The Wolfganglisborg Method

So today is the second time I tried this and I might stick with it for the next month or so and see what happens.

Yesterday in the shower I rinsed my hair first. Then applied the oil and rinsed again using my wide tooth comb. Then I added more oil and rinsed using my denman. Then I rinsed with water once more and tried to use the fine tooth comb. It was easier than I expected but it didn't glide straight through. I used the last of an oil mix I had. I fell asleep last night without a scarf on and my hair was flat on one side when I woke up this morning so prepared myself for a hard time trying this again today. But it actually went better today!

This morning in the shower I rinsed with water. Applied the oil, rinsed and dentangled with my wide tooth comb. Applied oil again and rinsed and detangled with my denman. Then applied more oil and added conditioner this time and tried the fine tooth comb. Glided right through! I didn't squeeze any water out and let my hair air dry for 15 minutes before I did some bantu knots with my shea butter mix.

A few things I noticed:
1. The first time was good but I didn't use conditioner and the fine tooth comb was trouble so that was why i tried conditioner today.
2. Even though I couldn't use the fine tooth comb the first time my hair was still manageable and not tangled even after sleeping on loose hair the night before.
3. I lost the LEAST amount of hair I have ever lost today while detangling and again I slept on loose hair last night.
4. I realized some time ago that I needed to start using my denman to detangle if I really wanted tangle free hair.
5. The wide tooth comb does promote frizz and I didn't know why I didn't know this. I used it again today after the fine tooth comb just to see what would happen and it was like sliding my fingers through my hair as smooth as it was. But my hair immediately puffed up and frizzed out. So I then did the whole process all over again with the denman and fine tooth comb to make it lay down again.

I'm excited to keep trying this and see what changes my hair makes.
So today is the second time I tried this and I might stick with it for the next month or so and see what happens.

Yesterday in the shower I rinsed my hair first. Then applied the oil and rinsed again using my wide tooth comb. Then I added more oil and rinsed using my denman. Then I rinsed with water once more and tried to use the fine tooth comb. It was easier than I expected but it didn't glide straight through. I used the last of an oil mix I had. I fell asleep last night without a scarf on and my hair was flat on one side when I woke up this morning so prepared myself for a hard time trying this again today. But it actually went better today!

This morning in the shower I rinsed with water. Applied the oil, rinsed and dentangled with my wide tooth comb. Applied oil again and rinsed and detangled with my denman. Then applied more oil and added conditioner this time and tried the fine tooth comb. Glided right through! I didn't squeeze any water out and let my hair air dry for 15 minutes before I did some bantu knots with my shea butter mix.

A few things I noticed:
1. The first time was good but I didn't use conditioner and the fine tooth comb was trouble so that was why i tried conditioner today.
2. Even though I couldn't use the fine tooth comb the first time my hair was still manageable and not tangled even after sleeping on loose hair the night before.
3. I lost the LEAST amount of hair I have ever lost today while detangling and again I slept on loose hair last night.
4. I realized some time ago that I needed to start using my denman to detangle if I really wanted tangle free hair.
5. The wide tooth comb does promote frizz and I didn't know why I didn't know this. I used it again today after the fine tooth comb just to see what would happen and it was like sliding my fingers through my hair as smooth as it was. But my hair immediately puffed up and frizzed out. So I then did the whole process all over again with the denman and fine tooth comb to make it lay down again.

I'm excited to keep trying this and see what changes my hair makes.
this is like the best post eva!!!!
so detailed!
thank you!

I will try it soon: what you are saying is, actually oil the hair, then wide tooth---denman----fine tooth, with oil rinses in between.

if you had left this out/in a wash n go style, would it have looked good? or oily and clumpy?
this is like the best post eva!!!!
so detailed!
thank you!

I will try it soon: what you are saying is, actually oil the hair, then wide tooth---denman----fine tooth, with oil rinses in between.

if you had left this out/in a wash n go style, would it have looked good? or oily and clumpy?
You know what, I forgot to add that part. My curls looked great! At this length my hair starts to look weird (both shape and curl pattern) so no I wouldn't have worn it out. But I did notice as I was rinsing that my ends were very springy and curly. It surprised me so much that I spent an extra few minutes in my shower mirror playing in it under the water lol My hair dried soft, shiny and not greasy. And my bantu knots are very defined which is another surprising thing since I don't use anything for hold anymore. If your curls are more uniform than mine you might be able to get away with a wash and go straight from the shower with this routine.

Eta: I wonder why this works though because a few years ago I tried oil rinsing and it was a mess. Just greasy messy hair that looked shiny but felt dry. I was sure oil rinsing was not for me.
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@LdyKamz, are you using the same oil(s) that you’d previously used ?
Oh yeah another thing I forgot to add! Sorry! So the second time I did this I had to use the oils I had on hand and mixed together a bunch of stuff:

Design Essentials Botanical Oil
a couple drops of peppermint oil
a couple drops of rose hip seed oil
the last of my MoroccanOil Treatment (seriously like 3 drops)
Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Moroccan Oil (I don't know why I added this really but I think it might have been a contributing factor to cutting down frizz this time)

I know this is a huge mish mash of stuff but I'm glad you asked so I could write it out and remember what I did. I want to see what castor oil will do but I'll wait until I'm done with this mix first.
also, a few of you @Kurlee and @fluffyforever have mentioned the aspect of the constant combing and what types of long term effects it could have.
I'm wondering if oil mitigates the combing damage, or is there a happy medium... comb less, oil more... etc...
I lose hair from breakage and shedding by simply thinking about my hair, so I know for me it’s not a good short term or long term effect unless my hair radically changes and gets thicker and stronger. I’m hoping that a regime of watering and oil washing every 1-2 days will thicken, soften, and strengthen the new growth so that in a few years I would have a good head of hair lol. Combing may be limited to 1x per week though.
I lose hair from breakage and shedding by simply thinking about my hair, so I know for me it’s not a good short term or long term effect unless my hair radically changes and gets thicker and stronger. I’m hoping that a regime of watering and oil washing every 1-2 days will thicken, soften, and strengthen the new growth so that in a few years I would have a good head of hair lol. Combing may be limited to 1x per week though.
We have the same silly hair and I’ll be stalking your posts. Lol.
Did another rinse, but co-washed this time. Conditioner made a huge difference. Got through it faster this time. Less hair came out, too. The front and the back there were maybe 10-15 hairs altogether. The crown was about 30-40 hairs.

The time this takes is tiresome. The water started getting cold :look:. On the bright side, my hair is more defined, getting even shinier and is softer. Still no product in my hair yet. SSKs and the brittleness I was experiencing has greatly improved. My hair seems to have more elasticity, too. Like I can run the brushes through and it just bounces back and sometimes without even a hair in the comb/brush. This is interesting.
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Did another rinse, but co-washed this time. Conditioner made a huge difference. Got through it faster this time. Less hair came out, too. The front and the back there were maybe 10-15 hairs altogether. The crown was about 30-40 hairs.

The time this takes is tiresome. The water started getting cold :look:. On the bright side, my hair is more defined, getting even shinier and is softer. Still no product in my hair yet. SSKs and the brittleness I was experienced has greatly improved. My hair seems to have more elasticity, too. Like I can run the brushes through and it just bounces back and sometimes without even a hair in the comb/brush. This is interesting.

Loved your review. What conditioner did you use?
Did another rinse, but co-washed this time. Conditioner made a huge difference. Got through it faster this time. Less hair came out, too. The front and the back there were maybe 10-15 hairs altogether. The crown was about 30-40 hairs.

The time this takes is tiresome. The water started getting cold :look:. On the bright side, my hair is more defined, getting even shinier and is softer. Still no product in my hair yet. SSKs and the brittleness I was experienced has greatly improved. My hair seems to have more elasticity, too. Like I can run the brushes through and it just bounces back and sometimes without even a hair in the comb/brush. This is interesting.
you are making me want to try this (after i get over the flu. I am not doing all this while sick. sounds exhausting.)
I got busy and lazy over the weekend. I'm not sure when I did my hair last. But my hair was still soft when i took it down so I'm happy with that.

After doing it daily for a week I have more idea of what will work but still figuring it out. My hair is probably never going to curl and define so I'm not even reaching for that.

Decided to move to rinsing every 3 days. I think I need to do rinse, oil, conditioner, detangle and then oil and rinse and twist. I bought some leave in and I will see if adding that allows me to make it 3 to 4 days between rinses.

I've also switched to just a wide tooth comb and a smaller comb since I'm not pursuing any definition. I may use a brush once week or every other week to see how it goes.

I'm still playing around with it. All I know for sure is oil, followed by conditioner is a win for me. I will figure the rest out later.
Has anyone with high porosity hair been trying this?
I’m high porosity and I’ve actually spoke with Wolfgang via Instagram and he gave me some good advice to get started on this regimen. However, I became lazy & stop doing it but this thread as sparked me to try it again. Wolfgang does a good job answering your questions through Instagram too.

