Should nice girls talk about sex with their SO/DH's?

You know, I'll give you credit for blunt honesty and not trying to sugarcoat this by going, "Oh, he's really not all that bad... you just don't understand!"

But I'll say this.

You know what and who you are dealing with. If you are going to stick around and deal until you're ready to finally let this go, then deal with it and accept that you will not be treated in the way you want.

Analyzing it at this juncture is pointless. This is the situation that you're agreeing to right now, for right or wrong, so just roll with the punches and know that he is going to always react to you in an emotionless, cold manner.

And just deal.

Yep. I need to take it like a woman, I suppose. It's my decision. Only I can get myself out of it. You're right. I guess I was just venting. Not looking for excuses or anything like that. Today is particularly rough for me. I'm down in the dumps, for some reason. But, I take full responsibility for my actions. Sometimes I need a swift kick in the arse. :yep:
you should be able to talk about your likes and dislikes. he sounds uncomfortable with his sexuality, a little unusual for a man. maybe he's just young.
Thanks for your advice. And thanks for taking it easy on me, too. I think I'm just lonely and just sticking it with this guy out of sheer loneliness. I know darn well that he's not the one for me, but for some reason, I'm dealing with a bit of low self-esteem right now. I'll eventually do the right thing and let him go for good.

Oh, so precious and honest. I can't lie -- I've been here too...

You deserve better...listen to your gut dear heart. Listen to your inner voice. He might be a nice person, but if he's not resonating with your soul let that go and get in a relationship with you. I find myself very I know I can talk sex to Oco :) Try it, it's fun.