Thick haired natural ladies...I need some styling advice

To me, taking one day a week to spend 3-4 hours caring for my hair is a bargain since it means almost carefree hair for a full week until the next wash. I'm a natural with hair several inches below the shoulders (almost bra-stap) when straightened. I wash and condition once a week and alternate between buns and braid-outs. Caring for you hair doesn't have to be an ordeal. I wash and detangle in the shower. Buns take no time but when I do a braid-out I usually put on a movie while I plait my hair for the 2 hours or so it might take so it doesn't feel like a chore. Once it dries I finger-style the rest of the week until the next wash. Compared to people who are styling their hair everyday I feel like I have it easy with my 3-4 hours once a week.
Okay, so what are you ladies using to detangle?? I have a denman brush. I have not idea which one. I got it from Sallie's. Anyway, I can not get to the root of my hair anymore. I barely feel the brush on my scalp. And now in my bun, I notice there's a hump right above my bun. I'm sure my hair is not detangled well there, and it's just a bunch of hair coiled up. What else can I try to detangle with??

And how do you prevent the finger cramps?? :lachen:Is that even possible to prevent??? Aaaaahhhhh.....the joys of thick hair!!! :spinning:
I can totally relate to the comb breaking thickness and not having all day to style hair! I've only been completely natural for about a month but I had similar issues with relaxed hair. For me the longer I would go without water of some sort, (rewetting in sections, co wash, wash etc) the more shedding and breakage I'd get. Before the tranistion I was just about waist length - now I'm bra strap stretched in the back. I think the longer it is the eaiser to work with for me.

Have you tried big braid outs? they seem fast to me. I section and braid in at least four sections to wash and condition. (otherwise my scalp would never get wet!) Recently I tried a braidout with 3 braids in each of the four sections. I forgot to push the two sections back together in the back though. I'll try to put the pic up.

I like the shower comb for detangling but I love just raking my hands through the sections over and over with conditioner in it untill its detangled. That also helps form my curls.

I'm trying to get up the courage to rollerset.
I've found it easier to detangle in the shower with water running on my hair. Suave coconut conditioner is a great detangler. It gives a lot of slippage. I use a wide tooth comb. I never use a brush on my hair except to smooth edges.
First of all - your hair is gorgeous. Second of all - you are exactly where I am afraid I will be if (lord willing) my hair keeps growing. I am already getting frustrated with the time and energy it takes to do my hair now - either twists, pressing, bun, whatever. I guess it will be like that no matter what but I don't remember this issue when my hair was relaxed.

Right now, I detangle in the shower with this fabulous comb that I found at Wal-mart. I think it's a goody comb but I literally have NO hairs in the comb when I'm done. After I do that it makes it a lot easier when I get out of the shower. I'll see if I can find a pic.

ETA: I think this is the one I have - not the mosaic one, just the ouchless one
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Have you tried big braid outs? they seem fast to me. I section and braid in at least four sections to wash and condition. (otherwise my scalp would never get wet!) Recently I tried a braidout with 3 braids in each of the four sections. I forgot to push the two sections back together in the back though. I'll try to put the pic up.

I like the shower comb for detangling but I love just raking my hands through the sections over and over with conditioner in it untill its detangled. That also helps form my curls.

I haven't tried braid outs since I've been natural. I've really been wanting to try them lately, but I'm afraid. I think I'll REALLY have the hand cramps from braiding more than I would from twisting.

I've found it easier to detangle in the shower with water running on my hair. Suave coconut conditioner is a great detangler. It gives a lot of slippage. I use a wide tooth comb. I never use a brush on my hair except to smooth edges.

Ya'll just reminded me how much slip those Suave and V05 conditioners have. Since I stopped co-washing, I stopped buying those conditioners, too. I'll be getting some more this week!!! :yep:

Oh, I washed yesterday with Aveda Brillant; and OMG....the conditioner caused the comb to just GLIDE through my hair. The first time I used it (I think I was relaxed), I was trying to figure out what all the hype was about. But my hair felt soooo good when I was done yesterday. But, the stuff costs too much for me to be using to detangle; cause I need A LOT for all this hair. :lachen: