Curly Girl Method/ Finger Combing

Her curl pattern is a lot looser than mine. Her curl pattern dry is basically my curl pattern wet with water weighing it down. So im thinking that when she does wet her hair under the shower its almost straight and sleek thus leaving less chances that the random shed hair she misses during finger combing dont latch on to the other hairs (like mine would:lachen:), the pressure from the shower alone can prob remove her remaining shed hairs. This is purely an assumption though.

I'm still working with the finger combing method. I'm proud that I've graduated to not using my denman, but it's taking me a while to fully embrace fingercombing only because I feel like it doesn't detangle well and get the shed hairs completely.

I ran across this video, her hair is beautiful and it appears that she does the curly girl method. She makes finger combing look so easy:

Her hair is gorgeous!!

I have done no combing for like a day or two, and I agree my curls look a hundred times better, but the time involved is just killing me, and I love me a slick bun. Are you washing every day?

The product part of the curly girl method is easy as pie. Its the finger combing thing I find challenging.

So far I find I still have improved results if I use the denman to detangle in the shower, but then while in the shower rake my fingers all over again as though I am detangling, and do the squishing thing she suggests in the book.

UrbainChic: I hear you. Finger coming/detangling is a beeyotch:ohwell: I never do slick buns with a brush, etc., I always just use my hands to smooth. I do the finger comb in raking action over and over and over again. (don't' let you have a nail snag...:wallbash: :lol:) Then I do the squish squish and actually put in a loose bun to encourage clumping (bc whatever coils I have are demolished with the finger combing and separating), take my shower and finally release the bun as I'm getting out of the shower, put on my robe and diffuse dry. No plopping works best for me. I am washing every 1-2 days (bc I just upped my workout regi and sweat in my head).
simplyevanescent said:
I'm not a CG and I don't use combs. I usually let my hair clump and detangle itself under the shower stream after shampooing and after deep conditioning. I use my fingers to separate my coils and my hair has never been so tangle free. I know it doesn't work for everybody, but it works for my hair texture.

I do a very similar routine for my Coily hair.
Not CG. As I use sulphates occasionally. But have been comb-free for over a year. I use conditioner and the shower stream as well to detangle my hair. No locs/matting at the roots either. Less split ends, wispy ends and headaches.
I just saw this video by MahoganyCurls Natural Hair: How I Finger Detangle My Hair and it looks promising for me.

I don't think I've been doing it right. I will try this the next time I cowash.

What I've noticed in most fingercombing videos is that they are not concerned with separating the curls that are clumped together, they are working around those clumps. This is probably part of my problem with fingercombing because I want to break that clump up and detangle it too. I notice that her hair is frizz free and leaving the clumps of hair alone might be a big part of having virtually frizz free hair.
What I've noticed in most fingercombing videos is that they are not concerned with separating the curls that are clumped together, they are working around those clumps. This is probably part of my problem with fingercombing because I want to break that clump up and detangle it too. I notice that her hair is frizz free and leaving the clumps of hair alone might be a big part of having virtually frizz free hair.

Interesting...I wonder if that would still cause my hair to lock together. I thought it was locking because I don't separate...
Interesting...I wonder if that would still cause my hair to lock together. I thought it was locking because I don't separate...

What I'm starting to believe greenandchic is that the reason to only do fingercombing for the CG method is so you DON'T disturb those clumps of curls. Using a wide tooth comb would provide the same effect----so if you use a brush or a fine tooth comb, you disturb those clumps, therefore causing frizz and minimizing definition--at least that's my theory.

I do remember that Teri from the Tightly Curly Method said that curls like to clump together and that's part of her process when she smooths the curl with conditioner.

How often are you cowashing/wetting your hair a week while doing the CG method, and are you using the wide tooth comb every single time?

