Thick haired natural ladies...I need some styling advice


New Member
Okay. Lately I've been noticing that I have split ends and my hair is breaking (short hairs everywhere). I have been straightening more often lately, and I'll wear it like that for two to three weeks. Before straightening more, I would wear twists for two to three weeks, then a twist out. Before that, I would co-wash a couple times a week, and wear a puff.

So, I'm wondering if washing less often is contributing to my split ends and breakage?? The thing is, my hair is SOOOO THICK, that I can no longer wash it a couple times a week, or even once a week because it is just TOO MUCH to deal with. I don't have 3-4 hours to spend twisting my hair every week. And when I wear it out in a wash n go or puff, it tangles like crazy. So, I am running out of styling options here.

I'm starting to wonder if I have the time to care for and maintain natural hair anymore. A TWA was SOOO much easier to care for. But then I got bored with that. Even straightening takes more time because of how thick my hair is without a relaxer. I REALLY don't want to put a relaxer in my hair again, but I DEFINITELY see why women do it for manageability.

WHAT DO I DO???? :wallbash: HELP!!! :sad:
I kow that feeling... that's usually when I grab the scissors and do another big chop. :ohwell:

Buuuut... sometimes you just really need to take a break from styling your own hair. Maybe you can get braids or kinky twists or a sew-in? I was going through a hump where I was frustrated and wanted to chop again, but I got microbraids instead. After 6 weeks in those, I was never more excited to see and play in my own hair again. Just a thought.

Have you tried bantu knots? Those are quicker than twists and can be a great protective style. Also making a few chunky twists (maybe 10-15 so it doesn't take longer than 30-45 minutes) and untwisting them and wearing a chunky twist-out. That style usually lasts a full week for me.
I kow that feeling... that's usually when I grab the scissors and do another big chop. :ohwell:

Buuuut... sometimes you just really need to take a break from styling your own hair. Maybe you can get braids or kinky twists or a sew-in? I was going through a hump where I was frustrated and wanted to chop again, but I got microbraids instead. After 6 weeks in those, I was never more excited to see and play in my own hair again. Just a thought.

Have you tried bantu knots? Those are quicker than twists and can be a great protective style. Also making a few chunky twists (maybe 10-15 so it doesn't take longer than 30-45 minutes) and untwisting them and wearing a chunky twist-out. That style usually lasts a full week for me.

Thanks, hun. I guess I also should have mentioned I'M BROKE, and can't afford a sew-in or micro braids. :lachen:I would LOVE to get a sew in though. It's just being able to afford it. And I have tried the chunky twists before, but because my hair shrinks like CRAZY, it looked a mess. Like there were NO ripples from the twists, at all. My hair just looked like a soft cloud (I got that expression from someone else). :lachen:
you said you've been straightening more lately. maybe that's the cause of the breakage and splits. seems from reading around that the way to avoid them is to 1) use a ceramic flat iron, 2) go over each section no more than 2 times, 3) use a heat protectant.
you said you've been straightening more lately. maybe that's the cause of the breakage and splits. seems from reading around that the way to avoid them is to 1) use a ceramic flat iron, 2) go over each section no more than 2 times, 3) use a heat protectant.

See, I do all of that. I have NO DOUBT in my mind that the heat from straightening is definitely causing some of that. But I also wondered if maybe I'm getting less moisture when I wash less. :wallbash:
Don't do anything too hasty! I have super thick hair! And I was natural for 3 years when I started feeling the same way you feel now. So I went and texlaxed my hair. And now a year later I miss my natural hair...and seriously considering transitioning....AGAIN! If you relax it you can't so easily go back. And we're bold! White ladies wear their hair the same way for decades and never seem to get bored:lachen: We have have dozens of hair styles to choose from and we still get tired.
I think you definitely should go back to washing more. I do the same thing you do...twists, then twistout then maybe a puff, which means no washing for 3 weeks. I've been noticing that my hair just doesn't act right after I do this, and I believe it's because it's not getting any moisture.

I haven't figured out a game plan yet, but I'm definitely going to step up my cowashes.:yep: I guess I also need to re-incorporate deep conditiong/steam into my regimen again.

