Truly "THIN" HAIRED WAIST/HIP LENGTH ladies....where are ya?

I want to know too. I feel like I have the worst of both worlds. Mostly fine strands, low density, Mostly 3c NOT SILKY. I have Never been longer than BSL. I don't know anyone with this combo with waist length hair.
i wanna see too, just because lol. how thin is thin? because alot of people with really thin hair probably keep it shorter than wl or hl and layered to create the illusion of volume and thickness...

yeah... that's what I've tried my entire life... wanting some different action now

gurrrl, coupled with my height & the few very tall waist/hip length beauties ....:lachen::lachen::lachen: I gotta pull some iiiiish outta my hat
I have very thin hair. I straighten with one pass of a flat iron so it's kinky straight rather than bone straight to give the illusion of volume. Right now it's WL (I'm shortwaisted-my waist is @ 2 inches above my right thumb in my avatar). I just accept it for what it is though I love looking at the thick haired ladies like Domin.
I want to know too. I feel like I have the worst of both worlds. Mostly fine strands, low density, Mostly 3c NOT SILKY. I have Never been longer than BSL. I don't know anyone with this combo with waist length hair.
I have low density fine strands and only a small patch of silky 3c hair on my right temple. I am a 3c/4a mix. I am sitting at BSL -- we'll see how far I make it.

There is a member here with either MBL or WL hair and she has this combo. All I can remember is that her s/n starts with the letter L. or R. or....something else. :lachen:
I have low density fine strands and only a small patch of silky 3c hair on my right temple. I am a 3c/4a mix. I am sitting at BSL -- we'll see how far I make it.

There is a member here with either MBL or WL hair and she has this combo. All I can remember is that her s/n starts with the letter L. or R. or....something else. :lachen:

hey thanks for pointing her out to us!:yep::yep::lol::lol::drunk::lachen:
:hiya2: thin hair lady checking in...

my pic is in my siggy lol idk my length...

I plan to do a blunt cut sometime this yr...maybe :look: lol
simplyblessed & constance, and lovelylocks you ladies are very long haired thin's....

your hair looks full imo.....


curlynikki has me inspired, but she always had braidouts so not sure how thin her hair really is
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i'm scared to use henna. i dont know how to use it in general and i dont want to risk venturing out to something new then all my hair falling out lol
I have very thin hair. I straighten with one pass of a flat iron so it's kinky straight rather than bone straight to give the illusion of volume. Right now it's WL (I'm shortwaisted-my waist is @ 2 inches above my right thumb in my avatar). I just accept it for what it is though I love looking at the thick haired ladies like Domin.

Wow, your hair is the in ur avatar. r u natural? how often do you use heat?
You know what ladies:look:, come to think of it as I joined the hip length challenge - I let my hair get past hip length and was "crackin" on some "extra " thin hair - I have pics :grin:! (sorry, but I know the black shorts don't help see the stretched length)
Looking back - it wasn't a bad look, hope this helps. Keep growing ladies! :driver:.

I thought about this thread today when I was looking at one of my almost non-existent hair strands, lol. Really, on fine hair some of the strands are so small they are barely visible.

I think there's quite a few fine hair ladies out there that made it to wl or beyond....really I don't think it matters the thickness. If someone with fine strands made it to the length you want to be than it's a good chance you can make it too. Thick or thin dosen't play any part in retaining length, I think it's just that more thin hair ladies don't go for really long lengths because they don't prefer the look of thin, long hair.

I know when mine went past waist the ends got skimpy and I wanted to chop. Now I just do styles that make my hair look full mainly because I like big hair.
I thought about this thread today when I was looking at one of my almost non-existent hair strands, lol. Really, on fine hair some of the strands are so small they are barely visible.

I think there's quite a few fine hair ladies out there that made it to wl or beyond....really I don't think it matters the thickness. If someone with fine strands made it to the length you want to be than it's a good chance you can make it too. Thick or thin dosen't play any part in retaining length, I think it's just that more thin hair ladies don't go for really long lengths because they don't prefer the look of thin, long hair.

I know when mine went past waist the ends got skimpy and I wanted to chop. Now I just do styles that make my hair look full mainly because I like big hair.

In real life I know waaaay more coarse (thick strand) 4bs with long hair than fine (thin strands) 4bs and its not by choice
In real life I know waaaay more coarse (thick strand) 4bs with long hair than fine (thin strands) 4bs and its not by choice
I guess I should've said density. Hair density wouldn't play a part in retaining. I don't mean strand size.

ETA.....what I'm trying to get at is to the op don't get discouraged because you can't find many thin and fine hair ladies who are bsl and beyond dosen't mean it can't be done because I don't think thickness (density) plays much part in getting to that length. Fine hair has a lot of the same troubles so if someone with fine hair made it to a particular length that you want than it's possible for you to do the same with either thick or thin density hair. I hope this makes some kind of sense.....and it's possible that I'm mis-understanding your whole post OP lol.
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Wow, your hair is the in ur avatar. r u natural? how often do you use heat?

