The Real Queens Hair Regimen

The washing hair once a month works for both my DDs--one has mbl hair and the other has hl hair--I can go once a month with straightened hair, I can go 2 weeks when I wear it natural because I use hair gel.
Impressive but I don't think I could do once a month either. I like my scalp squeaky clean. It's a struggle to make it to a week.
Maybe I will try it though. If so, I'd start in December and go til March since I don't like having my hair wet when I leave the house during winter. Maybe my scalp will adapt to it and then I won't have to spend as much on products... lol.
SN: I know this sounds really stupid but what does "stan" mean? I've seen it a few times on the board and I have always wondered. Is it like die-hard fan or something?
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Impressive but I don't think I could do once a month either. I like my scalp squeaky clean. It's a struggle to make it to a week.
Maybe I will try it though. If so, I'd start in December and go til March since I don't like having my hair wet when I leave the house during winter. Maybe my scalp will adapt to it and then I won't have to spend as much on products... lol.
SN: I know this sounds really stupid but what does "stan" mean? I've seen it a few times on the board and I have always wondered. Is it like die-hard fan or something?

a super fan. Stalker + Fan = Stan

Hey, the "sister" with the great results in the video you posted is either his wife or SO :lol: Here's another video of the two of them with the birth of their baby--so cute :)

YouTube - just some of my life

Oh, hmmm...not as convinced. still the way he explained it makes sense. I did every two weeks last winter out of laziness and my hair did just fine. my scalp would look nasty after 2 weeks though. after puberty the once a month washing just didn't work anymore
Hey, the "sister" with the great results in the video you posted is either his wife or SO :lol: Here's another video of the two of them with the birth of their baby--so cute :)

YouTube - just some of my life

Hmmmm.... sketch.
And now that I think about it, APL to BSL in 5 months doesn't seem like a huge feat to me, but maybe that's because I'm short. There's only 2 in between APL and BSL on me, so it should only take me 4, I think. Show me someone who goes from SL to APL in 5 and I will buy/try whatever they're selling!
After watching more of the girl's videos, I noticed that the guy who talks about the Real Queens hair regimen and that girl with hair progress are married too, but I still think it's a good hair routine.
Lol I think it's just a good way to retain. It doesn't increase growth rates so of you already have a solid regimen where you are retaining all or most of your growth, I see no need to venture out and try this. Especially if you like to keep your scalp clean. For some reason something in me is telling me to try this out but then I step back into reality and realize I have no purpose.
I've been stalking this regimen for the past week and it sounds reasonable. If you look closely, once a month Clarifying Wash is what they recommend. I found that in a comment response that further indicated that washing as needed with Moisturizing shampoo or co-washing is not a problem. The lady that is the model for the regimen co-washes I think in between the month.

The only real message to the regimen is that natural products work with the natural oils in ones hair and one should not need to clarify more than once a month if they apply natural products regularly for moisture retention for example Castor Oil or EVOO. Moreover, it is healthy to do regular dusting (every 2 months or so). At least that's what I got out of the videos and ning profile.

That message can be adapted to any regimen and seems to be in line with many of the regimens here and on other boards/youtube vids. I've not decided if my hair hates cones or not but I'm definitely working to minimize the artificial products that my hair is exposed to and am continuing with my moisturizing washes. The thing I added after reading the blog and other sources though was baggying with castor oil for retention and thickness.

just thot i'd drop in and share. :)