The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

Off to buy some Nettle tea...thanks!

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My best anti-shed use: Make a regular cup of tea as if you're gonna drink it. Pour on clean wet hair before DC. Put your DC on top and let set however long you let it set. Rinse.

Good luck!
Nonie yodie MileHighDiva laylaaa Froreal3

Thanks everyone for your input!!

I did invest in one seamless comb a while ago , the jumbo magic star rake which is good I guess. I learned about it on here. I guess I didn't notice a huge difference, but keep in mind that I still roller set with regular "seamed" combs and I also don't comb my hair gently all the time :look: so that could be why I haven't seen a huge difference. I need to go order seamless roller setting combs stat. I need to reduce my roller set breakage. Wet setting kills my hair but the result is smooth ends and moisturized hair and I hardly have luck with air drying. #finehairproblems :lol:

The best tools in the world don't mean anything if you don't use care and patience while caring for your hair. :spank: In addition, I highly recommend buying an assortment of seamless combs to cover different styling needs, such as, your roller setting. Get a Lady Star and a 6450 immediately to compliment your Jumbo Rake. If you can I'd just order any combs you anticipate needing based on how you normally style your hair.
My best anti-shed use: Make a regular cup of tea as if you're gonna drink it. Pour on clean wet hair before DC. Put your DC on top and let set however long you let it set. Rinse.

Good luck!

This is how I normally do tea rinses but I've never tried Nettle.

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I've used cassia hair felt stronger and thicker. I stopped because it was just too much trouble to order the powders and herbs, mix it up, wrap saran wrap around my head, sit under the dryer, etc. I did post the recipe I used on this site (the basic recipe came from an old school LHCF thread).
I like this thread. I agree with alot of sentiments already shared. Here are some ofthe specifics

My hair liked protien conditioners often.
My hair needs to be trimmed regularly.
My hair needs to be stretched to retain length.
Bunning makes hair hair,tangle,matt, and break off.
I cannot retain length when transitioning only when 100% natural or 100% relaxed.
My hair likes to be worn out or in a loose ponytail.
I get very little breakage when my hair is work straight.
Daily moisturizing is unnnecesary and makes hair heavy and sticky.
I need to shampoo my scalp often.

I learned earlier this year that I cannot stretch for long periods of time. I ended a six-month stretch in January and had to cut my nape to just above shoulder length.

Great tips here. I periodically use ApHogee 2-minute (when I remember), but may give Nexxus Emergencee or Joico a try. I bun almost everyday and wonder if that's hindering my retention. My ends are rather scraggly even though I oil the scrunchies and ms my ends. I even use good hair day pins and spin pins, but I'm not sure what else to do to my hair. I'm a super low-maintenance person. I do twist-outs sometimes, but even that's a hassle because I can't achieve second-day hair.

Anyone here wet bun regularly with success? I just did this last night and my hair feels so good right now, but most of the posts I've read say it's a no-no for those with fine hair. Maybe I should try what you do and wear loose ponytails? I am, unfortunately, one those people who actually likes wearing buns. :look:
The best tools in the world don't mean anything if you don't use care and patience while caring for your hair. :spank: In addition, I highly recommend buying an assortment of seamless combs to cover different styling needs, such as, your roller setting. Get a Lady Star and a 6450 immediately to compliment your Jumbo Rake. If you can I'd just order any combs you anticipate needing based on how you normally style your hair.

:lol: I know I'll be better. Yes ma'am. I'm placing orders for more seamless combs today. I'll completely phase my bad combs out. It's about time. :yep:
Love the name by the way!
I only bun on braid out hair. I use a satin scrunchie for the ponytail then braid the end of the hair. I then roll the end using a satin pillow roller and use another satin scrunchie to hold it all in and hide it. I style it low and to the side.
The bun itself is quite small but i don't care about that.
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Thanks! I've had a set of satin pillow rollers in my amazon cart forever. I was going to use them instead of the satin-covered regular rollers I use for my twists when I wear a twist out. But I may have to try this.

Right now I just have it pulled back with a satin scrunchie with the ends tucked into it.

You may want to try mixing hibiscus with your henna for a beautiful dark burgundy like mahogony (sp?) color. I did this in my last henna treatment and I absolutely love it more than the henna color on its own

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I always do a henna gloss with protein free natural conditioners (some deep and some regular) for moisture and easy rinsing. I would never put naked powders in my hair.

In order to do this you have to be knowledgeable about ingredients

I also use sukesh ayurveda from This is a mixture of cassia, amla, neem, aloe vera, tulsi, brahmi, bhringraj and shikakai. I use this as a gloss mixed with conditioner and get fabulous shiny, bouncy, moist and strong results.
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i had some minor breakage yesterday detangling my hair with the comb. i used a seamless comb. i got some newgrowth going on and i wanted to flat iron my hair, so i had to make sure it was detangled.

i would really love to comb my hair without being so scared of it. i didn't have this fear before when i walked around with combs in my hand or pocket, combing away my hair.

i am going to try the Nettle tea rinse. but i don't want to have caffeine overload again, so i will just leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse.
I've been trying to find the easiest most effective method of stretching my hair after washing and conditioning it. I finally bit the bullet and decided to purchase SprangZ. I'm trying to wash my hair less and less so I wont be putting these bad boys to the test until May. See you ladies then!
I've been trying to find the easiest most effective method of stretching my hair after washing and conditioning it. I finally bit the bullet and decided to purchase SprangZ. I'm trying to wash my hair less and less so I wont be putting these bad boys to the test until May. See you ladies then!

:nono: I already know they will be a fight to get out of my hair and my hair will not be stretched enough - in fact it will be that birds nest that we all know very well around these parts because they won't provide enough tension. This bush is too fine and light-weight to be putting anything that coils around and around in it.

The easiest and most effective way of stretching for fine strands is to braid it!
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i had some minor breakage yesterday detangling my hair with the comb. i used a seamless comb. i got some newgrowth going on and i wanted to flat iron my hair, so i had to make sure it was detangled.

i would really love to comb my hair without being so scared of it. i didn't have this fear before when i walked around with combs in my hand or pocket, combing away my hair.

i am going to try the Nettle tea rinse. but i don't want to have caffeine overload again, so i will just leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse.
@shortdub78--nettle has ZERO caffeine. Green and black teas contain a lot of caffeine. Nettle is herbal and I get the same effect of less shed and less breakage as if I used caffeine.

My hair turns into a ball of hay with any caffeine so I stick to herbal rinses. Never had issues with nettle.
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sharifeh, it's easy to find in health food stores. I've never seen it in major grocery chains. You can always order from eBay or Amazon as well.
@shortdub78--nettle has ZERO caffeine. Green and black teas contain a lot of caffeine. Nettle is herbal and I get the same effect of less shed and less breakage as if I used caffeine.

My hair turns into a ball of hay with any caffeine so I stick to herbal rinses. Never had issues with nettle.

Edited... I was at work on break and for some reason I was thinking about horsetail
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I have fine hair and just started texlaxing after being chem free for 3.5 years.

Great thread!
I learned earlier this year that I cannot stretch for long periods of time. I ended a six-month stretch in January and had to cut my nape to just above shoulder length.

Great tips here. I periodically use ApHogee 2-minute (when I remember), but may give Nexxus Emergencee or Joico a try. I bun almost everyday and wonder if that's hindering my retention. My ends are rather scraggly even though I oil the scrunchies and ms my ends. I even use good hair day pins and spin pins, but I'm not sure what else to do to my hair. I'm a super low-maintenance person. I do twist-outs sometimes, but even that's a hassle because I can't achieve second-day hair.

Anyone here wet bun regularly with success? I just did this last night and my hair feels so good right now, but most of the posts I've read say it's a no-no for those with fine hair. Maybe I should try what you do and wear loose ponytails? I am, unfortunately, one those people who actually likes wearing buns. :look:

Where have you ladies been all my life...well at least all of my HHJ :-)? Another fine hair enthusiast checking in.

My stats are: 4a/b, relaxed, APL, medium density and low porosity. I use to be high porosity until I incorporated Roux Porosity to my weekly DC, on last check my hair strand sat on top of the water and didn't even attempt to sink. I steam my DC in and GHE so My hair accepts moisture pretty well with these two techniques. I'm so happy to see LHFCers who have fine hair and are having similar struggles. Lately I've been noticing plenty of both; end and mid-strand breakage so I decided to try Nexxuss Emergencee and OMG! This has not only saved my ends but has also changed my life! I have not done weekly protein reconstructors before but I will definitely be incorporating them into my weekly wash regimen. I've used Aphogee 2-step. Aphogee two minute and Joico Deep Penetrating reconstructor and none has compared to the Nexuss. In two years my hair has never felt this AMAZING; during DC rinse out and after air drying. I'll be ten weeks post on Thursday and my hair didn't need any mechanical detangling afterwards, I'm sold for life. I think it was the combination of Hydrolized Elastin and Collagen Amino Acids in the ingredients that did it and also all the steps in my wash regimen.

I'm looking forward to learning more wonderful tips on achieving thicker, longer and healthier hair. Nix08 I totally agree with you on bunning. Updo's is the only way for me to wear protective styles. Rollersets look really nice on me too but the wet manipulation kills my strands. Maybe now that I've found a protein reconstructor, maybe...just maybe I can enjoy regular RSs without breakage.

oh wow , i just saw this re: emergencee wow! i want to try this product

I have fine hair, medium density, no sure about porosity. I've been natural for two years and got a BKT treatment about 10 weeks ago. I swear it was the best thing ever for my hair. I have retained SO MUCH since that point. I still use protein regularly and my hair loves it.

I do need to get better about being gentler with my hair, I will be buying a seamless comb. :yep: I have a feeling this thread is going to make me broke :lol:

I've never quite made it to APL and I'm between SL and APL now so I'm PRAYING that I can make it... I have a final goal of BSL but I will be satisfied with APL until then, because I know retention is difficult.

I cut out weekly heat and I try to avoid the blowdryer unless I'm super rushed. I'm learning to perfect braidouts so they can be a staple summer style.

I will be getting a "touch up" to my BKT in a few weeks so my hair will be manageable through the summer months and I wont' have to deal with too many tangles, especially since I plan to do a lot of braid outs.

ulovemegz on youtube is a GREAT resource for fine haired ladies.. she is relaxed but shes around MBL.. She pretty much strictly air dries which I think has made a big difference in her retention.

ive been thinking of doing à bkt. i need to learn more.about it. is it almost like.à.relaxer? as you have to touch up. im so scared of it.

are you considered as à natural or something else? lol does hair every revert back???

im also.having trouble hair loves protein !
Thank you for this thread! I am a fine haired natural with very kinky hair (4b/4cish). I don't have a coil or curl pattern it looks more like a squiggly line or kinky waves. My hair is super fragile. I am also low porosity. My density is medium/thick on top and thinner on the sides and in the back.

I call my hair a High Maintenance DIVA!!!! She has to be exclusively finger detangled, has to be stretched or she'll tangle from the root to the ends, she has to be moisturized but can't just take all moisture, she also has to have protein but only certain products work, and the list goes on-LOL!

I've managed to retain a good amount of length. I'm currently MBL and hopefully I'll hit waist length by the end of summer/early fall. I'm still learning my hair but the key thing for me has been giving up combs completely. What makes finger detangling bearable and also serves as a protective style is keeping it stretched in cornrows. For the past couple of years, I've been on a cornrow regimen. All washing, conditioning, etc...gets done on braided/stretched hair. When it's time to take them down in 6 weeks, I take them down one at a time, finger detangle, and re-do one by one as I go. When I feel like it I will wear my hair out which is probably every couple of months and not for long maybe a week or two at most.

EVEN WITH ALL of my Pampering and gentle handling-I'll still see little broken hairs when I manipulate it. I've come to terms that I am never going to have a finger detangling session with all shed hairs and no breakage because of the nature of my hair.

Right now I'm nervous because I'm in a new protective style (mini braids). I'm noticing a lot more split ends! I didn't have an issue with split ends my first couple years natural but now that I'm nearing the end of the third year natural, I feel like they are popping up all over the place. Even though my hair is in mini braids, I'm keeping the ends tucked under so I don't know guys....I want to get to waist length but if I have to keep cutting my ends I don't know if I am going to make it there as planned.
ive been thinking of doing à bkt. i need to learn more.about it. is it almost like.à.relaxer? as you have to touch up. im so scared of it.

are you considered as à natural or something else? lol does hair every revert back???

im also.having trouble hair loves protein !

Check out Design Essentials Strengthening Treatment. My hair will break at the drop of a dime. BKT didn't work for my find strands and relaxers spell disaster. The DE treatment keeps the frizz out of my hair and allows me to wear straight styles without compromising my curl pattern. No breakage at all. I've actually been able to retain some length because my strands are much stronger with treatment. I also don't need to do protein treatments, etc. The system is Amino Acid based.

Just throwing out a suggestion.
Check out Design Essentials Strengthening Treatment. My hair will break at the drop of a dime. BKT didn't work for my find strands and relaxers spell disaster. The DE treatment keeps the frizz out of my hair and allows me to wear straight styles without compromising my curl pattern. No breakage at all. I've actually been able to retain some length because my strands are much stronger with treatment. I also don't need to do protein treatments, etc. The system is Amino Acid based.

Just throwing out a suggestion.

yodie, did you go to a salon for this treatment or did you DIY? Thanks.