OP, THANK YOU!!!! I was actually thinking about starting a thread about fine hair styling problems I'm having so this is right where I need to be.
Thank you to everyone who has already responded, I've only read one page and I've already been to church and back. So I figured, "let me stop and speak on what I see on the first page so I don't have one SUPER LONG post"
When I decided to embrace my curls I was so confused. I stopped relaxing in early 07 but I would always flat iron my iron and I was actually burning my hair straight and had no idea. So in the middle of last year when I started wearing my hair in twists outs and knots outs I didn't understand why I had so much damn hair but it looked so sparse. When I flat ironed it I was able to get it light, full, fluffy and with tons of volume. But my twists and curls looked.... sickly. Just like @
Bublin, said. I can't keep my hair in twists or braids and style them in any which way because they all look so sad. And it's just frustrating because I have so much damn hair, and people always tell me all that pretty thick hair, can I have some etc... But you can't tell in twists/braids and twists outs etc...
I've been bunning through the winter, which has worked well for me. But as it was mentioned before wet bunning = birds nest. So I have to stretch and dry before I can successfully bun. Either that or I wet bun, don't let it dry all the way, take it down and twist for the night. I also adopted cowashing for the winter to keep my moisture levels up and I've fallen in love, so even though it's warming up in Atlanta I'm sticking to cowashing at least once a week. I try and go to the salon every 8 weeks, so I let them shampoo. (Or on the off chance that I want to straighten my hair myself then I'll shampoo my hair on my own)
JulietWhiskey, did you post about Neutral Protein Filler in the March Hits and Misses thread. I remember reading about it and getting upset because I just bought Toppik protein leave-in from Sally's with no input from anyone here. Then after seeing that NPF got a favorable review on here and it was cheaper, I got upset
I want to keep my curls but nightly twisting gets taxing as well, plus the daily manipulation worries me. My hair has been growing and retaining but I find that I've hit a slow spot so I started taking Vivisical. Only been on for a month and I haven't straightened since so I can't really weigh in on it's effectiveness.
Ok, off to read page 2