their games...and your response


Well-Known Member
what are some games men try to play when you're dating
and what's the best way to respond?

I think a guy is trying to make me jealous. my inclination is to just cut him off. I'm not down for games.

What do you ladies think?
Cool thread!:yep:

Guys who play the jealousy game get cut real quick.

I also love the classic "I'm too busy to call" game. Generally played when a guy is still chasing after some other chick who doesn't want him, but he's keeping you on the back-burner in case ol girl gets with someone.

He kinda treats you like you're his girlfriend, but he doesn't call often and has yet to make it exclusive.

Typical conversation to cut him off...

Him: *calls me after no/little contact for a few days*

Me: Hi, wow, haven't heard from you in a while! How are you?
Him: I've been really busy, *goes into what ALL he's had going on in his life*:rolleyes:
Me: I understand, I'm a busy woman too, just thought you might have had a few minutes in your day to kinda call me and let me know how you're doing.
Him: Yeah, sorry. I've just been so tired at the end of the day, I apologize for not keeping contact like I should. Perhaps once all this stuff gets sorted out, I'll have more time to spend with you. :lachen:
Me: Hey, no need to apologize! I've had plenty going on to occupy my time.
Him:So what are you doing tomorrow afternoon? I'd like to meet up for lunch. :wallbash: *of course last minute! since plans with ol girl fell through!*
Me: Hmm... I have plans for tomorrow, I don't do well with last minute. I see you have a lot going on in your life, and I how about go ahead and tend to your priorities and once everything gets straightened out, look me up if you're still down. And if I'm not with someone, perhaps we can chill.
Him: What? So you don't want to see or talk to me? I'm trying my best, but with all that's going on it hard!
Me: Like I said, I understand, but with your "busy schedule" and all, I honestly don't think you can offer me what I'm looking for right now. I think we might be looking for two different things.
Him: So what does this mean?
Me: We can still be friends. But I think it's best that you continue to do your thing, and I'm going to do mine. You have my email, so don't hesitate to send me a message sometime. I'd like to know how you are doing.:yawn:

*This works every time. Afterwards they call you like crazy. Once ol girl gets a man, this guy is all in your face. By that point you've found someone who has made you their #1 priority.