Hair tools is the key to his regimen. He emphasizes removing all of your shed hair so that your hair can receive the nutrients from the oils, I still used conditioner, leave in, gel & shea butter for my high porosity hair. He doesn’t use that many products cuz it weighs down his fine strands. Use what your hair likes for moisture. Once it gets to hydration you may only need oil and water.
Did another rinse, but co-washed this time. Conditioner made a huge difference. Got through it faster this time. Less hair came out, too. The front and the back there were maybe 10-15 hairs altogether. The crown was about 30-40 hairs.

The time this takes is tiresome. The water started getting cold :look:. On the bright side, my hair is more defined, getting even shinier and is softer. Still no product in my hair yet. SSKs and the brittleness I was experiencing has greatly improved. My hair seems to have more elasticity, too. Like I can run the brushes through and it just bounces back and sometimes without even a hair in the comb/brush. This is interesting.
Great post! Conditioner really made the difference the second time for me too. I think I remember from some of your other posts -- you're waist length right? I don't know how I would do this with longer hair. My hair is fine so maybe it wouldn't take as long it takes you but probably way longer than it takes me now.

I'm only doing this at night because I have no idea how I would wear my hair if I did this for a morning routine. But I fell asleep way too early last night and I forgot to rinse my hair. My hair this morning was still shiny, smooth and soft but looked...different. I don't know how to describe it but it didn't look moisturized. It didn't look dry either just not moisturized. I spritzed with water and glycerin and it perked right up and felt even better than before though. I'm going to rinse tonight and come back and report.
I’m high porosity 4a, and come to think of it, I remember my hair was at its softest and shiniest during the times when I’d use water everyday or ever other day, (whether to cowash, or wash or whatever else. So crazy I didn’t notice that before). Also, I been doin some of this method to DD’s hair for the past week and half, (she’s 3c/4a) and he hair has been seeming dry and dull lately. But now, her hair is darker and softer and reflecting light a little more. I could tell if I took more time detangling her hair, her curls would be even more uniformed. Wish I took before and after pics (I just got a not so good after pic)... which brings me to a point as mentioned earlier :needpics:. Sooo, if we can, please share before and after pics!! That’ll really make it interesting!!!
With the hassle it is to post pics now I don't think I'll bother unless I get a really good pic. I have been taking pics before I wash my hair and then a pic after I do this routine and then again after I've styled my hair - usually the next day.

So I did this tonight but this time I used different tools. Wide tooth --> Medium --> Smaller medium tooth --> Fine tooth comb --> Wave Brush. The last 2 combs is one comb just 2 different sides. You wouldn't believe me when I tell you I lost what looked like maybe 10 hairs even with all the combing and using the fine tooth comb. And at the end when I used the brush I could literally feel the waves in my hair lol This is so interesting. I do like the way my hair feels though. It's very soft and tangle free. I better enjoy this while my hair is short.
Great post! Conditioner really made the difference the second time for me too. I think I remember from some of your other posts -- you're waist length right? I don't know how I would do this with longer hair. My hair is fine so maybe it wouldn't take as long it takes you but probably way longer than it takes me now.

I'm only doing this at night because I have no idea how I would wear my hair if I did this for a morning routine. But I fell asleep way too early last night and I forgot to rinse my hair. My hair this morning was still shiny, smooth and soft but looked...different. I don't know how to describe it but it didn't look moisturized. It didn't look dry either just not moisturized. I spritzed with water and glycerin and it perked right up and felt even better than before though. I'm going to rinse tonight and come back and report.
BSL/MBL at the moment. Trying to get back to WL. That's the thing. The time and twisting. I cannot. I've noticed that the more I do it, the less I NEED to do it if that makes sense?
My hair has been drying out really bad in between oil rinses. At first when I started this method, it would feel soft for 2 days and then start getting that crispy feeling I get from using oils. However lately, my hair starts feeling crispy dry as soon as my hair dries from the shower. And lately my hair has been drying super fast out of the shower, when in the past, my hair would stay wet for days if I air dry.

I don’t think the oils I’ve been using to oil wash is enough to keep the moisture in my hair. Or maybe water alone isn’t enough moisture. I also went back to my staple leave in (oyin hair dew) the last ofew times, but my hair still dried out and got that crispy feeling faster than it ever had... the very next day.

Also, my scalp has been driving me crazy. It’s itchy and begs me to give it a good long and deep scratch at the most inappropriate times.

I can’t continue this way ladies. I do like the way my hair detangles after being saturated with oil and topped with hot water. And I do like how I am getting less tangles. I have been wet bunning in the shower and my hair didn’t get any of the knots I expected. I do like how my strands feel smoother and stronger ( although I don’t know if they are stronger because I always have tons of breakage and the amount of breakage hasn’t changed). However the negatives of itchy scalp and dry dull hair outweighs these small positives.

I’m currently deep conditioning overnight to try to feed my hair some moisture.