I look at it like this...I had thick hair when I was relaxed, and it wasn't any easier. If I didn't rollerset, I dealt with dryness and breakage. Well, rollersetting took me several hours, including sitting under the hot dryer. I think I have it just a smidge easier now.:grin: Thick hair can be a curse, whether you're relaxed or natural, so believe me, I feel your pain. :yep:
I am going through the same thing right now. I have very thick hair, and because it is winter time, I haven't been washing as much as I do the rest of the year (which is daily), and I have noticed a difference. My hair is growing a lot because of the lack of manipulation. However it is dry as all get out :ohwell:. My scalp is dry, and getting on my nerves. However it is too daggone cold to wash my hair in the morning and go out the door. Soooooo............... IDK we just have to find a happy medium. For me, I know it is washing more often.
I am going through the same thing right now. I have very thick hair, and because it is winter time, I haven't been washing as much as I do the rest of the year (which is daily), and I have noticed a difference. My hair is growing a lot because of the lack of manipulation. However it is dry as all get out :ohwell:. My scalp is dry, and getting on my nerves. However it is too daggone cold to wash my hair in the morning and go out the door. Soooooo............... IDK we just have to find a happy medium. For me, I know it is washing more often.


I think we tend to underestimate the effect good old water has on our hair. I know when I was relaxed, going from washing every 2-3 weeks to washing weekly made a HUGE difference. It was tiring, but it worked.

When I was cowashing daily as a natural, I had no problems. Even washing once a week was fine, but this going 3 weeks is a no-no for my hair. It's been trying to tell me that, but I haven't been listening.:lachen:This post is actually a wake-up call for me, so thanks!:yep:
I would recommend doing small twists on your hair. My hair is VERY thick...the times that I get frustrated with trying to style it all the time, I do small two strand twists and leave them in my hair for a little while to give me a break from styling it. Also helps retain some growth because im not constantly manipulating it or blow drying, or flat ironing...most styles don't last longer than a few days so im always redoing my hair. Maybe you could try the small twists, it takes a lot of time, but after your done, you will be able to have a style that lasts a while.
When you are wearing your twist are you moisturizing them daily with some type of daily spray leave in? That might help keep your hair moisturized.

And I have fine thin hair. So I would just like to say that I would love thick hair. Goodness. When you all do twist it looks so FULL and HEALTHY. Imagine spending the same 3 hours and coming out with twist that look anorexic. They say the grass always looks greener on the otherside and it may not be however, I would be willing to take the BURDEN (lol) of thick hair especially hair like SouthernBella/Lauren450. Which I know you all wouldn't trade me...hahaha

I think we tend to underestimate the effect good old water has on our hair. I know when I was relaxed, going from washing every 2-3 weeks to washing weekly made a HUGE difference. It was tiring, but it worked.

When I was cowashing daily as a natural, I had no problems. Even washing once a week was fine, but this going 3 weeks is a no-no for my hair. It's been trying to tell me that, but I haven't been listening.:lachen:This post is actually a wake-up call for me, so thanks!:yep:

I know exactly what you mean. It seems as soon as the cold hits the ground, I am not washing like I usually do. But dang, if my scalp isnt barking at me :lachen:, and I have in really good ear plugs. This thick hair is more than a notion in the winter time. I think I will start washing at night more often, and doing platt-outs or something like that.

I can't believe how much I am complaining now, and my hair isn't even long.... but I am in it for the long haul.
I incorporating shingling in my regimen. This does take a while but it lasts. It help define my curls, and reduce frizz. I wrapped in satn scrarf or bonnet at night. I rewet in the morning or put hair in a puff.

When I do a twists sometimes i leave the twists in for a few days and then do a twist out the rest of the week. This lasts me much longer.

I also changes things to fit my schedule. I deep condition at night or while cleaning on the weekend. I wash when I have time to.

I use my Sebastian Potion 9 Leave in Treatment and aloe vera gel more in the cold weather. This helps my ends and keeps my hair moisturized.
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I think we tend to underestimate the effect good old water has on our hair. I know when I was relaxed, going from washing every 2-3 weeks to washing weekly made a HUGE difference. It was tiring, but it worked.

When I was cowashing daily as a natural, I had no problems. Even washing once a week was fine, but this going 3 weeks is a no-no for my hair. It's been trying to tell me that, but I haven't been listening.:lachen:This post is actually a wake-up call for me, so thanks!:yep:

I know. ITA w/ your post. I think my hair is like, "Give me what I want, or you will have NO hair on your head!!!" :lachen:

I would recommend doing small twists on your hair. My hair is VERY thick...the times that I get frustrated with trying to style it all the time, I do small two strand twists and leave them in my hair for a little while to give me a break from styling it. Also helps retain some growth because im not constantly manipulating it or blow drying, or flat ironing...most styles don't last longer than a few days so im always redoing my hair. Maybe you could try the small twists, it takes a lot of time, but after your done, you will be able to have a style that lasts a while.

