Length or Thickness?

Thickness or length?

  • It is more difficult to grow hair

    Votes: 40 15.0%
  • It is more difficult to increase thickness

    Votes: 134 50.2%
  • I prefer long hair

    Votes: 88 33.0%
  • I prefer thick hair

    Votes: 161 60.3%

  • Total voters
texasgrl said:
My hair has always been thick so I take it for granted. I want long hair.
This me in a nutshell..I never knew that so many AA woman sought after thick hair...I never appreciated my thickness until I found this website
I had thick hair as a child but thinned it out by over-relaxing over the years. Now my hair is just as thick as it was when i was a child, maybe thicker and i, too, have come to love my hair.

i like both. thick and long :D
I have both thick and long hair. And while I certainly don't want it to be thin, I wouldn't mind giving up a smidge of my thickness for a smidge more length.
I have to say I would really like to have my thickness back rather than length. I think there is a difference between see through hair and thin hair. When I see thin hair it can sometimes look full but see through hair I usually see at then ends of hair. My hair is thin and I don't mean see through (just those darn ends which need to be cut :p ) my strands are a mixture of thin and thick so I can see the difference.
LocksOfLuV said:
A lot of people seem to think that if your hair isn't thick then it is see-through. Not so. All hair that isn't thick is not nec. see-through.

Personally I don't care how thick/thin my hair is as long as it isn't stringy or see-through. I don't really consider my hair thick (but it not thin either) but it isn't see-through so it doesn't bother me.

With that being said, I would rather have length, then massive thickness. I flat iron it bone straight anyways, and if I wanted a reaaaaally thick look I would just rollerset it.

ITA! Well stated.
It's more a challenge for me to get thicker hair. I prefer thicker, fuller hair over length.
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AlexB7 said:
I think thickness is the hardest thing to obtain. I would be happy with my current length if it was just thicker.

ITA. Also I think people's hair aren't full not because it doesn't grow thick but because it breaks and thin out towards the end. While it is good to try to get your hair diameter to be thicker, it is more important to try to retain every strand of hair that you have. I've learn this the hard way. I was focusing on getting my hair long then I realized I would have been happy with APL if my hair was full. I've abondon the trying to get my hair longer. My focus is thickness now, which means I have to get frequent trims. I like when my hair seems to be just about the same lengh.
It would be more difficult to increase thickness. Length is going to happen, but thickness seems to be more hereditary, so I think it would take more work to affect the thickness...
Keen said:
ITA. Also I think people's hair aren't full not because it doesn't grow thick but because it breaks and thin out towards the end. While it is good to try to get your hair diameter to be thicker, it is more important to try to retain every strand of hair that you have. I've learn this the hard way. I was focusing on getting my hair long then I realized I would have been happy with APL if my hair was full. I've abondon the trying to get my hair longer. My focus is thickness now, which means I have to get frequent trims. I like when my hair seems to be just about the same lengh.
I totally agree!!! :up: This is what I discovered years ago. Then I went on a series of big chops through out the years to be able to even out my strands-- even if they were a couple-- I didn't care! LOL! Now I'm loving my hair soo much and I'm always striving to keep all the hair growing the same, together, and healthy by minimizing breakage and doing trims (or even cuts!) whenever needed. I have no problem whatsoever cutting off several inches of hair for the ultimate thickness and health (what I did 2 yrs ago).

I of course pick thick hair ANY DAY! I've always told ppl IRL this. By this, I mean attaining the thickest hair that your can be. If it is naturally fine, BUT healthy, then your hair will still have depth in my eyes. I hope I explained that right. :lol:

ETA: My own hair isn't super thick, but I believe it's as thick as it should be. :)
I voted that I prefer thickness, my hair isn't long, but b/c of the thickness of it, I get plenty of compliments from ppl:)
WhipEffectz1 said:
I would rather my hair be thick than long anyday!! There's just something so unattractive about stringy see through long hair!
Ditto, ditto, and ditto...

Anyone can grow hair... however, many can't grow long AND thick hair... I don't see the purpose of long thin hair :ohwell:. I've always wished my hair were thicker. I know certain things are genetic, but there is nothing like thick none see through hair :love:.
Britt said:
Ditto, ditto, and ditto...

Anyone can grow hair... however, many can't grow long AND thick hair... I don't see the purpose of long thin hair :ohwell:. I've always wished my hair were thicker. I know certain things are genetic, but there is nothing like thick none see through hair :love:.

This is what I am saying...what is the point??? ends all ratty and thin.. Yuck.
secretdiamond said:
I totally agree!!! :up: This is what I discovered years ago. Then I went on a series of big chops through out the years to be able to even out my strands-- even if they were a couple-- I didn't care! LOL! Now I'm loving my hair soo much and I'm always striving to keep all the hair growing the same, together, and healthy by minimizing breakage and doing trims (or even cuts!) whenever needed. I have no problem whatsoever cutting off several inches of hair for the ultimate thickness and health (what I did 2 yrs ago).

I of course pick thick hair ANY DAY! I've always told ppl IRL this. By this, I mean attaining the thickest hair that your can be. If it is naturally fine, BUT healthy, then your hair will still have depth in my eyes. I hope I explained that right. :lol:

ETA: My own hair isn't super thick, but I believe it's as thick as it should be. :)

I feel the same. With the bluntness you get that thickness!
It is more difficult to obtain thickness, I will give you that.

I have thick natural hair (meaning un-relaxed hair) but when it is relaxed it tends to get thinner, which I think is "typical" to many, so my remedy is not to relax as often/as long. My hair is not stringy when it is long but thinner than when it is natural, you cannot see through it and I think that is because I have no split ends, it is healthy. I prefer my hair to be long vs. thick. You can obtain thickness or at least appear to have thickness by adding layers.

I think if the hair is long and stringy it is not good but that may mean it is time to get a trim.
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Thick, like Dsylla kinda thick. Unfortunately my genes won't allow it (medium 3b/c). I'm very happy with my hair just being healthy.
length. i already have fine strands, but i have alot of them, so it can look thick depending on what i do to it.
Thickness is not an issue since I stopped relaxing my hair. My hair is really thick and full. I want the length. I want my hair to retain more lenght. It has grown a lot in the past two years but I want my hair start to start reaching mid back.
I say give me some thick hair vs. long hair. Thick hair looks healthy no matter the lenght but long hair must be sort of thick in order to look good. IMO
krissyprissy said:
I say give me some thick hair vs. long hair. Thick hair looks healthy no matter the lenght but long hair must be sort of thick in order to look good. IMO

I agree with this! :yep:
I need thickness :( My hair is too fine. I have to try henna and the black castor oil.

But if I can had thickness and lenght it will fantastic !!:)
I need thickness :( My hair is too fine. I have to try henna and the black castor oil.

But if I can had thickness and lenght it will fantastic !!:)

Girl, your hair is looking fly in that pic! :yep: