***The Truth about Hairveda***


Well-Known Member
Retrieved my HV package todaaaay. Sisters, I gotta tell ya, it's got to be told . . . .

Was riding in girlfriend's cah; she on cellie; me opening package! I started with the Whipped Green Tea Herbal Butter; checked out the packaging and label (yaw'll know I'm a soapmaker, so always checking out packaging), opened the top of the jar, mmm, mmmm, mmmm, put some on my hand, smeared it into the front of my hair and legs, then passed jar on to the girlfriend.


I heard the moan and I think the woman had a 'gasm!!!
Wooo weee.

By then, I'm on to the Cocasta Shikakai Oil (she still on phone), woooooo weeeee, I pumped, and pumped, quickly rubbed hands together, straight to the nose, mmmmmm, then rubbed it on my hair and legs; passed bottle on to the girlfriend, woooo weeee, louder groans

By then, I'm on to the bottle of Whipped Cream ~ Ends Hydration (didn't even remember ordering that, but what the hey, I'm all engrossed in the experience now). Yup, you got it by now, pumped and pumped into my hands, rubbed them together in sheer excitement, to the nose, into the haiya; bottle on to the Yoda girlfriend. I don't know how she could manage to continue to speak on cellie AND drive while experiencing this.

Make no mistake, can ya say, "Deep condition tonight"? Yup, da husband is gone away in nursing facility for a bit mo . . . it'z on at the LL house tonight.
Whoa yeah, it's gonna be ME, my HAIYA; oh and Kai, my new Coton de Tulear puppy monster.
Mmm huh, it'z onn.
:lachen:Why do I feel like I got my dose of Zane in for today?LOL,I looove Hairveda can't wait til Vatika Frosting time:yay:
its always exciting to get a package. But i get extra excited when a hairveda pkg. Comes in. When i got my package full of her products i was in the middle of an argument with somone. I was so excited about my products that i left grinning ear to ear and told that person to finish the argument themselves. hairveda will turn a bad day good!
i am in love with hairveda producs. the cocasta oil is my fave product by her.
i also love the green tea butter but i have fine hair and think i will continue use in the winter months.
i also very much so love the whipped creme. problem is i only use it on my wash and gos and i havent done that in a long while.

off to order the deep conditioner.
:lachen:OMG, I can't take it.

I go in that Hairveda thread everyday knowing that I do not need to order anything else (I've received 2 packages of hair products the past 2 days).

I'm trying so hard not to order anything else.:perplexed
:lachen:OMG, I can't take it.

I go in that Hairveda thread everyday knowing that I do not need to order anything else (I've received 2 packages of hair products the past 2 days).

I'm trying so hard not to order anything else.:perplexed

OoOoOo come ooooon maaaan.You'll love it,get the Sitri Nilla...The HUMONGO one...:poke::love:
Her products is off the chain, Yes, I can't wait for the Vatika frosting either, that is my Ish!! I have everything she makes and I order HUGE QUANITIES!! Next week I am placing an big order due to the Hurricane LOL!!!
That was a very entertaining story LL :lachen: lol I just got my hairveda package today, I ordered the Strinillah conditioner, Shikakai Cocasta oil, whipped cream, and methi sativa tea. I can't wait to try them out! 5 o'clock isnt gettin here quick enough so i can leave work and :cowgirl: to the salon! the strinillah smells :lick: delicious!!!!

I don't know how she could manage to continue to speak on cellie AND drive while experiencing this.

Girl, y'all out there cheating death! Now when you get into an accident, how are you going to explain that one to your insurance company? "Well, see, what had happened was, there was some vatika oil, and, and, and" :nono:

That was a very entertaining story LL :lachen: lol I just got my hairveda package today, I ordered the Strinillah conditioner, Shikakai Cocasta oil, whipped cream, and methi sativa tea. I can't wait to try them out! 5 o'clock isnt gettin here quick enough so i can leave work and :cowgirl: to the salon! the strinillah smells :lick: delicious!!!!

I'm glad you bought up the methi tea.I use this stuff after a shampoo like it says,then rinse and use conditioner.It smells good,makes my hair feel great.Very soft and strong,thats why I love this line.It took me a long time to find products that worked,and I'm sticking to them.All her products do what they say,and I always can tell a clear difference when I use them.
i cant wait for my products to get here. i cant wait to use the sitrinilla and then rinse with the moist pro conditioner. and i got the avosoya that will go in my conditioner mix along with honey and coconut oil. or use it as a hot oil treatment. i also got the mild shampoo and the almond glaze. all of the items i ordered i have never use before. however i am sure i will love them because i am in love with the cocasta oil and the green tea butter.
Have ya'll tried Hydratherma products?

I personally was upset and do not care for them because on her website she basically advertises the products as natural.Then you check the ingredient list,no sulfates right.I get the products and was shocked to see the sulfates.Plus the directions state to use the clarifying shampoo every week before,thats waaay too much put together w/ the poo.That's why the poo has sea weed and all that moisturizing stuff in there to counteract it,but doesn't that defeat the purpose of a moisturizing poo?It has sodium laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate as top 3.This upset me I felt it was false advertising tried to get rid of it in the exchange forum,no good response so I gave the whole set away.The other products were OK but my Hairveda wins hands down over that whole line.Customer service was not the best because paypal messed up the transaction,they verified the prepaid Visa I used then when I made this purchase reversed it.They corrected it quickly and paid,but before I even recieved the products she called and said put return to sender on box because they didn't have the payment instead of trying to work w/ me on this.
I gotta try this "strinillah" stuff. The name sounds goofy, and yaw'll going ga-ga over it. It's NEXT!!!!! Where's da link, where's da link????

Nyat ahh ahhh!
:lachen: can't wait til Vatika Frosting time:yay:

You know what, I say, Vatika Frosting folk r i s e !!! Like the women we are, let's R I S E!
:orders: She can't keep us waiting (I wanna be a Vatika Frosting fiend too). Let's :phone:-rally the forces; we'll picket BJ's house . . . yes, let's form a group and ride down there/over there/up dere and give her the bidness[yes, brang ya purses and ya duckies] "The Get On Da Bus Vatika Frosting Fiends" group is a ridin' yaw'll!!!!!!

We shall overcome! Yes, yes, we shall. Raise your glasses and long locks to the cause, I say.
Ooh ooh, ooh, yaw'll probably knew this already (I didn't):

"We have new packaging, new labels and a new mixing method.

Now, Vatika Frosting will come in 8oz. jars, 2x more than before!

To kick off the much anticipated Vatika Frosting season, we'll have a HUGE Sale on our most beloved oil!"

OOh, a sale!!! Let's keep our eyes and ears open; I do NOT wanna miss this.
I can't wait!!!!
you're toooo funny!

You know what, I say, Vatika Frosting folk r i s e !!! Like the women we are, let's R I S E! :orders: She can't keep us waiting (I wanna be a Vatika Frosting fiend too). Let's :phone:-rally the forces; we'll picket BJ's house . . . yes, let's form a group and ride down there/over there/up dere and give her the bidness[yes, brang ya purses and ya duckies] "The Get On Da Bus Vatika Frosting Fiends" group is a ridin' yaw'll!!!!!!

We shall overcome! Yes, yes, we shall. Raise your glasses and long locks to the cause, I say.