That's what I've been doing, wearing twists to give me a break from styling. That also causes me to not wash my hair, which I think is causing some of my problems. When I started doing the twists, I feel in love with it because I didn't have to do anything else to my hair for two weeks. Little did I know, I was paying a price for that.

When you are wearing your twist are you moisturizing them daily with some type of daily spray leave in? That might help keep your hair moisturized.

I was spraying them with a moisturizing spray twice daily (in the morning and at night). Then I started forgetting; and when I did, I noticed I didn't have to touch up my twists as often. So, then I stopped spraying often. But when I wear twist outs, I used some Elasta QP Mango Butter on my fingers to fluff every morning. It was just my twists that stopping getting attention. :sad:

I incorporating shingling in my regimen. This does take a while but it lasts. It help define my curls, and reduce frizz. I wrapped in satn scrarf or bonnet at night. I rewet in the morning or put hair in a puff.

When I do a twists sometimes i leave the twists in for a few days and then do a twist out the rest of the week. This lasts me much longer.

I also changes things to fit my schedule. I deep condition at night or while cleaning on the weekend. I wash when I have time to.

I use my Sebastian Potion 9 Leave in Treatment and aloe vera gel more in the cold weather. This helps my ends and keeps my hair moisturized.

I did think about trying to wear a detangled wash n go. Before when I did my wng's, I didn't comb at all. And that caused HELL for me for every wash. But, since my hair is longer now, and starting to hang more, I have considered trying to do a wng with my hair detangled well with my denman. When I wash and detangle, it looks good. But, it may look a mess when it dries. I'm off work for Christmas break. So, I may try it.

And I didn't think about washing at night. That would eliminate all the stuff that I miss during the day due to washing.
I have verrrrry thick hair, and I found that what helps me alot is to not wear my hair loose alot and keep it twisted or braided up. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but I try to be creative with my twists and found some cute ways to pin it up.

When I say keep it twisted up, I mean I do everything while still in twists. Wash, condition, treatments, etc. As my hair became longer, it became a necessity. A fro or puff is just asking for trouble. I wash in twists, because at this point, it's the only way I can get to my scalp. I wash and condition once a week in the winter, more often when it is warmer. I can keep my twists in for up to four weeks without too much frizz and when it comes to detangling, I detangle each twist or braid when I redo my hair, or I detangle in small sections when I change up my parts. Thick hair is NO JOKE. :drunk: I love my hair, but sometimes:wallbash:
I have verrrrry thick hair, and I found that what helps me alot is to not wear my hair loose alot and keep it twisted or braided up. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but I try to be creative with my twists and found some cute ways to pin it up.

When I say keep it twisted up, I mean I do everything while still in twists. Wash, condition, treatments, etc. As my hair became longer, it became a necessity. A fro or puff is just asking for trouble. I wash in twists, because at this point, it's the only way I can get to my scalp. I wash and condition once a week in the winter, more often when it is warmer. I can keep my twists in for up to four weeks without too much frizz and when it comes to detangling, I detangle each twist or braid when I redo my hair, or I detangle in small sections when I change up my parts. Thick hair is NO JOKE. :drunk: I love my hair, but sometimes:wallbash:

Girl, the bolded part is making me think!!!! :lachen:Yeah, I've tried the washing in twists thing, and my hair looks a HOTT MESS afterwards. :lachen:
Okay, since the search feature is down, I can't do a search on bunning wet. But, that's something I just considered. I can wash a couple times a week, pull my hair back, and throw on my fake bun or phony pony (while bagging my ends). But, I don't remember if ladies said bunning while wet is a good thing or a bad thing. Anyone know??
How are you wearing your hair while it's straightened? If you're constantly wearing it down, that may be another problem.
Okay, since the search feature is down, I can't do a search on bunning wet. But, that's something I just considered. I can wash a couple times a week, pull my hair back, and throw on my fake bun or phony pony (while bagging my ends). But, I don't remember if ladies said bunning while wet is a good thing or a bad thing. Anyone know??

