
Well-Known Member
I need your opinions so i can make a decision on what relaxer to use at my next touch-up, in 9 weeks. Do you find that you your hair is thicker and sheds less/ sinceswitchingfrom lye to no lye? No-lye is known to make hair drier, how are you mainitainnig your moisture levels? Did you have to change shampoos and conditioers after switching? are you experiencing more or less split ends? thanks in advance
Me and my daughter's hair was at it's healthiest when I was using Soft and Beautiful. We tried the lye and both lost the density and thickness of strand. Since going back to no lye specifically Olive Oil relaxer our hair is back thick.

My daughter's hair was also shedding like crazy and breaking off in the top. Now she no longer has that problem.

I do the no lye relaxer, then rinse and add a light protein, then I shampoo and follow with silk amino acid. My hair is in twist but it is almost bra strap once again.
Den1 you maybe onto something. When I was relaxed with Dark N Lovely back in the day, I rarely had shedding and my hair grew very well. I was able to go from ear length to shoulder length in 3 years, and I never deep conditioned and cut quite frequently. I was debating about switching from butter blend to Mizani no -lye. But I thought you couldn't switch between the two?
I need your opinions so i can make a decision on what relaxer to use at my next touch-up, in 9 weeks. Do you find that you your hair is thicker and sheds less/ sinceswitchingfrom lye to no lye? No-lye is known to make hair drier, how are you mainitainnig your moisture levels? Did you have to change shampoos and conditioers after switching? are you experiencing more or less split ends? thanks in advance

YES I got instantly thicker hair using no-lye instead of lye..I can tell a difference between my hair that's been relaxed with a lye perm and the hair that's been relaxed with a no-lye perm. I wouldn't say it sheds less hair sheds the same. But i would say that I have retained more moisture, as in my hair doesn't get dry fast. And no i didn't change shampoos or conditioners, I just chelate regularly (every month) and yea i experienced less split ends but i don't think it has anything to do with me turning to no-lye since the ends are the hair that's been permed with lye..
actually i was t hinking the other day how thick my hair was when the "stylist" used no lye, but I also remember how brittle and dry it was and I did use moisturizer also this was done on virgin hair. When I swtched to lye (motions:nono:) my hair felt even dryer also I did self hilights, and self dye, yes i was always a DIY:grin:, just had to learn the right techniques. My new "stylist" began to use revlon mild on me "because of the color" needless to say she did help save my hair and it did become stronger and thicker. But I now use ORS Lye, I've been using it for about a year now and I think im satisfied the regular leaves me underprocessed and I am thinking of switching to a more quality relaxer. But what I will say is I do my relaxers myself, and my hair is thick. I don't think it is the relaxer that determines the thickness of your hair, but more the condition of your hair and the way it is cared. HTH. Because I know from experience my hair has done a complete 180, by using good techniques and sense that i learned from the ladies here.:wave:
I agee, i remember when i was using Elasta qp no lye, my hair was very yet bone straight, the trouble was my hair was extremely dry, seems as if no lye is really working well for both you and your daughter, I'm not sure i will receive similar results. Is your hair less drier with no-lye? this is what i'm concerned about, i don't want to throw away my progress, by switching.

Me and my daughter's hair was at it's healthiest when I was using Soft and Beautiful. We tried the lye and both lost the density and thickness of strand. Since going back to no lye specifically Olive Oil relaxer our hair is back thick.

My daughter's hair was also shedding like crazy and breaking off in the top. Now she no longer has that problem.

I do the no lye relaxer, then rinse and add a light protein, then I shampoo and follow with silk amino acid. My hair is in twist but it is almost bra strap once again.
I believe that no-lye leaves the hair with more body, i've seen many fotki's where women use no-lye and they have some of the thickest heads of hair. AllAboutTheHair, you can switch, but just be careful not to overlap onto to the old lye hair, i've switched to no-lye before with no problems.

Den1 you maybe onto something. When I was relaxed with Dark N Lovely back in the day, I rarely had shedding and my hair grew very well. I was able to go from ear length to shoulder length in 3 years, and I never deep conditioned and cut quite frequently. I was debating about switching from butter blend to Mizani no -lye. But I thought you couldn't switch between the two?
Hello Myronnie, your hair is soo beautiful and long. I'm convinced now that no-lye is great for extra body, using a chelating poo is a must with no lye, i never did, so it didn't help. I shed more with lye though, i'm not sure what to decide, i may have to play safe and try silk elements mild lye first and see if there's an increase in thickness.

YES I got instantly thicker hair using no-lye instead of lye..I can tell a difference between my hair that's been relaxed with a lye perm and the hair that's been relaxed with a no-lye perm. I wouldn't say it sheds less hair sheds the same. But i would say that I have retained more moisture, as in my hair doesn't get dry fast. And no i didn't change shampoos or conditioners, I just chelate regularly (every month) and yea i experienced less split ends but i don't think it has anything to do with me turning to no-lye since the ends are the hair that's been permed with lye..
Exactly, girl that's why, i'm in two minds, dryness will just kill my hair. I think, i'll try the silk elements mild lye first and take it from there. Thanks for your help ladies. blessings from heavenxxxx

actually i was t hinking the other day how thick my hair was when the "stylist" used no lye, but I also remember how brittle and dry it was and I did use moisturizer also this was done on virgin hair. When I swtched to lye (motions:nono:) my hair felt even dryer also I did self hilights, and self dye, yes i was always a DIY:grin:, just had to learn the right techniques. My new "stylist" began to use revlon mild on me "because of the color" needless to say she did help save my hair and it did become stronger and thicker. But I now use ORS Lye, I've been using it for about a year now and I think im satisfied the regular leaves me underprocessed and I am thinking of switching to a more quality relaxer. But what I will say is I do my relaxers myself, and my hair is thick. I don't think it is the relaxer that determines the thickness of your hair, but more the condition of your hair and the way it is cared. HTH. Because I know from experience my hair has done a complete 180, by using good techniques and sense that i learned from the ladies here.:wave:
My hair grew while using no lye relaxers, but I don'tlike the dryness or feel of my hair after a touch up. I switched back to lye relaxers, becuase my hair had more body and now they have so many relaxers to choose from. Currently I'm using an Optimum relaxer with vitamins in it. Hope this helps.
I agee, i remember when i was using Elasta qp no lye, my hair was very yet bone straight, the trouble was my hair was extremely dry, seems as if no lye is really working well for both you and your daughter, I'm not sure i will receive similar results. Is your hair less drier with no-lye? this is what i'm concerned about, i don't want to throw away my progress, by switching.

If lye is working for you why do you want to switch? For me it's not so much less dry just more thick. I do feel with the no-lye my hair is more texlaxed although my daughter flat irons hers straight. I think the difference is that the no-lye allows us to retain the elasticity and strenghth of our natural state.

This is the reason we are retaining more hair. Less shedding and split ends.
I need your opinions so i can make a decision on what relaxer to use at my next touch-up, in 9 weeks. Do you find that you your hair is thicker and sheds less/ sinceswitchingfrom lye to no lye? No-lye is known to make hair drier, how are you mainitainnig your moisture levels? Did you have to change shampoos and conditioers after switching? are you experiencing more or less split ends? thanks in advance

Hey sweetie my Mizani no lye makes my hair the thickedest from all the ones i tried it makes it even thicker than the affirm and the same day

i'm show u the difference
when i use the affirm afterwards my hair is like this

my strands felt thinner right after the relaxer even though after a month it was thick again
this one here is 2-3 weeks old after the first affirm relaxer

