The Queen's Code By Alison Armstrong Bookclub

@hopeful I think if we move it to facebook, we won't have the privacy we do here in terms of knowing who is who in real life but we will have a private space that requires permission to see.

If the group on facebook is locked and private only those in the group can see any posts to the group. So your friends on facebook wont see that you are in the group or anything you post. At the same time, anyone who is in the group and not your friend won't be able to see anything you post to your friends.

What I like about facebook, is we can do the group chats on the mobile app and we can share documents if we want.

@caribeandiva thank you for posting that schedule. The draft I had was very similar. A few details we need to think about is when would be a good time for the group discussions (we need to catch a critical mass, I understand we won't be able to have everyone all the time). Also how would we facilitate the discussions. One suggestion, would be to have a time frame when we could submit questions we have from that particular chapter. Once the submission date closes, the admins of the facebook group could compile the questions and see which ones would be best for the group discussion. From there we could take it question by question for the duration of the group discussion. For those that miss the discussion we could put it into a document in folder on the group's facebook page.

Another method would be to keep this page on LHCF and not get too personal. We could utilize the group me app for any discussions we have on the chapter we are covering.
Do you guys maybe want to skip the two weeks over the Christmas holidays? So Resume with Chap 7 on Jan 3 and then start chap 8 on the 17th?

Also, I like the idea of a facebook group that would allow us to chat, post info, files, etc. There might be a better chat device, but I'm not sure what it is. I have a yahoo group for another group, but I'm not that fond of it.

Oh please can we please use a different site other than Facebook??? :ohwell: I deactivated my account, and I don't feel like reviving it or creating a new one just for that. Facebook is way too intrusive for me. After a while it got to be a little annoying. :nono:

I mean, if FB is the only option, that I guess I'll have to just let it go. But if there's any other group discussion site that can be created I'd be MUCH more open to that lol :yep:

It's just a suggestion..... I don't like Yahoo Groups either, but I know there are others out there that don't involve Facebook, or Yahoo, that are less intrusive yet still effective..... :look:
How about goodreads? They have the option to make secret groups, meaning you can't search for them.
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Lol we have groups and pages all over the place.

I like the google group but chrome makes me feel like all my info is out there on the web.

I'm ok with good reads.

Before we create pages and have links with disjointed info we should maybe get an accurate head count and some votes. That way we all wind up in the same place. Maybe also have one person as a gatekeeper. Since this thread is out there you'll get a bunch of requests all over the place. Just a suggestion.
This book has a 5 star rating on Amazon- Never seen that before. I will be getting the book (I like hard copies). Please ass me to the list/group.
love it!!! and ditto..Marriage and relationships..need to be enriched over anything that will help me continue the bliss I'm experiencing in my marriage is definitely a plus!!

marriage and relationships..are alo being tested in new ways in this crazy world we live in today...and also over time people change you want to be in tune with your adjusting with your partner...knowledge is so powerful when you have the right tools and use it to enrich a situation....

another take away is men run the world...we live in a world where MEN run **** its good to know how to operate with them on the playing etc :cool:;)

@tapioca_pudding For anyone: married, engaged, single, divorced. It doesn't matter. Most of us need help with understanding men, ourselves, and our relationships, romantic and otherwise.
I don't mind Goodreads.

I don't care which site it is honestly, just as long as the site is: 1) easy to use 2) I can just create a username and password and log-in 3) the group is PRIVATE 4) and the site isn't associated w/any of my private information (ie. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, email, whatever...)

Too many websites I've noticed these days are like too "social". Idk... like they want to know all about you. ie. facebook, google plus, youtube, etc. It's like, people's identity can be stolen so much easier these days. :nono: Pictures of you can be searched online so easily now w/google.'s just scary to me. :nono: