Real Queens Regi

My point is..your hair had to grow to this didn't just happened. How do you know this lady isn't trying to grow her hair? Besides you shouldn't state your opinion as fact. Some ppl may actually consider her hair long..
I started the baggy method after I found her blog. I have a twa and my hair is always dry. I add infusium23 and olive oil at night and baggy. I don't use alot of oil either I don't want my hair to be over oily. My hair is feeling so soft and not hard and stiff. During the day I just add some more olive oil and go.

My one problem is that after my night of baggy my hair is smashed to my head and hard to fluff back up with just oil. I have tried using a dime size amount of eco styler gel and that helps some.

Anyone have a suggestion???????
Hmmmmmm looks like Ive been "greenhousing" consistently since August 09.:grin: My version is different... I actually LIVE under a baggy with ceramides, leave-ins, conditioners, creams, and a moisture/protein balance... I wash twice a month, no mushy or sour smelling hair, and ive retained just about every millimeter of hair I grew in that time with the exception of my "dusting" spells.:look:

I like the wig in the siggie. it looks real!! What kind of wig is it and brand?
Mainly searched and opened this post to see if it would work. Having two threads to post/read all day was fun but...

If i mix castor oil with other oils will it still be effective in thickening my strands (50:50)? I was baggying with straight Castor Oil since Saturday, but today I mixed it for some reason (mainly to finish a bunch of things I have for no reason). I'm wondering if I will still get the benefits I bought Castor Oil for. Also, I'm not really looking for increased growth, but does mixing also dilute this occasional benefit to Castor Oil?

Thank you.