. we all need moisture.

I'm a fine haired lady checking in. I reached APL but now due to breakage I feel like I'm losing my length. :perplexed

My fine hair is really giving me a rough time. It's so light & wispy and now it likes to tangle a lot and play huggie games.

OMGAWWW. Mine too. I wish I could NOT comb it as often, but in order to avoid a rat's nest, I have to keep it detangled pretty regularly.

:drunk: SherylsTresses checking in -- currently BSL goal is full WL :drunk:

oooooo, that is great. go fine hair go fine hair go fine hair

I am relaxed and my hair loves cantu shea butter leave in. I may have to start baggying with it regularly. and I see a pattern of cowashing often on the boards too.