Thick Haired Natural - Finally MBL???

Congratulations on reaching MBL and your pregnancy!!! Your hair is gorgeous short or long. Why are you buying a wig? Do you think it will fit over all that gorgeous hair? LOL :)

Girl, you know, I never even thought about that. It shrinks up so much...but I DO have problems with hats. I might need to re-think this :lachen:

I was just thinking of ways to get up and go. And I thought a wig would be a good option. Might just need to stick to bunning ;)
I know at one time you were braiding your hair, similar to Zhara. I bet you have a lot of twists!!! How many and how long does it take to twist? Your little one is soooo cute! :)
Wonderful, simply wonderful! Thank you for posting original starting pics, its a great help to those of us on our journey. You are without a doubt MBL.
Your hair is stunning. It is definitely MBL. This definitely encourages me more.
Thank you for sharing and congrats on the soon to be arrival.
At that length ...all i can say is BEAUTIFUL! I love your hair! CONGRATS! And you've got a nice blog. off to read it...
When I saw the title and your name, I couldn't click fast enough. lol I LOVE your hair!! You're only like 2" from WL. Congrats!!

I remember seeing your daughter's pictures, she's so pretty! :) Congrats on the new baby too!
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