Thigh Length Type 4 Natural!!! I’m Shook!

How long is too long for a “protective style?”

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Kitchen Mixtress
So another super duper longer Type 4 YouTuber popped up on my radar!

I totally dig protective styling. But at what point is it no longer “protective?” Or “styling?” I mean, hair that’s ALWAYS put away? Bless everyone who can do it! I try so hard to put my hair away but I LOVE splaying in it!

Anyhoo, BEAUTIFUL hair! I had to share!
I love the simplicity of her regimen and feel like it’s something I can pull off for 2-3 months at a time lol.

So here’s the question. Is this a “protective style” or a “protective lifestyle?” Even with regular maintenance that has no adverse effects, is it still a “style?” Is keeping hair in twists 95% of the time like maintaining the same asymmetrical bob (haircut) for 20 years?
*sigh* One day I’m going to get serious about growing my hair. But twists in a bun 24/7 is too hardcore for me. I guess the trick is finding a protective style that you love, and think you look really cute in. I like washing my hair often, trying different styles and products, etc. I think my cutest style is a WnG. :(
Lol! It's whatever you want it to be.

I bun daily, but also wash/cowash 5x a week. I couldn't just put my hair up and never touch it. :nono:

I love bunning because I can reach my hair goals fast. However, I don't bun to the point I'm never touching my hair consistently.
I would say this is just her style or her go to style. She is in maintenance mode at this point. Doesn't sound like she has any real desire to wear it out or wear another style. This wouldn't be any different than those with locs or those who regularly wear buns. One of her pics looks like she wore a twist out.

I don't like flax seed gel but it was good to hear how she is using it. I may try using a firmer gel on my ends.
I actually have been wearing my hair in around 20 twists that I put in a bun since july 2017. I take them out once a wk just to wash, treat, and restyle but either than that and the occasional wash and go or braidout my hair is in twists. When I wear it out now it's annoying after a couple of days and i put them right back in those 20 twists. I've gotten to the point where i love my twists so much that i can't deal with my hair being out longer than 2-3 days tops and that's just occasionally (once every few months).

So I keep my hair in twists maybe 95% of the time and I love it. My ends are amazingly thick from root to tip. My hair is flourishing and I don't have to deal with it. I can see how someone may wear twists all the time. Especially at that length.
I think a Lot of it has to do with what it takes to preserve your length.

I’m maybe 5 inches from Classic length, and I relate to the lady in the video. More or less I think it’s a protective lifestyle especially when you get to lengths like classic and thigh length.

I’ve been bunning my hair consistently going on 4 years now. Aside from my hair being fragile and fine, once you get to those longer lengths, preservation is the name of the game. Once I manage to do a decent set of twists or box braids I too will probably be a protective lifestyle person.

I think it comes with the territory as well, as well as what you’re comfortable with. I’m comfortable with protective styling in a bun for years on end. The lovely lady in the video is comfortable with protective styling for the long term as well. Whatever you find comfortable should be what you shoot for.
I don't think there's a time limit on protective styles. As long as you take care of your hair while it's put away, it's just a matter of preference.

I find that I keep my hair twisted less as it gets longer bc I just don't have the time to be sitting for the hours and hours it takes to do them. But if I could do it faster I wouldn't mind keeping my hair twisted for long periods.
I need to retain another 6 inches of hair and I could see myself in twists most of the time. My job requires me to wear a hard hat and I work typically 6-7 days a week. I just hate how my hair looks right now lengthwise.

In a perfect world, I'd braid/twist my hair into 6 braids/twists and bun weekly.
Beautiful head of hair. You know I gotta ant to see it all out.

Re washing it, I got the impression that she doesn’t wash her hair while it is in twists - not that she doesn’t wash it at all. Is that right? The acv regimen is as for cleaning while the twists are in, no?

Hmm your right idk. In the comments she said she doesn't use shampoo or conditioner at all. But maybe she uses clay to cleanse, she didn't really say but she said she'll explain in another video.
*sigh* One day I’m going to get serious about growing my hair. But twists in a bun 24/7 is too hardcore for me. I guess the trick is finding a protective style that you love, and think you look really cute in. I like washing my hair often, trying different styles and products, etc. I think my cutest style is a WnG. :(

What's this sad face for? Lol. I'm growing my hair out and like doing exactly what you mentioned.

I'm definitely not growing my hair out to be in twists, buns, or any protective style 24/7.

I also will chop my hair off in a flash so perhaps my view is skewed lol.
I don't think everyone needs to do protective styles to get longer hair, say BSL or MBL (if you aren't already there). I've seen people do it with just stretching relaxers and roller setting.

But to get to those extreme lengths such as hip length and beyond, I do think protective styling has to be a part of it. Maybe not 24/7 but at least 80% of time protected versus 20% "styled".
The category of “protective styles” is usually not protective for many people. Each person has a short list of truly protective styles that changes with hair length and may change as hair quality changes throughout their life. I never plan how long I’ll repeat a certain style but I do tend to PS 90-98% of the time lately.

When I feel like my hair looks amazing when in a particular protective style, my hair and scalp are thriving, and doing that style also helps make sure that I have adequate self-care despite my busy schedule, then I feel little incentive to stray away from my go to’s for an extended period of time.
I think that the AVJ is all that she uses to cleanse her length. At least for the majority of the time. She mentioned that if she happens to get build up, she'll add ACV to the AVJ.

My question is: Is she using undiluted AVJ?

You know, I read that, but it was just hard for me to believe that she uses only ACV and AVJ. I remember a blogger (I can’t remember her name) who looked at ACV washed hair under a microscope and the hair wasn’t clean or even clean-ish. She must not get itchy scalp or anything from it.

Beautiful hair.
You know, I read that, but it was just hard for me to believe that she uses only ACV and AVJ. I remember a blogger (I can’t remember her name) who looked at ACV washed hair under a microscope and the hair wasn’t clean or even clean-ish. She must not get itchy scalp or anything from it.

Beautiful hair.

I'm on the fence until I hear the full method. On one hand I want to turn up my nose, but on the other hand I've dabbled with water only and I know how it's benefited my hair.

I think where I get the most nervous is the idea of just spraying to cleanse as opposed to using a running steam of... something.

That said, depending on what she says her regie is, I might have to adjust mine accordingly. :look:
I wouldn't like always wearing a protective style because you can never wear your hair out or just enjoy it. I came to this board because my had broken off due it being colored but afterward, it grew out to mbl again and I wear my hair out most of the time unless I'm being lazy and I bun it.
I think that the AVJ is all that she uses to cleanse her length. At least for the majority of the time. She mentioned that if she happens to get build up, she'll add ACV to the AVJ.

My question is: Is she using undiluted AVJ?
I don’t think so she says she puts a tablespoon of acv into her avj. I assume like a spray bottle full. She also says she uses a hot rag to help with cleaning.
Also she says this is how she cleans her hair while it’s twisted to keep frizz down.
It seems she actually removed the twists to cleanse. Idk how she cleanses but I assumed she used something. The products mentioned in the video are for maintaining her twisted hair is the impression I got.