I have an area in my crown that mats easily but I have been skipping the wide toothed comb, but think it would be beneficial.


yaya24 Sorry, just saw your question. When I was doing the CG method I cowashed daily. I detangled with a wide toothed comb every time.
I had issues with finger detangling at my roots but now that I finger detangle more frequently I don't have issues with my roots. I make sure my hair is fully saturated with conditioner.
I know for a fact when my curls are not clumped and my hair drys I will have a frizzy spots. So I agree with you Honeycomb that the whole point to finger combing is to keep the clumps. I only finger comb but I only have about 4 to 5 inches of hair so I will know if this is a problem until it gets longer.
I know for a fact when my curls are not clumped and my hair drys I will have a frizzy spots. So I agree with you @[URL=""]Honeycomb[/URL] that the whole point to finger combing is to keep the clumps. I only finger comb but I only have about 4 to 5 inches of hair so I will know if this is a problem until it gets longer.

Thank you Missigirl, I was hoping my posts made sense. I am now understanding more about fingercombing---there is no way to separate each individual strand when doing so, creating clumps and less frizz--it took me a while to grasp this concept, but now I get it, and I will no longer try to force my clumps free.
I think when you finger comb and the curls are in a unit that is not the problem. I always finger comb all the way through. I think the matting comes from several curl units clumping together.
What I'm starting to believe greenandchic is that the reason to only do fingercombing for the CG method is so you DON'T disturb those clumps of curls. Using a wide tooth comb would provide the same effect----so if you use a brush or a fine tooth comb, you disturb those clumps, therefore causing frizz and minimizing definition--at least that's my theory.

I do remember that Teri from the Tightly Curly Method said that curls like to clump together and that's part of her process when she smooths the curl with conditioner.

I know for a fact when my curls are not clumped and my hair drys I will have a frizzy spots. So I agree with you Honeycomb that the whole point to finger combing is to keep the clumps. I only finger comb but I only have about 4 to 5 inches of hair so I will know if this is a problem until it gets longer.

~~HoneyComb~~: I agree!:yep: I have been trying to figure out this "no comb/brush finger-detangle-only" thing and it was easy at first bc I was coming from using a brush and I think my hair was already really detangled, but 2 weeks later I am spending WAY too much time detangling my hair with only my fingers. I have resorted to using a seamless wide tooth comb in addition to my fingers and it has cut down the time it has taken me and my curls seems to clump and curl vs frizz still. The comb has almost 1 inch between teeth so it's working well for me.
~~HoneyComb~~: I agree!:yep: I have been trying to figure out this "no comb/brush finger-detangle-only" thing and it was easy at first bc I was coming from using a brush and I think my hair was already really detangled, but 2 weeks later I am spending WAY too much time detangling my hair with only my fingers. I have resorted to using a seamless wide tooth comb in addition to my fingers and it has cut down the time it has taken me and my curls seems to clump and curl vs frizz still. The comb has almost 1 inch between teeth so it's working well for me.

Yes!!! I had a serious lightbulb moment regarding this FindingMe and I'm hoping that in the weeks to come my detangling session will get shorter -- my last detangling session, I did like you, fingercombed first, then ran a wide tooth comb over the section :yep:
I'm still working with the finger combing method. I'm proud that I've graduated to not using my denman, but it's taking me a while to fully embrace fingercombing only because I feel like it doesn't detangle well and get the shed hairs completely.

This is why I don't finger comb. I feel it's necessary for me to detangle with my wide tooth comb and get those shed hairs out.

This is why I don't finger comb. I feel it's necessary for me to detangle with my wide tooth comb and get those shed hairs out.

I'm really hoping that I can get past my fear on fingercombing only, I really want to give it 100%. Yesterday when I fingercombed thoroughly, then used the wide tooth to pass through the section, the comb glided through easily without any shed hairs :yep: The more I see this happening after testing with the wide tooth, the more confident I'll feel that I'm actually getting all shed hairs with my fingers only Allandra.
I think the CG method approves of a wide tooth comb. It mostly talks about finger combing but the wide comb is acceptable too I think I read this some where.
I think the CG method approves of a wide tooth comb. It mostly talks about finger combing but the wide comb is acceptable too I think I read this some where.

The above is true. I've been modified CG for years (I clarify with sulfate poo when needed). You may certainly use a wide tooth comb and many use denman's and modified denman brushes. I have not read the most recently published CG book, but it is my belief that CG is more about the products that you use and don't use to maintain the curl's health, as opposed to the tools needed for detangling. Please remember Lorraine Massey has beautiful 3b curls, however, her method of detangling and that needed for a more highly textured head may differ drastically. As another poster stated, please do what works for your curls.