**The truth ABOUT black women and their hair!**


Well-Known Member
Have you guys seen this video???


So I was casually watching you-tube vids about straightening natural hair since I'm contemplating going natural and I ran across this video. Okay so I had no problem with it until about 1:13 into it...........I noticed a familiar head of LHCF hair....Whattttt!!!

I'm not gonna put her on blast though.

We really need to start putting these fotki's on lock...I'm so serious. :nono:
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I did not think anything was wrong with the Video. The only pic I saw was sistaslick.

Yea the vid was cool, I had no problem with it but I just hope the girl asked for permission before she went slappin one of her pics out there.

Well, I dont know I was just posting this as a warning.......
Don't really like these Nazi Naturals but I am getting tired of seeing everyone walk around with the same hair styles
*going to lock fotki*
Ok, first that was a very interesting video. But the photo you talk of is actually a public photo also. I remember reading a hair article and that photo was on there. Maybe that's where she got it. However, I do notice some other photos that may have come from a fotki but not sure.

Best to ask the LHCF member if she gave permission to use the photo and/or she has used that photo for public use.
Wow...that's a heads up to all of us. Hope she now is aware of this.

BUT...I am leaning towards agreeing with that video...at least to a certain extent.
I think that's just the "risk" you take when you put pics in sigs, fotki, etc.
I wasn't gonna click the link though. I thought it was another one of those hate-filled videos. It wasn't too bad.
Okay maybe I over-reacted. :perplexed I just know if it were the side of my head...I dont care what purpose its intended for, if its used without my permission then i would be mildly upset to say the least. But thats just me. :yep:
wanted to add

it was a positive msg in the sense of attempting to debunk the consensus that we relax, straighten , wear weaves to look white
Okay maybe I over-reacted. :perplexed I just know if it were the side of my head...I dont care what purpose its intended for, if its used without my permission then i would be mildly upset to say the least. But thats just me. :yep:

well I agree in that its definitely coming from a 'pro natural ' stance and to use a photo of someone that does not share that view themselves is a misrepresentation of them

for her or those that KNOW its her, its a valid point indeed, but many (especialy non hair board folks) wont have a clue who she is because the pic is not a face shot though
Okay maybe I over-reacted. :perplexed I just know if it were the side of my head...I dont care what purpose its intended for, if its used without my permission then i would be mildly upset to say the least. But thats just me. :yep:

I'm with you on that.
Other than that, I kinda enjoyed the video.
OK, just watched the video. I thought it was cool, but I came away with one thought...Natural hair is so freaking beautiful! Those pics were droolworthy:yep: I'm so glad I have nappy hair. There's nothing more beautiful or sexy. Truly.
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Just watched the video. It was cool. and yes natural hair is beautiful...and I think relaxed hair is beautiful too. I love my hair relaxed and I think as long as both relaxed and natural hair are healthy, they can be beautiful together :)
So do I. I guess you can't be excited about natural hair without it being political. :nono:

There's a difference between being excited and being judgmental.:ohwell:

I've met "Natural-Nazis" who shouted their message so loud nothing could be heard. If someone chooses to relax...it's OKAY. It's not going to end YOUR life. Move on.

I'm NOT saying this to YOU AT ALL! I stalk your fotki actually. :grin:

But I have met those who wanted to project their lifestyle on others. Honestly, IMHO HAIR of all things should not dictate a "lifestyle".

However, if it does for you (again, I'm not saying you Lauren. Even if I was its cause your hair makes me jelly!:lachen:): great.

Just realize other people are adults and don't have to join you.

AND if you choose NOT to accept they are adults who can make their OWN decisions about their OWN bodies -don't be upset when they exercise their EQUALLY ADULT right to get away from you/ignore you.

My relaxed hair was gorgeous. So is my natural hair.

Why can't I love both?

"Natural Nazi" doesn't offend me (and other naturals I know IRL) as I'm not fanatic about "making" everyone JUST LIKE ME.

Or "enlightening" them.

Relax your hair? Does it look great? Awesome! More power to you!

Natural? Does it look great? Awesome!! More power to you!!

There IS a definite line between enjoying your hair (and with such a LOVELY mane like yours, enjoyment is certainly warranted:yep:) and trying to condemn others for not thinking like you.

That's the "political" fanaticism that IS fascist-like (Like Nazism) because it deals in anger/judgment/condemnation/extremism, within the confines of a a "us" vs "them" attitude that leaves no room for negotiation, moderation, empathy, reason or most importantly: communication.

Which is sorely lacking in the black community in GENERAL. Not just in regards to hair.

LOVE THY HAIR (however you choose to wear it).


