The Sex Talk

camellia said:
I got my first birth control pills at Planned Parenthood. They also give students a discount, it was 50% when I went, if you show your student ID card.

I'm very glad that they exist. They offer free condoms, and pamphlets on everything under the sun. PP is one of the organizations DH and I donate to now.

This may sound crazy, but PP was a blessing when I was in HS!

I had a steady BF & when we were "ready" we went there to get what we needed to prevent pregnancy.

I appreciate PP so much!!!

Donations, huh? That sounds like a plan- give some back!

This is a great thread!

My son is 11 and he knows somw things. I talk to him regular, no sing-songies, but I want to tell him more.

I want to concentrate on condoms & their purpose, but I think my Old Man is too immature! I don't wnat him going to school telling the teacher (and as much as he yapps, HE WILL!!!:lol:)

Y'all keep the suggestions coming... ** getting out notepad***
Wow... they grow up so fast! My little girl is watching Teletubbies as I type this, but before I know it she'll be asking these questions too.

As others have said, he probably knows a lot already. Back in MY DAY, which is ages and eons ago, the most precocious kids were having sex at 12. It's probably earlier now. So he probably knows stuff about positions and strange sex acts that YOU might not have even heard of!

OT: I am so glad we will be homeschooling our kids. I don't want to have to tell a 6 year old what a Dirty Sanchez is. I'd like my kids to be kids for a while.

He probably already has lots of misinformation, though. I remember arguing with a schoolmate of mine who when we were both about 10. She just *KNEW* that boys had periods.
Country gal said:
I need some advice on what to say to my child about sex. He will be 11 this year. I feel the talk is long overdue. I know he is not having sex but he is going to middle school next year. I don't want him to get bad advice from his friends so I want to tackle the topic with him. How did your parents talk to you or what did you say to your child? Of course I want to preach to him to focus on his school work and not girls. I want him to remain a virgin and really wait for the right now. My lil boy is a girl magnet. I asked his dad to talk to him last year but he didn't.

My dad never talked to me about sex. He left it up to my mom. My mom gave me a book which I thought was interesting. Changed her mind and took back from me. LOL. She would tell me to focus on school but never really broke it down for me.

Well if he's 11 then I can tell you he knows everything about sex already. When I was 11 (18 years ago) I knew everything and that was back in the days so God only knows what these children know now. My mother wouldn't talk to me about sex so she left it up to my FATHER to tell me what I already knew. :barf: I think the best thing to do is get a consensus from him about what he already knows and go from there. Give him the warnings and consequences now. The "concentrate on school" speech is not going to work. Believe me, I know.

I wish that I would have had someone, like a mother, who would have given me several real sex talks. I think that would have benefited me greatly. In hind site I know that would have helped me out a lot more than the 5 min embarrassing speech my father gave me. Just my 2 cents.
joyousnerd said:
OT: I am so glad we will be homeschooling our kids. I don't want to have to tell a 6 year old what a Dirty Sanchez is. I'd like my kids to be kids for a while.

This is the second post of yours that I co-signed this morning! ;)
One other thing.

My son is 6 and we thought we "shielded" him from open sex and what not. BUT one day me and my husband went upstairs to "talk" and my son said basically he knew what we were going up there to do. We were like :eek:. Maybe I need to have another convo with him. :cool:
trimbride said:
I think this is why my Mom was so open with me, she worked in the public school system and she saw it all so she knew how to prepare me for the real world.

Most of the time that I was on birth control I got it for free from the health department. Most people don't know that this is available. It is easy and FREE. They don't even check your employment status so I kept getting it even though I had a job and could afford to pay for it myself:look:

Now I am off of it because birth control is poison, but that is another thread all together:lol:

yes it is!!:mad:
The "Similar Threads" function is very helpful. I was about to start a "Sex Talk" thread and this one came up. I honestly can't remember when/ how I handled the "birds and the bees" talk with my oldest son (now 22-years-old). I have an 8 year old now, so I need some advice.

Off to read!
I gave my oldest niece (at the time 11) the sex talk. I was candid. Told her exactly how it happens.. but I also let her know the power dynamics that might come into play at her age concerning sex. I remember my brother (in 7th grade, he was in 10th) telling me I couldn’t hang out with one of my friends anymore because she was hmm.. used over the summer by the football team.

Girls are pressured into sex to be more popular and to prove that they aren’t nerds/squares etc. Kids with divorced parents are always looking for love so I spoke to her a little bit about that. I always renew our talk with more layers (she’s almost 13).

I’m soooo glad it’s not my child because I would have just locked her away in a convent.