Length or Thickness?

Thickness or length?

  • It is more difficult to grow hair

    Votes: 40 15.0%
  • It is more difficult to increase thickness

    Votes: 134 50.2%
  • I prefer long hair

    Votes: 88 33.0%
  • I prefer thick hair

    Votes: 161 60.3%

  • Total voters
I know I am greedy! I would have to say both. But I wish at times my hair wasn't as thick.
sweetcoco said:
Is it more difficult/challenging to grow your hair or gain thickness? I have noticed my hair is getting thicker but it is not growing that much. Now that I think about it I actually would rather my hair be thick instead of it being super long. Would you prefer your hair real thick and full or long (not thin or real thick)?

I prefer thickness. So when the hair grows it will be thick and long. That is why I gave my hair a big chop. It was inching towards waist--the longest layer. I did not want layers, so to add thickness I CHOPPED off the hair, along with some dry ends. Now my ponytail (braided) is so tough to braid because of thickness in its natural state. I feel like I am trying to braid a rope.:eek: Well the henna treatments add to it.

ohsosuzy said:
Why must you make me choose.. I want it all.... Thick long luxurious hair :)

Hah! ITA with this. Though, it's easier for me to gain thickness because I think I'm treating my strands so well, so I have more hair that's almost the same length. Length is definitely something that's harder to come by...
I don't really care about thickness. My hair's pretty thin and I'm okay w/ it. I didn't care about length before just health.

Now I want it healthy AND waistlength
I totally prefer thickness. I know that my hair can grow at least to APL if not BSL. I've done it before. My challenge is to thicken the hair up or make it appear less fine and more dense or full. So, I'm striving for healthy care first. Thicker hair secondly. Then, and only then, will I shoot for length. My hair is undoubtedly growing, albeit slowly. It's the strength and the thickness that I need more of.
OneInAMillion said:
Hah! ITA with this. Though, it's easier for me to gain thickness because I think I'm treating my strands so well, so I have more hair that's almost the same length. Length is definitely something that's harder to come by...

Thats a tough call. I want my hair to be super thick and long....sigh:ohwell:
I prefer healthy hair for myself, especially since I've learned that I have medium strands, not too thin and not too thick, and I like it. Since DC my hair more than in the past it's way thicker than it use to be and back like it was when I was child. So I think with healthy hair anybody hair will be as thick as it will get along with length no matter how it comes in as long as it's healthy.

Now my hair grew in allowing me to gain thickness and length, but my daughters' thickness has taken over her hair making it hard to see her true length. But Saturday we discovered she's baby BSL :D so WE are excited :grin: .
i gu3ss that l3ngth would be more important becuase thicknes has never really been a problem :lol:. now that i have been geting advice from you ladies my hair is starting to grow slowy but surely and im not tryin to rush the process
Growing up I had both: A THICK head of hair that was always past APL. Then I started relaxing and lost both. Now that I am transitioning back to normal, I have achieved thickness again. Now just waiting on the length ;)
I voted for thickness ... If I had more thickness at this current length I think it would make my hair LOOK longer also I would like the feel and movement of it more when I run my hands through it.
Once your starting to take better care of ur hair, thickness will come much fast automatically than length. So I learned its better to get your hair healthy first than length will come eventually.
I think thickness is the hardest thing to obtain. I would be happy with my current length if it was just thicker.

I completely agree with this. My hair is pretty long. I believe it is basically bra strap length. This would be just fine if my hair was a little thicker. Thicker is relative for me because when I flat iron my hair thickness is not what I want to achieve. However, I love to wear my hair curly and that is where I want the thicker, fuller look. I want to be able to rock a nice size twist out or a cute wash-n-go, but my hair falls more than it is thick.

I believe that thickness is harder to achiever than length. Length, at least for me, comes with taking good care of my hair. However, thickness requires much more than just healthy hair habits. However, I also believe that the longer my hair grows it also helps with the fullness of my twist outs.

HHG- whether thicker or longer:grin:
In the beginning I would have said length over thickness. But after ending my 6 month stretch i've realized my hair is thicker than I knew it was. And I cut off a lot of my progress in the name of thickness. To me there is nothing worse than see through ends.
I think it's more difficult to increase thickness. People use growth aids, I don't but if there were a "thickness aid", I would really consider using it. I love thick hair, I obsess over having thick hair to tell the truth. The longer my hair grows, the thicker I want it. Thick hair at almost any length is so beautiful. To me, it's synonymous with healthy hair.
Thickness! Trust me I got length and its really not all that without some thickness. Bad enough I just lost a handful of hair. I need the little thickness that I had, back! Lol...
My hair is naturally thin whether short or long so i just have to accept that, if i grow my hair long, it will be thin and there is nothing i can do about it. :wallbash:
Of course i would prefer to have thicker hair to lengthy hair but that is not in my genes so i have to make the best of what i have and be thankful for what i do have. :yep:
My hair has never been thick it's always been healthy and had a lot of volume but I believe that this is as thick as it will get, so, I'm focusing more on length.

However, as much as I love length, I would rather have healthy looking hair, than long, dead looking, stringy hair that looks like I'm on some kinda medication. :/
I chose "It is more difficult to grow hair" or should i say retain length...I also chose " I prefer long hair" I picked that because well I have REALLY thick hair. I think I've only had one person in my lifetime tell me hair wasn't thick...which was shocking, since she was a hair dresser. She did say my hair grows quickly which it actually did grow but I never really cared cause it was always breaking off, so what difference did growth make? :ohwell: I am trying to finally put a halt in the breakage so I can have some hair.
I prefer thickness and it's harder to get!! A person can increase retention which will stop breakage and give the appearance of thicker hair, but since you can't increase density, I think it's harder to achieve than length.
oh!....we're talking about hair :grin: . I think length is most difficult for me to achieve, since I'm satisfied with the thickness. I would say in general that thickness would be most difficult to achieve if you don't already have it. I think genetics play a larger role in strand thickness (and density) than length. JMHO.

lololol! lmfao!
Thickness of course...my length will come later..my hair tends to grow out very thick and then down...if that makes sense..:look: