He doesn't live there anymore... that's his OLD house... ya'll need to quit
Very well, then...why do we all pray for God to bless us with homes, to improve our finances, our health, help us get better jobs, careers, etc., yet scrutinize the preachers who are living with those same physical successes? I don't get it.... Shimmie, nathansgirl1908... explain... lol Shimmie, do you have a photo of the house where David Jeremiah lives? I'd like to see where he lives......
I'm not letting you guys off the hook on this one...
Is the house in Fayetteville larger than Scarlett O'hara's Atlanta Plantation... "Tara" that he moved from?
How much house does a person need?
Okay, seriously, I have a 'concern' only because the Word of God says to 'shun' even the very 'appearance' of evil.
I stand before the 'court' with these points of concern:
Knowing that the world looks down upon Ministries as dealers and stealers:
* Why live in a home with so many 'extras' knowing it will bring a reproach upon the body of Christ?
* Is he willing to serve God without this?
* Who is he pleasing, his flesh or God with this lifestyle?
* How many cars does one truly need to own to get to point A from point B?
* With all of this, isn't there some element of 'entitlement' that Creflo feels he deserves to live in the manner?
I totally agree, that each of us pray for and receive God's blessings. It's scriptural (The Prayer of Jabaz) is an excellent example of this.
Whenever I see this much extravagance with a popular worldwide known Minister, any Minister, I cringe, I feel 'unsettled' in my spirit. How big does big have to be, materially? When / Where does it set a bound?
Sweet Laela, it's still coming from the hearts of people giving into this and have yet to receive in return and it's not always the fault of the one trusting when he/she gives.
I know that Creflo no longer takes a salary from his Church, yet he still receives money from 'speaker' engagements which are mostly in other Churches. His book sales didn't buy that much house, cars, land, planes, it also came from 'bleeding hearts'. It's a reality. Anyone can preach a good message, there are thousands of Elmer Gantry's.
This is just me speaking, I simply do not have a 'settled' spirit with Dollar, White, Jakes, Noel Jones, Long, Bynum, Hinn, and em'.
Earlier, in past times, I did. Many of them I've been around one/one in person. They were guest speakers at my former Church, back in the 90's and the early years of 2000 ... Laela, I've seen them come and go. Laela, there's a spirit and a trend,
Hmmmmmmmmm, they 'all' have this similar trend and it's right there, and it's not all holy.
I'm not disparaging any of them, they indeed have great gifts. But they're all caught up in 'having' materialism. You see, they've gotten a 'taste' of something more than what they've had before in life, and they don't want to give it up. I can't say that I blame them, for who wants to be poor and broke? No one does.
But Laela, there's something amiss. And it's right there before us each time they take the stand to preach. They refuse to give up the riches no matter how badly it makes the Church or other Ministers look as a whole.
They have been given the name 'televangelists' as an insult, not as an honour. They're not living what they are preaching to others, they are taking and heaping up to themselves... not all of them. No, not all of them, however, it's more than enough.
I rest my case... before the court. My sisterhood of Believers.
(((( Hugs )))) You are still "Laela Rose" and always will be.