The state of our food supply


New Member
New Mad Cow Scare
Mutating Seafood
USDA stopped inspecting chicken

Um... revelations anyone?

Any perspectives? I am seeing a connection here but I am having trouble putting it into words...

And... What are your thoughts on this as a Christian? What are you doing to protect yourself? Can we even protect ourselves? I mean, is it even worth it... :look:


7 The first angel sounded: hail and fire followed…they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,
and all green grass was burned up. 8 The second angel sounded: something like a great mountain burning with fire was
thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood…10 The third angel sounded: a great star fell from heaven…on
a third of the rivers and on the springs of water…11 a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from
the water, because it was made bitter. 12 The fourth angel sounded: a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon,
and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened… (Rev. 8:7-12)

A. The first four trumpet judgments will destroy the resources of the people in the Antichrist’s empire (Rev. 8:6-12).
The fifth and sixth trumpets will affect their bodies as God releases demons to torment and kill, intensifying His judgment.

B. Each of the first four trumpet judgments will affect a different area of the environment (trees, grass, sea, rivers and
sky), food supply (vegetation, meat and fish), as well as sea trade, water supply and light and heat (sun, moon and stars).
Their purpose is to punish not kill.

C. The first four trumpets are supernatural acts of God in nature. They are not merely natural acts portrayed in
symbolic language. The seals and trumpets have a similar 4 + 2 + 1 organization.

D. The trumpet judgments are released in answer to the prayers of the saints against those who persecuted them
(Rev. 6:10). God’s judgments are not released on the saints, but by the saints (Rev. 5:8; 6:10; 8:3-5; 9:13; 14:18; 16:7;
19:2; 22:17). The prayers of 'all' the saints are both accumulated from history as well as accelerated in the generation
in which the Lord returns.
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The Word of God says the end will come... what's more importance in terms of preparing for me is to be sure I'm right with God and my soul (and those of others) is saved.

Have you seen the TV show Doomsday Preppers? They are preparing for chaos and what's in the natural and not for the after life. While it's still good to do what we can to stay safe and healthy on earth, it shouldn't be to the extreme. Hoarding food, preparing to kill if necessary to protect one's possessions is rooted in fear. The destruction of the earth is inevitable and is written. We'll grow the food, to sustain ourselves while we wait on God, opting to abide in the love of God. I do believe Christians should be more in tune with the planet and its changes though. But I sure do look forward to a new heaven and a new earth!

I see you posted this in OT but you'll definitely get biblical responses here.. lol God bless~
The Word of God says the end will come... what's more importance in terms of preparing for me is to be sure I'm right with God and my soul (and those of others) is saved.

Have you seen the TV show Doomsday Preppers? They are preparing for chaos and what's in the natural and not for the after life. While it's still good to do what we can to stay safe and healthy on earth, it shouldn't be to the extreme. Hoarding food, preparing to kill if necessary to protect one's possessions is rooted in fear. The destruction of the earth is inevitable and is written. We'll grow the food, to sustain ourselves while we wait on God, opting to abide in the love of God. I do believe Christians should be more in tune with the planet and its changes though. But I sure do look forward to a new heaven and a new earth!

I see you posted this in OT but you'll definitely get biblical responses here.. lol God bless~

Yes I really wanted to talk about what we should do as Christians. I am looking into farm shares where they deliver their fresh veggies to you etc... but am I wrong for trying to avoid getting sick at all costs? Should I be just waiting for the bad stuff to happen?
Its ok to take precautions, just dont operate out of fear....

But I have been looking into changing my diet, getting rid of meat period...
Its ok to take precautions, just dont operate out of fear....

But I have been looking into changing my diet, getting rid of meat period...

My dad just said this to me on the phone!!!

Ok the doomsday people though... learning how to fight... is that wrong??? I have been trying to find a defense teacher as well...
I don't see any wrong in Christians farming their own land, doing farm shares or pursuing anything wholesome to maintain good health... it's all biblical, taking care of our bodies that is the temple of the Holy Spirit. :yep: I see I misunderstood your post and do appreciate what you're saying.. this is a great thread topic and I look forward to what others have to share.

