The Wolfganglisborg Method

I’m still curious how people are wearing their hair. It seems this method really lends itself to buns/ponytails. Is it possible to wear your hair out with this method? Even if you left it to dry in a wash n go it seems like you would have flat helmet hair at the top (gueesing)?

I would love to see more pics because I’m thinking of adopting this method for easy summer styling but I love to wear my hair out
I’m still curious how people are wearing their hair. It seems this method really lends itself to buns/ponytails. Is it possible to wear your hair out with this method? Even if you left it to dry in a wash n go it seems like you would have flat helmet hair at the top (gueesing)?

I would love to see more pics because I’m thinking of adopting this method for easy summer styling but I love to wear my hair out
I want to try. I'm to see how much I can get my moisture up before I attempt this.
The bolded lets me know it has to keep being done consistently and results will get better and better. Thanks for sharing. And lastly, you may have said it already, (sorry if you did; I don’t remember), but what oils are you using?
np. Avocado, castor, bhringaraj, olive oil mix. I put EOs in and use a bottle with a spout. I want to try some ceramide oils.

ETA: ceramide was changed to ceramic :lachen:
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I’m still curious how people are wearing their hair. It seems this method really lends itself to buns/ponytails. Is it possible to wear your hair out with this method? Even if you left it to dry in a wash n go it seems like you would have flat helmet hair at the top (gueesing)?

I would love to see more pics because I’m thinking of adopting this method for easy summer styling but I love to wear my hair out
Can you explain why you think you'd get helmet hair? I don't think it would be any different from wearing a wash and go after a cowash or after a full wash day. If anything I would think it would look better because your hair has been detangled really well. But since I don't do wash and gos maybe there's something I'm missing.

OAN - Today I did the process and raked gel through my hair and I'm letting it air dry. The plan is to just see what my curls look like after doing this for a while not to actually wear it out. So far my hair is 50% dry and all my curls look looser.

More things I'm noticing:
- My hair gets wet easier and dries faster(before, it would take forever for water to penetrate and then nearly 2 days for my hair to air dry)
- It dries much softer
- I get even more stretched hair when I do my bantu knots.
- Frizz is significantly down especially in the middle of my head which is always the most frizzy
All interesting changes. Now, to see what my hair looks like dry. I'll be back to report.
I would love to see more pics please !! I tried this method in the shower during wash day last night and felt the waves all over but soon as I got out and started applying leave in and oils frizz was everywhere and I didn’t know how to wear it (aside from two low ponytails) to get the curls to stay smooth and clumped. The hair left out in the ponytail shriveled and my hair is super dry and frizzy today ugh. Debating if I should wet and oil to reset in the shower tonight...

@LdyKamz because when you do this method and detangle downwards from the roots that hair is quite stretch and flat to my head
think one would get maximum hydration growth and retention if you did this method in the shower and put into two while still in the shower. After out of the shower put the loose ponytail hair in two Shea butter braids.

Of course you have to be willing and comfortable wearing your hair in two braids the majority of the time. I was watching some random Indian kids show and it stood out to me all the little girls had their hair in two braids, most with the ends looped into the ponytail (if they makes sense) I believe this method of styling lends itself to max retention of growth and moisture
I may try them again but once I get to this length I usually give up on them because the front of my hair get less coily and more wavy as it gets longer and it doesn't look right with the rest of my hair. I was actually just watching a video of a girl that had the same issue and her wash and gos looked good but mine just look janky. Mine are much cuter when my hair is really short.
Hey @LdyKamz I have the same issue, but I make it work by brushing my front with a denman brush which really brings out the curls and tightens my front up more.

For the pieces that dangle lower, I finger coil them to make an even tighter curl and they spring right up, matching the rest of my head.

Well slap me silly, I can hardly believe I can now get a fine toothed comb in all this hair of mine! As for the breakage, if you combine this method with a bit of rice water for protein (I have fine 4b hair with medium density) I get hardly any hair loss when combing. This method is a shocker for me. I currently rinse in 4 sections doing oil/rinse/oil/tangle teezer/oil/conditioner/small toothed comb/oil/twist. I arrange the "swoop" in the front and bun my hair out of the shower using a silk scarf for about 20/30 minutes. My low porosity hair that used to take hours to dry is now drying quite quickly. And this method is fantastic for bone dry climates like mine. This is a keeper for me :thankyou:
I'm still trying to make sense of this method because I've only half read the thread (I'll go back through), but does anyone with coarse strands do this and find it to be successful?

I've been daily wetting and detangling my hair since the beginning of the year, and while I see some benefits, I'm not getting much lasting smoothness/shine the way I imagine some might be. And for me I attribute this to my unruly thick strands. I only ever use one brush or my fingers, but I'm wonder would a second tool help with my hair? Idk sort of thinking out loud with this one...
Okay so I couldn’t sleep last night and what started off as a little scalp massage w oil turned into a whole session because I figure I’m already oiling my hair.....

Working in 4 sections, separated into 3-4 smaller sections: spray down with water, worked the water into my hair, slathered in whipped Shea butter, finger detangle, fine tooth comb to thoroughly detangle from the roots, gathered each quarter section and braided before putting a scarf on and going to bed.

It was amazing how easy it was to detangle and how I was able to get a fine tooth through large sections. I didn’t lose as much hair as I thought but I don’t think you could do this everyday. My hair looks and feels very moist and protected (thanks queen Shea) and braids feel/look thick and juicy. Hair still a little frizzy but might be growing out some breakage. Pinned braids back like a fake milk maid hair style for work.

I feel like this method could lead to increased retention because you have to kind of wear your hair in and growth from the hydration and healthy oils. But also you have to wear what feels like kiddie styles (lol) although I think could look cute if hair were longer - think two jumbo waistband length braids (goals!)

Took pics but man late night early morning hair pics had me lookin rough lol

What oils is everyone using?
I’ve been doing this regularly (1-2x per week) for a month now. I only use a fine tooth comb on the weekend, because I don’t have time during the week. I been using a mix of grapeseed and olive oil.

I still wear my wash n go with my standard products. I’m not really sure I notice much difference in my hair. I’m going to continue until the end of June and if my hair still looks the same I’m going to stop. Cleaning all the oil up in my shower is a pain
I'm still trying to make sense of this method because I've only half read the thread (I'll go back through), but does anyone with coarse strands do this and find it to be successful?

I've been daily wetting and detangling my hair since the beginning of the year, and while I see some benefits, I'm not getting much lasting smoothness/shine the way I imagine some might be. And for me I attribute this to my unruly thick strands. I only ever use one brush or my fingers, but I'm wonder would a second tool help with my hair? Idk sort of thinking out loud with this one...

Are you using hot water, and oils and tying your hair down w a silk scarf?? Just trying to see what could be the factors that can maybe make the results different.
I'm still trying to make sense of this method because I've only half read the thread (I'll go back through), but does anyone with coarse strands do this and find it to be successful?

I've been daily wetting and detangling my hair since the beginning of the year, and while I see some benefits, I'm not getting much lasting smoothness/shine the way I imagine some might be. And for me I attribute this to my unruly thick strands. I only ever use one brush or my fingers, but I'm wonder would a second tool help with my hair? Idk sort of thinking out loud with this one...

I'm a coarse low po head and the method as is didnt give me lasting smoothness or shine. The fine tooth comb detangling does encourage waves, but didnt help clump my curls.

So now, I'm back to my usual routine, but using 2 tools to thoroughly detangle. I use a vent brush and the wide bristle Denman (D31). Using just these brushes is enough to detangle well without losing definition.

Edited to add: I did the method for about 4 weeks and used hot water, oil, and silk scarf.
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I'm finally getting closer to a successful wash and go. Not sure this method has anything to do with it but just wanted to share. What I did today was shampooed, then used Joico Revitaluxe for protein treatment then deep conditioned with Aussie Moist. I did not even attempt to detangle my hair until I applied the Aussie Moist and still I only did a little finger detangling. After I rinsed the Aussie Moist I applied oil then detnagled with a wide tooth comb, then more oil and detangled with the smaller comb, then once more with oil and little conditioner and detangled with a fine tooth comb. I could feel my hair getting softer and smoother with each application since my hair was very hard to the touch and squeaky after the shampoo and protein.

After, I just put a towel on my head for a minute while I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then went section by section with gel smoothing and raking as I went along. My curls were out of this world! A few more things that I'm noticing and are becoming clearer:

- The waves are there as soon as I detangle even with a wide tooth comb now and I can still see them even after my hair is dry
- I can't do wash and gos on soaking wet hair. It has to be towel dried or at least have the excess squeezed out.
- I can't forget about my protein treatments even while doing this method. The protein today magnified the waves and revitalized my curls.

I may have said this before but this method is a keeper for me now and I will incorporate it into whatever else I decide to do with my hair because detangling this way is a game changer. In the meantime I'm going to continue practicing my wash and gos.
Decided to give a modified version of this a shot since it’s actually not far from my usual regimen.

Since I’m high porosity (4ab), I decided to go with an oil I know should be able to penetrate the hair shaft. So I slathered my hair in MCT oil, did minimal detangling, put on plastic caps & then a hot head for five minutes. After, I put shampoo on my scalp & washed the length my usual way. Then I went section by section & applied more MCT & a random conditioner from my stash. Starting back at my first section, I did the hot water rinse & detangled with first a knock-off Denman with rows removed, then a closer bristled paddle brush.

I noticed a difference in my hair immediately. It was much softer and even though I had a lot of shed hair (expected since I’ve been too exhausted lately to do better) there was much less breakage from the ends.

Couple things I noticed:
  • My hair is so thick that there is no way I can do this outside of the shower w/o creating a massive mess.
  • I had a really hard time handling & controlling the brushes with oily hands. I don’t know if it would be easier with combs or not but my hands are pretty sore/tired.
  • I did not see any wave formation but my coils are usually pretty easily clumped to begin with. And it was my first time doing this anyway.
  • If I try to manipulate my hair while wet, it snaps/stretches or feels mushy but this time not at all. Probably due to the initial application of oil, which will stay part of my routine.
  • This was the first time I’ve been able to brush straight down my natural hair from scalp to tip since I was a kid.
I used a Mielle Organics Leave-In & used it to help brush through my hair, in sections. Right now my hair is in two twirly buns (just swirls around itself no pins) and I’m wearing a scarf. I’m curious how my scalp is going to react to having wet pressed on it for so long. I’m also curious how my scalp will react to the MCT oil; coconut oil- which is where MCT comes from- makes my hair happy but my skin/scalp inflamed, dandruffy & miserable. Previously, I’ve always been minimal in my usage of it.

So my initial results are interesting. I’ll try to oil rinse & condition detangle at least once more this week.
I was really hoping this would work, but I’ve decided to give up on this method. My hair has been super dry lately. I think the oil is keeping my hair from absorbing moisture.
Are you doing this method with or without gel? I've noticed adding gel really helps to seal in the moisture and prevent dryness. I have high porosity hair and it seems to really help. I usually can't even go a whole day without my hair drying out but the gel is helping me get at least 2 to 3 day hair which is a miracle for my usual disrespectful head of hair :lol:.
I was really hoping this would work, but I’ve decided to give up on this method. My hair has been super dry lately. I think the oil is keeping my hair from absorbing moisture.
Definitely quite if you need to. I think oil then conditioner works well for high porosity. I'm low porosity and found that conditioner, then oil, detangle while rinsing worked much better. I was just getting ready to post about it.
I've been mia because I have been moving. I've been too busy to post to rinse. It's also cycling season so too busy to rinse more than twice a week

I am definitely going to keep the oil rinse. It has not changed the look of my hair but is has really changed how my hair feels and the ease of styling.

However since I am low porosity I have swapped the order of oil and conditioner and that has helped a lot. I rinse, apply conditioner and let it sit while I shower. I then add oil, detangle under running water and spritz on my leave in.

My hair is then soft, manageable and not greasy.

Midweek I plan to do a rinse, conditioner, oil, rinse, leave in. On sundays I will cleanse, deep condition with heat, apply the oil over the dc and go from there.
Are you doing this method with or without gel? I've noticed adding gel really helps to seal in the moisture and prevent dryness. I have high porosity hair and it seems to really help. I usually can't even go a whole day without my hair drying out but the gel is helping me get at least 2 to 3 day hair which is a miracle for my usual disrespectful head of hair :lol:.

I’m using leave-in and gel.
But today when I applied my rinse out conditioner after my shampoo my hair felt so much better than it does when I apply oil before my rinse out conditioner.
Definitely quite if you need to. I think oil then conditioner works well for high porosity. I'm low porosity and found that conditioner, then oil, detangle while rinsing worked much better. I was just getting ready to post about it.

I may try this. My hair seems to soak up the conditioner much better after shampoo.