The Waiting Game

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Ugh. Went out on a good first date on Friday. Now we are both doing that thing where neither one of us reaches out for at least a few days. (Other than the obligatory mutual, "Had a great time" texts . . . .)

For all my talk of needing a guy who is busy, I sure am getting impatient over here. *lol*

Please help me to play it cool ladies. LOL!
If you want to speak to him why is it so bad to call? If you normally do that wait to call thing and it hasnt worked out in the past try something different - surprise him he might be tired of the games too :)
I don't know who established the rules of dating but I am one that is not for following most of them. Follow your heart. I don't think there is anything wrong with being the first one to strike up a conversation or a text after a first date. If I am reading it right and it has been a couple of days, what's the harm in texting: "Hey, how have you been?"
why can't you just text and say " are you? hope your day is going good...."
.....or just call the man???

are all these games and rules necessary?:nono:
Alright now the laaaast time I was like "What do I do?" after a first date, y'all (not you guys in particular, but y'all in the general sense) jumped down IN my throat for calling Dutch Chocolate first. :lol:
Alright now the laaaast time I was like "What do I do?" after a first date, y'all (not you guys in particular, but y'all in the general sense) jumped down IN my throat for calling Dutch Chocolate first. :lol:

Lol - which is even more reason for you to 'do you' girl! If your intuition is telling you not to call dont, but if you really want to know how he's doing - call!

You'll never get unanimous advice so what do you WANT to do?
Lol - which is even more reason for you to 'do you' girl! If your intuition is telling you not to call dont, but if you really want to know how he's doing - call!

You'll never get unanimous advice so what do you WANT to do?

Honestly? I want him to call ME . . . I'm curious about how the rest of his weekend went, but not enough to call him first. I'm really learning that what Oprah said is true . . . "if a man wants you, nothing can keep him away."

So, yeah. I'm content to sit still for a while.
Honestly? I want him to call ME . . . I'm curious about how the rest of his weekend went, but not enough to call him first. I'm really learning that what Oprah said is true . . . "if a man wants you, nothing can keep him away."

So, yeah. I'm content to sit still for a while.

Sure, I'm not saying chase him down but I sometimes think we as women set a lot of standards/rules that cheat us out of actually enjoying dating. I'm all up for listening to someones elses opinion/perspective or whats worked for them, but push comes to shove one size doesnt fit all and so I'll always follow my heart as noone knows the ins and outs of your situation.

But I totally get that you want to guage his interest in you. Hope he calls soon! :)
My SO and I have been dating for a while but when we got back from memorial day he sent me a note telling me he had a great time with me even though we see/talk everyday.

Maybe start there?

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Sooooo, how was the date? Details please!

It was pretty low-key . . . drinks at a lounge, chatting for 2 hours about everything (family, career, interests/hobbies, etc.) and then he asked me to come up with an idea for what we should do on our next date . . .

My SO and I have been dating for a while but when we got back from memorial day he sent me a note telling me he had a great time with me even though we see/talk everyday.

Maybe start there?

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Actually we already did that . . . he texted me three times right after we parted on Friday . . . and I texted him back the next morning with an idea for our next date (per his invitation/request :grin:)

Honestly y'all, I don't think he's "Mr. Right" . . . but he could be "Mr. Right Now." If I was not such a "holy" person, I *would* text him this :hide:
why do you think this? is this the guy you met when you wore the pheromones?
and when it comes to this whole waiting game, I don't play it. I just make sure that my actions are regulated by stable emotions, so if I wanna call him I call him and if I don't want to, I don't.
Honestly? I want him to call ME . . . I'm curious about how the rest of his weekend went, but not enough to call him first. I'm really learning that what Oprah said is true . . . "if a man wants you, nothing can keep him away."

So, yeah. I'm content to sit still for a while.

I love that quote but I honestly don't think that applies after only one date. How much could he have learned about you to the point where is he is like Nothing can keep me away from this woman.... He might be trying to take it slow, or maybe after the date he felt he was showing too much interest and wants you to reciprocate a little on your end...or maybe he hasn't had the best luck with dating in the past and wants the woman to show some interest., I could come up with a million maybes, but I don't know the guy. But hopefully you see where I'm coming from...:yep:

I learned and witnessed around me that some of the most successful relationships come from those that let go of the "rules of dating". At the end of the day, if it is meant to be, it will be. And...Mr. Right Now could become Mr. Right Forever. Ok, I'm an eternal optimist for other peoples lives...I'll stop now lol :shhh:
I told him what I did all day :look: (yes, I suck at flirting, even in cyberspace :lol:)

You know what, though? I'm pretty sure he's mass texting multiple girls at the same time since he isn't using my name . . . if the next date goes well, I'mma have to tell him to "say my name, say my name" . . . . even if he's talking to other ladies, which, hey, he will be if we ain't exclusive, I at least want to know that my text is for ME :lol:
I told him what I did all day :look: (yes, I suck at flirting, even in cyberspace :lol:)

You know what, though? I'm pretty sure he's mass texting multiple girls at the same time since he isn't using my name . . . if the next date goes well, I'mma have to tell him to "say my name, say my name" . . . . even if he's talking to other ladies, which, hey, he will be if we ain't exclusive, I at least want to know that my text is for ME :lol:

Ummm....You may be reaching. Most people don't say names in text. I know I dont, that's too much.

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