Hey Natural Sistas...what is your regimen?

Hi Ladies, I was wondering what do you ladies think about shampoo bars and if you tried it what kind and how did you like it? Also what is the ph on the bars?
My regimen right now is:

I comb/detangle my hair every 3 days.
I shampoo/DC once a week
I co-wash once a week.

The weekend is when i shampoo, detangle, deshed with my Denman and deep condition and style.

Midweek (Like around Wednesday) i co-wash and either finger comb or detangle with just my shower comb and style.

I do mainly wash n go's and they last me usually 3 days. I also wear twistouts (preferably chunky)...and they last me about 3 days as well.

When i do twistouts i moisturize and seal my ends.
w/ my wash n go's i use a moisturizer to SOTC (scrunch out the crunch) or i use castor oil for the same thing.
@Mzshift love love love love the afro, my gosh how do you make your afro? i love it...you must share. Even though I have twa I can still try LOL!!!

Thanks lady!
I M&S and then band my hair overnight (with cut up nylon leg pieces).
In the morning I take out the bands and mist with my moisturizing spray. Then I fluff either with my fingers, a wide tooth comb or pick.

When I band, I make a ponytail. Then I cover the entire length of my hair with bands instead of doing multiple bands at different points in the hair. I sure hope that makes sense. LoL

HTH! :)
i've been using cornrows and half wig/full wig as my protective style, as i feel i'm heading into the awkward end--of--twa stage.

pre-poo with coconut oil: i dampen hair with water. slather on the oil and then sit under my hooded dryer for about 15 minutes. then i use my fingers to take out the cornrows

wash with Shea moisture hibiscus/coconut shampoo

protein: once a month with aphogee 2 step

deep condition: Organics hair mayonnaise or Queen Helene cholesterol. sit under dryer in plastic cap for 20 minutes. i'll do up to an hour (no heat) after a protein treatment. i detangle with comb and then rinse

leave in: Aphogee leave in (or infusium), Shea moisture deep treatment masque applied as i cornrow along with shea butter

seal with AVG.

if needed, i cowash and deep condition mid week, but lately, with the cooler, drier weather, i'm able to make it thru the week

i have a mixture of Shea moisture's elixir and diluted leave in that i use to re-moisturise my hair during the week as needed.

i've found that, if i use a heavy hand with the shea butter while my hair is damp with leave in/moisturizer i get serious curl definition and it does stretch my hair some. i've taken out a cornrow to rebraid mid-week and my hair was almost stretched as if i had flat ironed it--and i have super shrinkage.

my hair was previously color treated (red) and i suffered major hard water damage and cut off 2 1/2 inches in July (right when i found LHCF).

do you think that banding with braids will work with twa hair for stretching? my hair is so so so so so so tight like it is 6 inches all around but when wet it is one inch and that is shrivelled bad but nice curl but extremely short. the curl is so pretty but you can not see it because it is sooooooo shrunken.

@bless57 definitely, I think braiding and banding works on any length and texture. the best way I have found for it to work is

- towel dry with a t-shirt each section and braid it. air dry without product. this way your hair will air dry quickly (in one or 2 hours usually) and stretched (like a sort of blow out).

- after that, undo each braid, apply product (leave in, then oil, then gel/butter... if the leave in needs a little water you can use wet hands or spray a little amount), smooth with your hands and braid from the roots.

- on top of each braid, use a (long) elastic band (headband) that has no metal parts and band it from root to tip. make sure you are gentle.

- wear a satin scarf to bed and undo in the morning.

- to maintain it, make many small pineapples or banded pineapples all around your head at night and wear a satin bonnet.

- if needed, you can re-braid the sections during the week with moisturizer overnight.

Since you like the way your hair curls, you could twist the final part of each braid when braiding, or you could apply perm rods, or even better, twirl with product (leave in, butter, gel). you can also braid, band and leave the ends free. then wet the ends and twirl with product.

Homemade flax seed gel works great on dry hair, it moisturizes and it never flakes/ it works really well overnight, in case you wish to extend your time between shampoos.

I hope it works for you!
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Wash every 2 wks w. Aussie Moist
DC every 2 wks w. AOHSR
Apply evco and then leave in (any kind + aloe vera juice) & PS in beehive twist
Apply evco/spritz with aloe vera juice 1x a wk

My hair likes to be left alone.:yep:
Once a week, I use Naptural85's yogurt and ACV recipie to moisturize, strengthen and detangle my hair. I put this on dry hair and let it sit for about an hour with a plastic cap and no heat.

After rinsing out the yogurt, I use Terressential Naturals Mud Wash in Left Coast Lemon and follow-up with the Kimmietube leave-in of Knot Today, Castor Oil, AVJ and I add glycerin because I live in a humid climate and my hair hearts glycerin. I seal with palm butter.

For the rest of the week, I'll use the Kimmietube leave-in to moisturize my hair and the palm butter to seal. I've been keeping my hair in 4-6 large/medium twists and covering it with a satin bonnet and tam during the day and a satin cap at night.

That's it!

My hair is thriving and growing like a weed! I intend to continue this regimen until at least January, 2012!
I cornrow my hair using the Deep Moisture Method, & I wear them under wigs/turbans for 4 weeks at a time.

I co-wash 2-3x per week, and I do a mild PT & DC weekly. I used to moisturize and seal up to 2x per day, but these days, I'm realizing my hair is good being moisturized every other day or so. 4 months ago, I added MT to my reggie (I apply it to my scalp every other day).

I clarify and henna once/month when I remove my conrows. My hair is only out on average, 2-4 days per month. I'm on a growing mission! :yep: :grin:
:grin::grin: Hi! I have been natural since November 1998.... Coming up on 13 years!

This is my thing NOW... Trust me - I had tried alot of different things....So it is a journey - But here is what I do now...

-spritz hair with distilled water or Aloe Vera Juice mixed with Panthenol and silk amino acids.... I seal with Castor oil
I wrap my hair RELIGIOUSLY in a pure silk scarf

WEEKLY or.... Bi Weekly
( Blow Dry/Flat iron - or wearing a bun )
-wash with Etae Shampoo
-deep condition with Oyin Honey Hemp condish
-rinse with Aloe vera gel and coconut oil

(When I have Braids in ( no extensions...just micro braids)
I do a condition type wash with Nature's Gate herbal conditioner. Been using it for 13 years....


I wear cornrows, Microbraids no extensions, Flat ironed, or slicked buns.
I workout 5 to 6 days a week...so I need workout hair

I trim on my own....Splits and such. No one touches my hair. I have always paid dearly for that.

I use heat protectants and serums when I flat iron. It just makes sense to me.

-I do Aphogee protein treatments at least 3 times a year.

I hope this helps!!:lick: There is a pic of my hair in my siggy.