No one has ever said that before, thank you! I'm natural & I use heat 3-4 times a year. Mostly I keep it in a beehive twist and hidden under a lf. I moisturize every 4-5 days with evco. And I abandoned the comb..finger detangling has cut down dramatically on hair loss.
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No one has ever said that before, thank you! I'm natural & I use heat 3-4 times a year. Mostly I keep it in a beehive twist and hidden under a lf. I moisturize every 4-5 days with evco. And I abandoned the comb..finger detangling has cut down dramatically on hair loss.

I agree with Imani and thank you for the tips too :yep:.
I got to mbl once but keep going back to bsl so I'm paying attention..
No one has ever said that before, thank you! I'm natural & I use heat 3-4 times a year. Mostly I keep it in a beehive twist and hidden under a lf. I moisturize every 4-5 days with evco. And I abandoned the comb..finger detangling has cut down dramatically on hair loss.

I'm following a similar regimen to yours, hopefully I will have similar results!:lachen:

I'm almost all natural now and plan to use heat only 3/4 times a year. I keep my hair in plaits under a half wig. I have to moisturize every other day though w/both a water-based moisturizer and oil (I have super dry hair). I only use a comb on wash day.
No one has ever said that before, thank you! I'm natural & I use heat 3-4 times a year. Mostly I keep it in a beehive twist and hidden under a lf. I moisturize every 4-5 days with evco. And I abandoned the comb..finger detangling has cut down dramatically on hair loss.
wow REALLY????

gurrllll u know your hair is stuntin in that avatar
Hi Ladies,

This is truely my group. In addition my hair is in two groups. Top crown is alittle past waist and lower section is touching hip. Probably would have been in better shape but had some major set backs with hair loss and lost faith in my ability to care for it. Sounds strange but it happened. When I started a hip length thread years ago I was pulling my self out of some troubled times. But something hit and life got heavy and hecktic. I lost half my volume of hair and my incentive went with it. :blush::Rose: Fell back into some old bad habits and just wallowed in self pity. :nono:

Took me a while to regain some confidense so I am up for a challenge to repair, strengthen and just take good care of my locks.

I have been on the site now for two days enjoying the stories of so many ladies who have reached waist length and beyond. So many lovely heads of long beatiful hair.

So here are my goals, using my natural products regain some volume by nuturing new grow and broken hairs to catch up with the other two lengths.

I suspect this is at least a two year journey. I have faith now I won't neglect my hair again. Because I way really just neglecting part of who I was.

When I get a new photo account somewhere I will up load a recent photo to start the challenge for my self.

Nice to be here and see fellow thin /fine long hairs working toward the long hair goals.:Rose:
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Hi Ladies,

This is truely my group. In addition my hair is in two groups. Top crown is alittle past waist and lower section is touching hip. Probably would have been in better shape but had some major set backs with hair loss and lost faith in my ability to care for it. Sounds strange but it happened. When I started a hip length thread years ago I was pulling my self out of some troubled times. But something hit and life got heavy and hecktic. I lost half my volume of hair and my incentive went with it. :blush::Rose: Fell back into some old bad habits and just wallowed in self pity. :nono:

Took me a while to regain some confidense so I am up for a challenge to repair, strenthen and just take good care of my locks.

I have been on the site now for two days enjoying the stories of so many ladies who have reached waist length and beyond. So many lovely heads of long beatiful hair.

So here are my goals, using my natural products regain some volume by nuturing new grow and broken hairs to catch up with the other two lengths.

I suspect this is at least a two year journey. I have faith now I won't neglect my hair again. Because I way really just neglecting part of who I was.

When I get a new photo account somewhere I will up load a recent photo to start the challenge for my self.

Nice to be here and see fellow thin /fine long hairs working toward the long hair goals.:Rose:
Wow , seeing you right now is like seeing a ghost. You havent been around in a loooong time :bighug:
it's good to see you on here again :Rose:
Hi Irresistable,

Yes its been to long. Some times I was able to get on but never long enough to really get back into posting and reading alot. I rejoined in Oct 2010 and this is my first chance to post. My life is still sort of topsy tervy. Not settled and currently not being able to plan more than a month in advance.

Enough of that, I want to come here and get away from all that. I neglected my self and especially my hair because I did not remember to keep these special contacts alive. I definately did not run into a fellow long hair lover in my regular life and started to feel guilty for even wanting to spend time with the ladies on these web sites.

So I do believe I will join in on the hip length challenge to try and nurture my hair back to health. After that who knows.

I did get to read one of your articles last night about not judging you by your hair. It was emotional for me.

Your hair, what can I say, you have cared for it with such love and commitment. Its lovely.

Nice to hear from you.:yep:
My hair never would have been considered thick. I has always been fine. Younger it had its moments of volume. But the last 10 years the volume has decreased. I think it is easier for me to keep up with long.

I do have a long journey to get it back in shape though.

here is a photo from today.
17 Feb 2011 picture by vintagecoilylocks - Photobucket

u must have a dense growth, just finer strands?

looks very supple to me:yep:

dream hair