I wet bun everyday and cowash everyday, aside from wash day. My hair likes it. Baggying for me is a whole different thing. My hair hated that lol. I think you just need to experiment a little to see what works.
Funny you should bring this up OP. I have recently stuck to this boring bun because i just don't have time to deal with all this hair. It's at a length now that wearing wash and goes constantly equals single-strand knots and extra-long detangling sessions. And i don't want to have to straighten it all the time... If i'm gonna put all that effort into it, i might as well go back to relaxing. :(

I used to be all about enjoying my hair "out," but i finally had to ask myself, "do you want to grow your hair longer but stay in protective styles, or enjoy it but keep it at a shorter length?" Decisions, decisons... :look:
How are you wearing your hair while it's straightened? If you're constantly wearing it down, that may be another problem.

Actually, it stays in a bun most of the time because I can't straighten without poofiness. :lachen:I may be able to wear it down for a couple days at a time.

Funny you should bring this up OP. I have recently stuck to this boring bun because i just don't have time to deal with all this hair. It's at a length now that wearing wash and goes constantly equals single-strand knots and extra-long detangling sessions. And i don't want to have to straighten it all the time... If i'm gonna put all that effort into it, i might as well go back to relaxing. :(

I used to be all about enjoying my hair "out," but i finally had to ask myself, "do you want to grow your hair longer but stay in protective styles, or enjoy it but keep it at a shorter length?" Decisions, decisons... :look:

Libra!!!! Actually your 2 year and 2.5 year marks in your siggy is what I envisioned when I thought about wearing a detangled wng. :yep: I'm sure mines would look NOTHING like yours....but that's what gave me the idea. :lachen:

I just washed and conditioned. I have my hair in four sections now, and I think I'm going to go ahead and try the bun thing. So, when you ladies bun (LadyLibra and TrueQueen) do you just leave the back out??? If so, is it tangled when you wash again??

If I leave mines out, I know it's gonna shrink up to the worlds smallest puff!!! :lachen:
I think you definitely should go back to washing more. I do the same thing you do...twists, then twistout then maybe a puff, which means no washing for 3 weeks. I've been noticing that my hair just doesn't act right after I do this, and I believe it's because it's not getting any moisture.

I haven't figured out a game plan yet, but I'm definitely going to step up my cowashes.:yep: I guess I also need to re-incorporate deep conditiong/steam into my regimen again.

I look at it like this...I had thick hair when I was relaxed, and it wasn't any easier. If I didn't rollerset, I dealt with dryness and breakage. Well, rollersetting took me several hours, including sitting under the hot dryer. I think I have it just a smidge easier now.:grin: Thick hair can be a curse, whether you're relaxed or natural, so believe me, I feel your pain. :yep:

Lauren, what are you using on your hair? And when you do blowdry, what type of dryer are you using. My hair is very similiar to yours, the texture and YES the thickness- that comb breaking thickness :lachen:. What do you do? I have looking in your fotiki to see what you are using but could not find it.
I see when you stopped spraying your hair daily you didn't have to redo your twist as often, but that lack of moisture could be part of the problem and part of the reason why your hair is breaking off in small pieces.
I definitely have the same problem and it has affected my lack of length retention. I have little broken hairs everywhere sometimes. But when I straighten often I definitely notice more. I would imagine that the heat use is the culprit. It can have a cumulative effect and weaken your hair strands. Also,when was the last time you did a protein treatment. Motions CPR or Aphogee 2 min recovery usually stops my breakage.
Dang sorry i'm just now responding! :blush:

You know how Chicoro does her bun? Well insetead of braiding the sections, i've been doing twists. And i don't baggy... I just wrap the ponytail of twists into a bun. At least this way my ends are protected. ;) i have been studying some other bun styles around the site though, trying to keep it interesting but still simple and of course effective.

Actually, it stays in a bun most of the time because I can't straighten without poofiness. :lachen:I may be able to wear it down for a couple days at a time.

Libra!!!! Actually your 2 year and 2.5 year marks in your siggy is what I envisioned when I thought about wearing a detangled wng. :yep: I'm sure mines would look NOTHING like yours....but that's what gave me the idea. :lachen:

I just washed and conditioned. I have my hair in four sections now, and I think I'm going to go ahead and try the bun thing. So, when you ladies bun (LadyLibra and TrueQueen) do you just leave the back out??? If so, is it tangled when you wash again??

If I leave mines out, I know it's gonna shrink up to the worlds smallest puff!!! :lachen:
Ms Twana said:
Okay. Lately I've been noticing that I have split ends and my hair is breaking (short hairs everywhere). I have been straightening more often lately, and I'll wear it like that for two to three weeks. Before straightening more, I would wear twists for two to three weeks, then a twist out. Before that, I would co-wash a couple times a week, and wear a puff.

So, I'm wondering if washing less often is contributing to my split ends and breakage?? The thing is, my hair is SOOOO THICK, that I can no longer wash it a couple times a week, or even once a week because it is just TOO MUCH to deal with. I don't have 3-4 hours to spend twisting my hair every week. And when I wear it out in a wash n go or puff, it tangles like crazy. So, I am running out of styling options here.

I'm starting to wonder if I have the time to care for and maintain natural hair anymore. A TWA was SOOO much easier to care for. But then I got bored with that. Even straightening takes more time because of how thick my hair is without a relaxer. I REALLY don't want to put a relaxer in my hair again, but I DEFINITELY see why women do it for manageability.


Do you deep condition?

Do you take break in between straightening?

Maybe you could wear bun or other protective styles, out natural for a week or 2, to take a break from straightening. Baggying/phony-pony might be a good option too.
Also someone suggested wet bunning, that's great if it's warm, but if you live somewhere that gets cold, baggying or damp bunning might work better, you don't want totally wet hair/scalp and go out in the cold.
I noticed that you wear your natural styles for 3 weeks or straight for 2-3 weeks what are you doing for moisture during that time, oil or creme for your ends would work straight or natural, if natural you could use a spray bottle and mist daily. Lack of moisture will hurt your ends just as much as too much straightening. But I've seen long heads of hair that straighten regularly and have no breakage. check out redhotlala's (she's relaxed) or IRIS's (she's natural) fotki:

If you're at the neck/shoulder length hump you might just have to pony or bun or braid just to get past that one stage, it's the only stage I think you have to wear protective styles for sure. I had to do the same thing relaxed as I did natural to get "the straight look" so relaxing was a waste of time and money for me, besides my hair was much thinner no matter what I did. If you don't have that issue relaxing might be an alternative but think about it alot before you do it and remember 1 bad stylist or relaxer and your back at TWA again. Make sure you find someone who's really good and who cares about healthy hair not just getting the latest styles. hth
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I see when you stopped spraying your hair daily you didn't have to redo your twist as often, but that lack of moisture could be part of the problem and part of the reason why your hair is breaking off in small pieces.

Yeah, that's what I'm starting to see. Because otherwise, I was co-washing all the time, and my hair was loving it. Well, besides when I didn't clarify enough and had too much buildup!! :lachen:

I definitely have the same problem and it has affected my lack of length retention. I have little broken hairs everywhere sometimes. But when I straighten often I definitely notice more. I would imagine that the heat use is the culprit. It can have a cumulative effect and weaken your hair strands. Also,when was the last time you did a protein treatment. Motions CPR or Aphogee 2 min recovery usually stops my breakage.

Dang, I just washed yesterday, and I didn't have enough Joico K Pak to do a protein treatment, so I didn't. I forgot all about my motions CPR. I'll do that in a couple of days.

Dang sorry i'm just now responding! :blush:

You know how Chicoro does her bun? Well insetead of braiding the sections, i've been doing twists. And i don't baggy... I just wrap the ponytail of twists into a bun. At least this way my ends are protected. ;) i have been studying some other bun styles around the site though, trying to keep it interesting but still simple and of course effective.

Yesterday, I just left my puff out. But, if I go anywhere today, I'll just use my sock bun. That way my ends are protected. I was also worried that my head might hurt from bunning. It usually does I guess because my head isn't used to it. But, I used my satin like ponytail holder, wrapped three times, and my head feels fine. So, I guess it depends on the type of ponytail holder that you use.

Do you deep condition?

Do you take break in between straightening?

Maybe you could wear bun or other protective styles, out natural for a week or 2, to take a break from straightening. Baggying/phony-pony might be a good option too.
Also someone suggested wet bunning, that's great if it's warm, but if you live somewhere that gets cold, baggying or damp bunning might work better, you don't want totally wet hair/scalp and go out in the cold.
I noticed that you wear your natural styles for 3 weeks or straight for 2-3 weeks what are you doing for moisture during that time, oil or creme for your ends would work straight or natural, if natural you could use a spray bottle and mist daily. Lack of moisture will hurt your ends just as much as too much straightening. But I've seen long heads of hair that straighten regularly and have no breakage. check out redhotlala's (she's relaxed) or IRIS's (she's natural) fotki:

If you're at the neck/shoulder length hump you might just have to pony or bun or braid just to get past that one stage, it's the only stage I think you have to wear protective styles for sure. I had to do the same thing relaxed as I did natural to get "the straight look" so relaxing was a waste of time and money for me, besides my hair was much thinner no matter what I did. If you don't have that issue relaxing might be an alternative but think about it alot before you do it and remember 1 bad stylist or relaxer and your back at TWA again. Make sure you find someone who's really good and who cares about healthy hair not just getting the latest styles. hth

I do deep condition. I was DCing with Elasta QP DPR-11 with every wash. Sometimes under the dryer, and sometimes I just used a shower cap while I bathed. I was also taking a break in between straightening too. I was straightening once a month or every other month, until this last time. This last time I tried to used curlformers (to prevent flat iron use again) after my last flat iron. But the curls began to look a mess, so I had to flat iron again. So, in Dec. I straightened twice with no break.

For moisture, I was using EQP Mango Butter. I would use that for straight hair and for twist outs. I stopped using anything while I had twists though. :nono:

I liked the way my bun looked. I just used the sock bun and wrapped my hair around it. It basically looks like my bun when my hair is straight, just not as neat looking. I'm actually ECSTATIC that I can do it. This has been my first time trying a ponytail in a LONG time. Now I can not only do a ponytail, but also use my own hair for the bun!!! :yay: I'm excited. :yep:

Thanks to you ladies and your suggestions, the relaxer thoughts are gone. I am going to wash twice a week again, and do my bun for a while. I'll probably wash at night, that way my hair can dry overnight; and I don't have to worry about going out in the cold with wet hair.
Yeah, that's what I'm starting to see. Because otherwise, I was co-washing all the time, and my hair was loving it. Well, besides when I didn't clarify enough and had too much buildup!! :lachen:

Dang, I just washed yesterday, and I didn't have enough Joico K Pak to do a protein treatment, so I didn't. I forgot all about my motions CPR. I'll do that in a couple of days.

Yesterday, I just left my puff out. But, if I go anywhere today, I'll just use my sock bun. That way my ends are protected. I was also worried that my head might hurt from bunning. It usually does I guess because my head isn't used to it. But, I used my satin like ponytail holder, wrapped three times, and my head feels fine. So, I guess it depends on the type of ponytail holder that you use.

I do deep condition. I was DCing with Elasta QP DPR-11 with every wash. Sometimes under the dryer, and sometimes I just used a shower cap while I bathed. I was also taking a break in between straightening too. I was straightening once a month or every other month, until this last time. This last time I tried to used curlformers (to prevent flat iron use again) after my last flat iron. But the curls began to look a mess, so I had to flat iron again. So, in Dec. I straightened twice with no break.

For moisture, I was using EQP Mango Butter. I would use that for straight hair and for twist outs. I stopped using anything while I had twists though. :nono:

I liked the way my bun looked. I just used the sock bun and wrapped my hair around it. It basically looks like my bun when my hair is straight, just not as neat looking. I'm actually ECSTATIC that I can do it. This has been my first time trying a ponytail in a LONG time. Now I can not only do a ponytail, but also use my own hair for the bun!!! :yay: I'm excited. :yep:

Thanks to you ladies and your suggestions, the relaxer thoughts are gone. I am going to wash twice a week again, and do my bun for a while. I'll probably wash at night, that way my hair can dry overnight; and I don't have to worry about going out in the cold with wet hair.
You may want to check the ingredients of that EQP DPR conditioner or w/ some of the other ladies to make sure it's not a protein, if it is then you'll need to balance that out with a moisturizing conditoner for DC and alternate.
Yeah keep bunning for a while and see how that goes, keep those ends tucked under. hth
You may want to check the ingredients of that EQP DPR conditioner or w/ some of the other ladies to make sure it's not a protein, if it is then you'll need to balance that out with a moisturizing conditoner for DC and alternate.
Yeah keep bunning for a while and see how that goes, keep those ends tucked under. hth

Hmmm....there have been threads about whether or not it's a protein conditioner or moisturizing conditioner. I think most ladies said moisturizer. I don't remember though. Thanks for bringing that up. I never even thought about that. I'll look into it.

I think we tend to underestimate the effect good old water has on our hair. I know when I was relaxed, going from washing every 2-3 weeks to washing weekly made a HUGE difference. It was tiring, but it worked.

When I was cowashing daily as a natural, I had no problems. Even washing once a week was fine, but this going 3 weeks is a no-no for my hair. It's been trying to tell me that, but I haven't been listening.:lachen:This post is actually a wake-up call for me, so thanks!:yep:

I agree with everything that was said here :yep:

The ladies have given some good advice here so I have nothing to add, but I just wanted to say to the OP that I can relate and I definitely feel your pain.