I'm not at all implying to lay down and do nothing and let bad things happen; we are to be vigilant in all things but not be fearful. My point was and is, soulful preparation is paramount; even though we still need to maintain in the natural. The Bible full of examples of preparing in the natural, but guess what? God's Hand was always in it! We can't get around this, as Christians. The one example that comes to mind is Joseph preparing Egypt for the 7 years of famine. It wasn't's was precise math (with God's help), with the cost of feeding people calculated.

I don't care for the fast foods and all the mechanical, fake foods we're consuming and I say we.. I'm weaning myself off that bad stuff. They're laced with harmful chemicals/pesticides, carcinogens, antibiotics... ugh.. I'm losing my appetite just typing this.. lol So what can Christians do while they wait on God?
  • Fast - I believe fasting not only helps discipline our flesh but prepares our bodies to do without as well... God knows what he's doing...
  • Pray - for protection for us and others, deliverance, etc. Praying for others keeps us from being selfish. Staying prayerful keeps us in tune with God and He will give us instructions we need for any emergency, seriously :)
  • Farm or find alternative sources of food- A man who doesn't work, doesn't eat (Thess 3). We're a preparing to do this ourselves and not rely so much on food from stores and others. I know there are Christians doing this already ..

I pray I'm making more sense now.. lol
I believe in being prepared spiritually and naturally.

Spiritually....the times are getting worse and will continue. Last days men will get worse and worse, deceive and being deceived.

Stay close to God and keeping our minds and heart fixed on Him.

Naturally....want to start gardening but in the mean time I have non-perishable foods, water, and other items stored.
I do believe its wrong..this is the trick of the enemy to get us focused on things other than whats really important. Like sanctifying ourselves,witnessing to the lost, preparing our souls. If you have a connection with God, He will lead you into what to do. But the last thing you want to do is make things happen..Next thing, u gone be running around here with a gas mask on living in a underground hut :drunk: :lol:

We have been called to peace.....

My dad just said this to me on the phone!!!

Ok the doomsday people though... learning how to fight... is that wrong??? I have been trying to find a defense teacher as well...
Summer, I know that you are coming into a lot of information.

I was like that at one time. I was like "oh my... we are in trouble".

Remember God is in control and He gotchu :yep:.
SummerSolstice... please don't mind my laughter..not laughing at you at all... that comment just brought to mind a man I saw on the Doomsday show who had a dug out for if he needed to bug out.. he was a bit out of pocket LOL

It is good that you are aware and you are even seeing the shift in the way our world is going..Some people are completely blind to this...:nono:. Just remember the word of God is being fulfilled...and it must come to pass.To the children of God are "sealed"....
So I'm not crazy for saying the food supply going bad is prophesy coming to life?
I was told by someone... "no, those things will happen after the rapture"
but I feel like we're watching revelations right now.
My dad just said this to me on the phone!!!

Ok the doomsday people though... learning how to fight... is that wrong??? I have been trying to find a defense teacher as well...

Self defense isn't wrong. I don't like weapons, however if I can protect myself without them, all the better. The greatest self defense is indeed prayer and thanking God for His protection. However, I do believe that when God says to occupy til He (Jesus) comes, then self defense is a part of it. We are still not to fear not...and knowing I have Jesus, Prayer, the Holy Spirit and a good right hook.... :yep:
I do believe its wrong..this is the trick of the enemy to get us focused on things other than whats really important. Like sanctifying ourselves,witnessing to the lost, preparing our souls. If you have a connection with God, He will lead you into what to do. But the last thing you want to do is make things happen..Next thing, u gone be running around here with

a gas mask on living in a underground hut :drunk: :lol:

We have been called to peace.....

:lol: I laughed at first, cause the warm weather is approaching and a gas mask is needed on the train...
The word says watch and pray so that you may be able t o escape all that happens and stand before the son of man. Remember to stay eternity minded and be mindful that he can return any day! We have to be ready for the bridegroom returns.
I do believe its wrong..this is the trick of the enemy to get us focused on things other than whats really important. Like sanctifying ourselves,witnessing to the lost, preparing our souls. If you have a connection with God, He will lead you into what to do. But the last thing you want to do is make things happen..Next thing, u gone be running around here with a gas mask on living in a underground hut :drunk: :lol:

We have been called to peace.....

Tell on the enemy! I was just reading the parable of the soils and how the anxities of life and the desires for other things choked out the seed (the kingdom of God)