I do not like the term "Nappy/Natural Nazi". Why? Due to the historical significance of Nazism I do not think the term should be used lightly. I do not think that the relaxed/natural debate is so serious that it is on par with Nazism. I feel the same way about the word "lynch" being used in casual conversation. The historical significance is acute and I don't think the word should be played with under any circumstances.

Yes, I think all women should step away from the relaxers. And, yes I believe that the continued use of relaxers only supports the prevailing idea that natural hair is ugly and unacceptable. But, just by saying that I'm considered a "Nappy Nazi" and I think that characterization is unfair and uncalled for. I have never entertained the idea of killing someone because of their hair choices so to lump me in with a group of people who encouraged, supported, and carried out the murders of millions of people is just wrong.
Are extensions/wigs ok if they are natural? Because half the examples of "natural" hair this video cited to as being natural and beautiful were wearing extensions.
and i hate relaxers being referred to as crack. and thats not referring to you. But no matter if you're relaxed or natural, people have something to say. Its a no win situation.

you know something funny, that's one of my biggest pet peeves...it really bothers me. the only thing that bothers me more is the phrase "go natural"...as someone once said: you don't go natural, you stay natural and choose not to go get a relaxer.
I do not like the term "Nappy/Natural Nazi". Why? Due to the historical significance of Nazism I do not think the term should be used lightly. I do not think that the relaxed/natural debate is so serious that it is on par with Nazism. I feel the same way about the word "lynch" being used in casual conversation. The historical significance is acute and I don't think the word should be played with under any circumstances.

Yes, I think all women should step away from the relaxers. And, yes I believe that the continued use of relaxers only supports the prevailing idea that natural hair is ugly and unacceptable. But, just by saying that I'm considered a "Nappy Nazi" and I think that characterization is unfair and uncalled for. I have never entertained the idea of killing someone because of their hair choices so to lump me in with a group of people who encouraged, supported, and carried out the murders of millions of people is just wrong.

I appreciate your view, it's honesty, and the thought behind it. Very different take, very well said. :yep:

I can see the offense.

Though personally YOU wouldn't be lumped in that category considering you don't think the debate is serious enough to warrant such language, IMHO. I don't say that to overlook or gloss over your very well-thought and eloquent statement. I just want to again differentiate between people who love natural hair and think we'd be better off without relaxers. I agree. But I respect people's right to choose...and my own, I suppose with that.

I think the term is associated with those who DO think it is that serious and go so far as to verbally ASSAULT relaxed women on sight.

THAT is fanaticism at the very least if not a form of fascism...I also agree...hair is the last thing that should be demanding that kind of passion, with so many children falling behind in health and education...and other issues of equal importance.

I see the connection between the casual use of the word "lynch" and "Nazi". I agree with you both should not be used lightly. It's a new thought in the "Term Debate" and I rather like it. :grin:

That said, when someone describes overspending as a "lynchpin" of good credit (or bad credit depending on how you see things) I won't fly over a desk to tackle them for it.


To both of them.

To the natural woman: You won't save the world if all of us wear fros. It's what's IN Your head that is important. I'm glad you love your natural texture...but there are bigger fish to fry in this world with such passion. You need to heal the heart...not the hair. All the external stuff comes with time.

To the relaxed woman: Have you thought about going natural? No? Why not? If yes, what stopped you? Would you like more info or help? No, you say you don't want to be, or tried it and it didn't fit your lifestyle? Understood, thanks for talking with me. Have a great day.

I've never seen the term as lumping in people with mass murders -but the hate-filled, illogical, frenzied insanity that accompanied it.

You may say what's the difference? One is lumping people in with the result, the other is linking people with the frame of mind/reference that led to it. Offensive? Possibly.

But so is being attacked for relaxing.

That and such "Natural-Nazis" come with such a vicious edge you have to wonder if the outright assault is to build themselves up or tear you down.

Why does it seem Black women are darned if we do, darned if we don't?

BY OUR OWN? Oy. Life is as complicated as it is interesting.

Again, thanks for your views. I love when something makes me take a pause and do some introspection. :grin:
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IMO all hair is beautiful in its own way. The most beautiful head of hair is healthy hair no matter if it is natural, relaxed, or texlaxed. Beacause there are many naturals & relaxed ladies that I would love to have their hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know something funny, that's one of my biggest pet peeves...it really bothers me. the only thing that bothers me more is the phrase "go natural"...as someone once said: you don't go natural, you stay natural and choose not to go get a relaxer.


We need to stop coming up with insults based on a way to wear our hair and focus on growing it long and strong, relaxed and natural.

Hot darn, when did I become so kum-by-yah? :lachen:And I'm studying politics for goodness sake (college student)! :lachen: