Thickness before length?


New Member
Who is aiming for thickness before length? I am.:look:

I'll rather have thick apl hair for years than thin Wsl hair.
I dont see the sense in growing your hair that long and still have thin lifeless hair.

One thing Im going to do is get a light 1/2 to 1 inch trim ever time I retain 4 inches of NG. That way it will give my shorter hair more time to catch up with my longer hair. I know my hair will get thicker doing it this way.

Right now my hair is mostly BSB but I only claim apl because I dont have the fullness that I want for BSB. I have 1 inch of NG and I will relax again once I get another 1 inch (end of July). I want to gain an additional 2 inches after my July relaxer. After that I will trim 1/2 to 1 inch off. I think I will be full/thick BSB then.

Now I know that their are alot of ladies with thin hair no matter what they do. But this is my theory. Thank

ETA: I wanted to post this in my 'Thicker hair challenge thread 'but I thought it would be better to post it here
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MEEEEE!!! I would much rather have thickness before length. Hence, my scissor happy ways!
(ahem) ME ME ME MEEEEEEEE!!!:hippie4:

a lil length aint hurt nobody but this girl has been my dream since i went natural!!!

Look at the THICKNESS!!!
(ahem) ME ME ME MEEEEEEEE!!!:hippie4:

a lil length aint hurt nobody but this girl has been my dream since i went natural!!!

Look at the THICKNESS!!!
I get more wow'd( if thats a word:look:) over some one with really thick APL hair than someone with thin wsl hair
Me!! Thickness is something I've always been complimented on (even though I don't have much length).

My hair has always been thick though.
If it's thin, something has gone horribly wrong. :nono:
Yep. I really don't get the point when someone has like one strand at BSL and wants to still claim it. Like Qualitee said it looks very thin and lifeless.
Definitely. I love thick hair. When it moves, OMG! It looks so beautiful. Thats why i'm on a cholesterol, oatmeal, egg for the hair kick because I want thickness, thickness, thickness!!!!
Well my hair is never going to be thick so I can't really be worried about it. All I do is try to make sure it isn't see through and that there are no crazy stragglers. I focus on health and then length. If I get some thickness as a byproduct, then I'll be throwing myself a party.
Yep thickness before length for me.

I'm probably gonna have to cut my hair really short to get rid of thin ends but it will be worth it to me..

I cannot wait for my hair to get thick!

The thinness of my hair bothers me more than the length.
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Well my hair is never going to be thick so I can't really be worried about it. All I do is try to make sure it isn't see through and that there are no crazy stragglers. I focus on health and then length. If I get some thickness as a byproduct, then I'll be throwing myself a party.

do you have fine strands??
do you have fine strands??

Yup, fine strands and not a lot of density. My hair is only going to be so thick. I'm more worried about making sure it's not falling out from my medication.

As long as it's on my head, I'm good.
You know what's funny...I remember that for a long time I wanted thinner hair, yes thinner! This was some year in around middle school and most of my friends had hair that was not as thick at mine so I would always complain to my mom that my hair was too thick and bushy at times and I wanted mine like the other girls. Luckily my mom never listened to that nonsense and I grew out of it. Now I love my hair, the thicker the better! Now if I could only get some length...I suppose I'll have to be a little more patient... (oh and I tend to do this... [the three dots...there is a word for that oh well] a lot when's a habit) :)
You know what's funny...I remember that for a long time I wanted thinner hair, yes thinner! This was some year in around middle school and most of my friends had hair that was not as thick at mine so I would always complain to my mom that my hair was too thick and bushy at times and I wanted mine like the other girls. Luckily my mom never listened to that nonsense and I grew out of it. Now I love my hair, the thicker the better! Now if I could only get some length...I suppose I'll have to be a little more patient... (oh and I tend to do this... [the three dots...there is a word for that oh well] a lot when's a habit) :)

ellipsis haha the three dots are called ellipsis

i've always wanted thinner hair and the only time i get it is relaxer day + 1 week haha
thick hair is uh hard to deal with haha
but thicker is more beautiful true
ellipsis haha the three dots are called ellipsis

i've always wanted thinner hair and the only time i get it is relaxer day + 1 week haha
thick hair is uh hard to deal with haha
but thicker is more beautiful true

Ahh...there it is, now I can add a name to my unknown friends...the Beloved Ellipsis! Kinda has a nice ring to it eh'?
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You know what's funny...I remember that for a long time I wanted thinner hair, yes thinner! This was some year in around middle school and most of my friends had hair that was not as thick at mine so I would always complain to my mom that my hair was too thick and bushy at times and I wanted mine like the other girls. Luckily my mom never listened to that nonsense and I grew out of it. Now I love my hair, the thicker the better! Now if I could only get some length...I suppose I'll have to be a little more patient... (oh and I tend to do this... [the three dots...there is a word for that oh well] a lot when's a habit) :)
I was like that at one point. An old beautician would always bust me out in the shop talking about, "I don't feel like pressing all this thick hair!!!!!!" I would be so ashamed. I realized that the thicker the better. Why in the heck would I want my hair all thin and sticking to my scalp?
I was like that at one point. An old beautician would always bust me out in the shop talking about, "I don't feel like pressing all this thick hair!!!!!!" I would be so ashamed. I realized that the thicker the better. Why in the heck would I want my hair all thin and sticking to my scalp?
Dang chick you werent doing it for free:rolleyes::lachen:
Well my hair is never going to be thick so I can't really be worried about it. All I do is try to make sure it isn't see through and that there are no crazy stragglers. I focus on health and then length. If I get some thickness as a byproduct, then I'll be throwing myself a party.

MSA, your hair does not look thin to me. I actually looks quite thick and nice. :yep:
I am not being a hater but I don't like that thin or hair anorexic look. Hmmm.....I personally am working on thickness now because I realize that long thin hair to me is not as attractive as long, lustrous and thick hair(or some sorta of body).