And now touchup with the Mizani ( i dont know which one applied if its mizani butter blends or anything i ll ask my domenican stylist at the next touch up) my strands are way thicker like that even on the same day she permed compared to the first affirm relaxer where i had to wait for the permed head to get old lol:

i DEF recommend the Mizani, i remember when my stylist wanted to use it so badly on me and i was hesitant because i never used it in the past but she told me its the best and she uses the whole line on me when it s perm day! whatever you decide dont go back to lye, no lye relaxers is better. trust me it s better dryer strands than dryer scalp what is the most important to me is your scalp if you want more of your hair sprouting out, you can always moisturize the part that s already out lol my 2 cents hihi muah sweetie pie!!!! Den let me know which relaxer u gonna use!
My hair seem to have gotten thicker once I switched to a lye relaxer. looking at these pictures here before and after you might can tell!/

I started my hair journey in Feb 07 and switched to lye in June 07 and have never looked back. My hair seems to also be more healthier than before.

Den if you dont want to switch back to no-lye but is looking for a better relaxer let me tell you. I was using mizani lye and I recently switch to Optimum Multi-Mineral Relaxer, I never thought I would find something better than Mizani IMO. This relaxer has a blend of both
sodium, calcium and lithium hydroxides which leaves the hair silky, smooth and full of body and shine and its also reduced-pH.

Hint Hint Reniece uses this relaxer and now I see why. Check out Miss_Jetsetter relaxers and hair Just beautiful!
My hair didnt do well on Affirm no lye because of the calcium build up. It caused my hair to break around the hairline.

I switched to phyto which is also no-lye (Guanadine Hydroxide) and it did MUCH BETTER. Ive never had a problem with dryness on phyto.

My hair sheds like crazy no matter what i do so i am not sure if it made for less shedding or more. Im surprised im not bald, lol.
My hair seem to have gotten thicker once I switched to a lye relaxer. looking at these pictures here before and after you might can tell!/

I started my hair journey in Feb 07 and switched to lye in June 07 and have never looked back. My hair seems to also be more healthier than before.

Den if you dont want to switch back to no-lye but is looking for a better relaxer let me tell you. I was using mizani lye and I recently switch to Optimum Multi-Mineral Relaxer, I never thought I would find something better than Mizani IMO. This relaxer has a blend of both
sodium, calcium and lithium hydroxides which leaves the hair silky, smooth and full of body and shine and its also reduced-pH.

Hint Hint Reniece uses this relaxer and now I see why. Check out Miss_Jetsetter relaxers and hair Just beautiful!

Are you still using the Optimum Multi Mineral relaxer?
i can't take lye relaxers because they REALLY burn my scalp. i don't know if there was a difference in my hair between the two because i only just started doing my hair by myself. i use cream of nature herba riche and i've been using it for about 4 years now.
I don't see any difference in my hair.

My hair is as healthy and moisturized and soft as can be.

I use a chelating shmapoo once a month... I think that chelating is the key with using no lye relaxers.
That multi-mineral relaxer sounds interesting and I just googled for more information but all I got was the "marketing" stuff and the fact that it is neither lye nor no-lye but a combination of both. How many times have you used it and if possible, what are the ingredients?


My hair seem to have gotten thicker once I switched to a lye relaxer. looking at these pictures here before and after you might can tell!/

I started my hair journey in Feb 07 and switched to lye in June 07 and have never looked back. My hair seems to also be more healthier than before.

Den if you dont want to switch back to no-lye but is looking for a better relaxer let me tell you. I was using mizani lye and I recently switch to Optimum Multi-Mineral Relaxer, I never thought I would find something better than Mizani IMO. This relaxer has a blend of both
sodium, calcium and lithium hydroxides which leaves the hair silky, smooth and full of body and shine and its also reduced-pH.

Hint Hint Reniece uses this relaxer and now I see why. Check out Miss_Jetsetter relaxers and hair Just beautiful!
I use lithium hydroxide relaxer which technically is no lye but it doesn't leave the mineral deposits traditional no lye leaves that cause dryness.